"Then every head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one"

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You all sit at a picnic table across from The Munson trailer. You happened to be seated next to Steve and across from robin.
"You're saying that this thing that killed Fred and Chrissy is from the upside down?" Nancy questions.
"If the shoe fits." Steve answers.
"Our working theory is that he attacks with a spell or a curse. Now whether or not he's doing the bidding of the Mind Flayer or just loves killing teens, we don't know." Dustin elaborates his theory.
"All we know is this is something different. Something new." Max says as you start to fidget with your fingers. 
"Doesn't make sense." Nancy says.
"It's only a theory." Dustin reassures.
"No, Fred and Chrissy don't make sense. I mean, Why them?" Nancy asks.
"Maybe they were just in the wrong place." Dustin answers Nancy's question. "They were both at the game.
"And near the trailer park." Max adds on. Steve looks down and realizes you are fidgeting with your fingers. He grabs your hand to stop you and brings his hand up to his lips to kiss it before setting your hand back in your lap. You two make eye contact as he reads the worry on your face. 
"Hey, It's gonna be ok. We'll figure it out." He whispers in your ear. You continue to hold onto his hand and start to play with his knuckles. You start to listen back into the conversation between the others.
"There is something about this place. Fred started acting weird the second we got here." Nancy started to say.
"Acting weird as in?" Robin asks for clairification.
"Scared, on edge, upset." Nancy explains.
"Max said Chrissy was upset too." Dustin states.
"Yeah, But not here." Max elaborates. "She was crying in the bathroom at school."
"Serial killers stalk their prey before they strike, right? Robin asks. "So maybe, Fred and Chrissy saw this Vecman." Robin starts to theorize.
"Vecna." Dustin corrects.
"Don't know about you guys but if I saw some freaky wizard monster, I would mention it to someone else." Steve says.
"But not everyone has the same way of thinking." You say to the man.
"Maybe they did mention it to someone." Max says. "I saw Chrissy leaving Ms. Kelly's office. If you saw a monster, you. you wouldn't go to the police. They'd never believe you. But you might go to your." Max starts to theorize.
"Your shrink." Robin finishes the girl in the blue jackets theory. Max nods. You all get up from the table and start to go to the cars. Everyone starts to get into the car.
"Whoa, whoa, Nance. Nance!" Steve yells out after nancy. The girl turns around. "Where are you going?" 
"Oh, there's just something. I wanna check on first." Nancy explains as she walks in a backwards direction to her car.
"Something you wanna share with us?" Dustin questions.
"I don't wanna waste your time. It's a real shot in the dark." She explains.
"Yeah okay. Are you out of your mind? Flying solo with Vecna on the loose? No, it's too dangerous. You need. You need someone to." The man goes silent. You look at him with jealousy. Why Nancy? I thought they were done. What does she have that I don't? The man tosses the keys to Robin. "Here. I'll stick with Nance. You guys take the car, check out the shrink."
"I don't think you want me driving your car." Robin states.
"Why?" Steve asks.
"I don't have a license." Robin explains.
"Why don't you have a license?" Steve asks once more. 
"I'm poor." Robin blatantly states.
"I can drive." Max states.
"No, no.  Never again. Please. Anybody but you, no." Steve says to the red headed girl.
"Uh, Hello. I can drive." You say putting a snarky smile on your face.
"Absolutely not." Steve says to you. Dustin smiles offering to drive. "No chance." Steve tells the man. 
"Oh, Come on." The man in the grey sweatshirt mumbles out.
"Alright, okay. This is so stupid." Robin says as she grabs a walkie from Dustin and tosses Steve his keys. "Us ladies will stick together. Unless you think we need you to protect us." Robin says sarcastically walking towards Nancy. Steve gives robin a snarky look. Robin giggles and walks off with Nancy. 
"Be careful." Steve yells after them. You get in the backseat with max.
"Just gonna stand there and gawk?" You hear Dustin tease Steve from outside the car.
"Shut up." The man says as the two get into the car. "Wipe your feet." Steve says to Dustin. Dustin wipes his feet onto Steve's interior carpet. "On the outside not the inside." Steve starts the engine before murmuring. "Always the babysitter."
"Oh shut up." You tell the boy. "Where were you when I had to babysit all 5 of them at a hospital?"
"Russians." Steve says unamused.
"Oh. Yea, right." You say in a low sarcastic tone as Steve starts to drive off. 
You guys approach Ms. Kelly's house and Max gets out of the car. You unbuckle your seatbelt and lay back. You had found your old cassette player in the backseats of Steve's car. You pick it up and place the headphones on your head and press play. You put your feet up to a point that you were laying in the back seat. 
"So. we gonna talk about it?" You hear the muffled noises of Dustin asking a question.
"Huh? sorry, talk about what?" Steve answered.
"Your temporary insanity earlier today." Dustin elaborates as you feel yourself drift off to sleep.
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You look confused at the curly headed boy. 
"When you basically threw yourself at Nance knowing very well you still have feelings for y/n." Dustin clarified. You take a deep sigh.
"That's not what happened." You defend yourself.
"Pretty sure that's what happened." The boy in the seat next to you argued. "It was in public there were alot of witnesses. And to be completely honest it had looked like you had just torn y/n's heart out." You turn your head into the back seat and look at Y/n peacefully sleeping in the back seat. Your heart softens at the sight. "It's very obvious that she likes you back Steve. You guys need to stop fighting like old married coupled, pull your head out your ass and ask her out." You sit there in shock. It was true. All of the events that had happened in the last few days have happened out of pure jealousy, The basketball game, After the game, Family video arguments and more. Maybe you did need to pull of the band aid. You thought about all of the moment you guys had in the summer and you felt your face started to heat up. And considering the situation you didn't know how much longer you would have with y/n.  "You're like bright red in the face right now." You best friend chuckled.
"No, I'm not." You say in defense. "I don't wanna talk about. I'll  punch you so hard that your teeth will fall back out."
"Whoa. Too far." Dustin says back. You look at the boy apologetically. 
"Not cool. Sorry." You apologize.
"Not. Cool. It's okay." Dustin accepts. 
~~Y/n's Pov~~
After a while you woke up to the sound of max banging on the car door signaling steve to open it. You groan at the bright light in you eyes open and you pull your feet from of the seat. Max gets in the car and sits next to you.
"What did she say?" Steve asked.
"Just drive." Max told the man as he pulled away from the house. You guys started to drive away from the Councilors house. 
"Where are we even going?" Steve asked the girl in the backseat as he continued to drive. 
"Hawkins high school." Max simply answers. The car is silent before max turns to talk to you. "So. Steve." She whispers loud enough for you to hear but quiet enough for the two boys in the front seat not to. "It's very obvious he likes you." 
"Yea right." You say blowing off the statement. "I mean have you seen the guy. He's always flirting with other people. There is no way he could like me the same way I do."
"Were you not listening to what Dustin had said earlier. He is very much trying to replace you." Max said back to your comment. 
"I guess." You reply back.
"I say you just stop being so stubborn and forgive the man, Everything you two do and bicker about is because you two won't go ahead and just date each other." She says putting some sense into you. You smile into your lap and think about everything. Maybe you two could work it out.
"Hey guys, We're here" Steve yells into the back as he pulls into the parking lot of the school. It was now dark outside. Luckily this time robin had left her flashlight so you could use it instead of your orbs. Everyone gets out of the car and walks to the side door of the building. Max uses the key she stole from Ms. Kelly and uses it on the door. 
"Dustin do you copy?" You hear robin say from the walkie talkie as you guys walk through the halls. He grabs the walkie from his back pack and answers.
"Yeah, I copy." He responds.
"So, Nancy's a genius. Vecna's first victims date back all the way to 1959. Her shot in the dark was a Bull's-eye." Robin tells the man.
"Okay, That's totally bonkers, but I can't really talk right now." Dustin says as you guys rush down the hallway. 
"Wait. What are you doing?" Robin asks worried.
"Breaking and entering into the school to retrieve confidential and extremely personal files." Dustin says nonchalantly. You lightly slap him in the shoulder to get him to stop. 
"Can you repeat that?" The girl on the other side asks.
"Just get your ass over here, Stat." Dustin tells the girl before retracting the antenna. You guys reach the councilors office and max puts the key in the slot. She opens the door and you, Dustin and Steve follow in. Max runs over to the filing cabinet and starts to look through the files. You go over to the girl and open the one to her right. You start to look through the files with the girl.
"Holy shit." She murmurs out. Steve and Dustin rushed towards you guys' side. 
"You found it?" The man in the jean jacket asks.
"Yeah, and not just Chrissy's file. Fred was seeing Ms. Kelly too." Max pulls the files out and put them on the table next to her. She sat down in the seat and started to look through Chrissy's file. Information on the situations going on were written as a side note on the paper. Things listed had seemed to be past trauma, nightmares, difficulty sleeping, headaches and nosebleeds. Max furrowed her brows at the file. "Can I see Fred's file." She asks as you hand her the boy's file. The girl quickly opened it. Her eyebrows furrowed some more. You looked at the girl confused as she silently contemplated something. 
"Hey, Max?" You try speaking to the girl.
"Max. What is it?" Dustin asks the girl trying to bring the girl out of the state of intense focus. "Max! Max!" Dustin shouts again as your nose starts to bleed. You could feel something was wrong. The girl starts to walk out the room. 
"Stay here." You tell the two boys as you follow max out of the office. She stops walking at a dead end. You hear a few clock chimes in the distance. "Shit" Murmured under your breath. This is what your father had warned you about. You remember hearing these chimes often as a child. Something wasn't right at all. You look down at the hallway to see a clock implanted into the wall. The image of the clock starts to glitch sort of. You raise your hand and move it in a circular motion to form an orb. The clock disappears, as you saw max stand there in a trance. You try to enter the girls mind to see what she was seeing. The clock had appeared to still be in place inside her mind. Your father was somewhere in the space. You heard your father murmur "Max." You try looking in all directions of her mind to try and find the man before somehow being pushed back into the main world. You found yourself on the ground with your nose filled with blood. Steve find you on the floor and checks for any injuries. 
"Are you okay?" He asks as he searched your body for wounds.
"I'm Fine." You reassured him as you listen in on The conversation.
"It was here." Max says snapping out of the trance. "Right here." 
"A grandfather clock?" Nancy questions the girl.
"Yes." You interject. "It was right there, I saw it too." You say as you stand up.
"It was so real." Max said recalling memories. "And then, when i got closer, suddenly I just, I woke up." 
"I tried my best to save you from the clock. It couldn't have been good. I'm glad it worked though." You explain.
"What do you mean?" Max asked.
"I went into your mind. I had saw the clock too and knew my father was there. He had always used clocks. So I went into your mind and tried to save you from him." You say latching onto Steve's arm. "I guess it worked." 
"That's not even the bad part." Max said. She started to walk back to the office as you guys shortly followed too. Max signaled Nancy and robin to sit as she started to explain the situation. "Fred and Chrissy, they both came to Ms. Kelly for help. Uh, they both were having headaches, bad headaches that wouldn't go away. and then, then the nightmares, trouble sleeping, they'd wake up in a cold sweat." Max said starting to recall memories. "And they started seeing things. Bad things. From their pasts and these visions, they just, they kept on getting worse and worse until eventually everything ended." The girl choked on the final few words. 
"Vecna's curse." Robin stated. 
"Chrissy's headache started a week ago, Fred six days ago. I've been having them for five days." Max says hesitantly. You take a deep sigh. Steve wraps his arm around your shoulder to try and comfort you. You latch your hand on his arm and hold it tight. "I don't know how long I have."  Max says hesitantly. "All I know is that, for Fred and Chrissy, they both died less than 24 hours after their first vision." You look at max apologetically as she starts to tear up. "And I just saw that goddamn clock, so. Looks like I'm gonna die tomorrow." The room was silent until you heard a few clashes. 
"Stay here." Steve says as he grabs a lamp and leaves the room.
"Like hell I am." You say as you follow the man out. You two slowly crept down the hallway, the man with a lamp in his hand and you with an orb in your hand. You hear the others come from the classroom. You guys heard footsteps as Steve brings the lamp up ready to strike. Lucas come from the corner and causes Steve to yell. Everyone else yells in fear. 
"It's me!" Lucas yells out.
"Lucas?" Nancy asks going towards the boy. 
"It's me." The boy repeats. 
"Jesus, What's wrong with you?" Steve asks the boy. 
"I'm sorry." The man says. 
"Omg be careful Lucas, Steve could have taken you out with his lamp." You tease. 
"Sorry, guys, sorry." Lucas apologizes again. "I was. I was biking for eight miles." Lucas pants. "Give me a second. shit." The boy pants some more. "We've got a code red."
"What?" Steve questions. The boy walks towards the boy in the hat.
"Dustin." Lucas starts to explain. "I've been with Jason, Patrick, and Andy and they've gone totally off the rails. They're trying to capture Eddie and they think you know where he is. You're in terrible danger."
"All right. Yeah, That definitely sucks, But we've got bigger problems than Jason now." Dustin says to the man. Lucas looks over to max. They talk for a bit before you all leave the school and drive off to the wheeler's house.

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