"Hanging tough, Staying hungry"

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You pull into your driveway and close the car door quietly behind you. You figured the climbing back up to your window wouldn't be your best option, so you slowly unlocked and opened the door as not to wake up your family. You quietly tip toe up the steps and turn to your right into the bathroom. You flick on the light and quietly shut the door behind you. You slip off your clothes and shoes. You walk towards the shower in the far corner and turn the nozzle in the middle so the shower is not too cold and not too hot. You go to the counter oppisate of the shower and and put your hair up. You spot your blue wash cloth and pick it up. You run the washcloth under the water to get it damp. Then you grab your face wash and squeeze the soap onto the damp cloth. You bring the cloth to your face and scrub until your makeup is off your face. Once your done you place the wash cloth on the counter and look into your reflection. This reflection looked like you but not at the same time. This figure had hair and skin like yours but red eyes and a light crown shape thing on your head. You stare into the figure eyes in disbelief. It seemed like she was you. In a different universe. You blink as the figure fades away. You brush it off and figured your mind was showing you things considering you had a beer earlier that day. Bringing that into play you figured it would be best if you would drink some water. You grab a tiny pink bathroom cup and fill it halfway with water. You drink the water and then place the cup down. By time you were done the mirror had fogged up and you decided to hop in the shower. You get into the shower and pick up your loofah sponge. You drench it under the lukewarm water and grab your lavender scented soap. You squeeze it onto the sponge and start washing your body. You start contemplating things. Why was today so strange. Why were you like this. So many things going through your head at once as you were rinsing the lavender soap from oof your body. You turn off the water and step out the shower. You grab your light beige towel and leave the bathroom. You quietly walk out the bathroom and sneak into your room hearing the tune of Babooshka by Kate bush play in your room. You had forgotten to turn off the record player before leaving. You flick on the light and walk towards your vanity once more. You put lotion on your body and slipped underwear and an oversized tee-shirt on. That's when you hear the music suddenly start skipping and the lights start to flicker. You feel something drip on the underside of your nose. You walk fastly towards your bedside table to grab some tissues and stop your nose from bleeding even more. The lyrics "but how she was before the tears and how she was before the years flew by" played over and over until coming to a sudden stop a few minutes later. You had decided to brush it off and figure it out in the morning considering it was near midnight.
You wake up to a bright light coming through your curtains and a loud buzzing noise coming from your left. You get up from your bed slowly as you feel your head pound. You go to the bathroom and pick up your purple toothbrush. You place your ultra whitening toothpaste on it and run it under some cold water. You place the brush in you mouth and push it around. The cold taste of mint toothpaste stings your tongue. You spit the tooth paste out your mouth and brush it once more. Once your done you run the brush under the water and walk back to your room. You had checked your calendar and it has seemed to be a Wednesday. The day you and your mother go on your once a week pool trip. You slip on your black and pink pooka dotted bathing suit and an oversized tee to put over top. You walk to your closet and put on your banana patterned flip flops and then walk downstairs for breakfast. Your dad had seemed to be making pancakes, Your absolute favorite. You say your "good mornings" as you walk into the kitchen. You grab a white and blue floral plate and grab 2 of the chocolate chip pancakes from off the counter. You eat the pancakes and start to eat them. Once you were done you grab your plate and rinse it under the sink before placing it to the side. Your mom yells down the stairs
"You ready y/n." she says sorta in a rush.
"I am, I am!" You say in response grabbing you purple and blue tie dye tote bag. Your mother runs down the stairs and grabs her keys. You two walk out the door and get into the car. You turn on the radio to prevent the awkward silence that always happens when you are in the car with your mother. The song that happens to be playing is none other than babooshka by Kate Bush. You wince at the tune of the song that had played in your room in such a horrific way last night. Memories that you had tried to suppress from before continued to rush at the surface. Flash backs of the flashing lights, the blood, the oddly specific lyrics to your past. You close your eyes trying to make it stop. Your breathing gets heavier. Until you hear a screeching noise that lead to buzzing. The music had stopped, the entire radio had. You open your eyes to find the radio sparking. Blood started to fall from your nose. You wiped it off with the back of your hand thinking it was nothing. Your mom pulls into the parking lot of the hawkin's community pool and looks towards you.
"Is everything alright y/n." She asks as she sees the dried blood in your nose.
"Yea. I'm fine. Just another nose bleed is all." You say not to make your mother worry by the shocking sighting. Your mom turns off the engine and gets out the car. She shuts the door behind and starts to walk off. You stay in the car for a bit to try to get yourself to calm down. A few minutes late you get out the car and try finding your mother. She was seated next to Mrs.Wheeler. Ugh. Of course its her. Maybe Karen wasn't that bad. Maybe you were just overthinking it. Plus it's not her fault Billy practically cheated on you with her. And the break up was gonna come sooner rather than later he treated you like shit. It just. It just hurts. You grab you tote and find a seat on the other side of your mother. You open the bag and pull out a copy of your favorite book. It's been 30 minutes and you start to hear the moms start to fawn over none other than your ex. Apparently to them it was showtime. You saw the middle aged married ladies adjust themselves to look more pleasing for Mr.hargrove himself. You took this as a que to leave.
"I'm Gonna go grab a few snacks. I'll be back." You tell your mother trying to avoid any contact with the man. You grab your towel and tote and walk towards the concession stand where you spot max, with a pair of binoculars in her hand.
"Well if it isn't Annie herself." You say gaining max's attention.
"Hey, Hey." She says in response. Pulling her binoculars down.
"Who are you spying on. You know it isn't very nice to stalk people." You say in a joking manor.
"Billy actually. Will and mike suspect him being some sort of host for something."
"Hm?" You question.
"Something has been wrong with him. Like he's been acting weird. and so we are planning to try a sauna test."
"What do you mean acting weird..." You questioned the intentions of max. Billy has always been weird. "And what do you mean sauna test."
"So when will was flayed he had syptoms like the creatures in the so called upside down." The way max had said upside down had triggered something in you. "The upside down." What was it? It sounds so familiar. Her voiced pulled you out of your thoughts "And in the sauna test we're gonna try and put him in the sauna to. weaken and or." they're was a pause in her words. Like she was worried. "kill him."
"So is there a specific plan?" You question knowing there's no way you guys can kill billy without a plan. He is really powerful flayed or not.
"Actually yea." You hear a voice say. The voice sounded puny but masculine. You turn around to see mike, el, lucas and will. They had seemed to be leaving from various places getting things intact.
"Phase one. We get everything set up after the pool closes." Your brother says. The group gets closer and leans onto the car that max had been spying behind earlier.
"We get a mannequin with a walkie on it to trick him into the sauna." The guy with the brown bowl cut elaborates.
"That should lead him into the trap. Making el able to keep the door shut as someone locks it fast enough." Mike says. El clinged on his arm. She had seemed to tense at the plan like something was wrong.
"Phase 2, one of us will turn the heat up in the sauna to try to get whatever is inside of him out." Lucas says sure of himself.
"Sounds easy enough." You reply, going on with the plan. You were unsure if you were able to go through with it considering billy was still a person throughout all of the pain. But you have to do what you have to do. Maybe its karma.
"You in?" Max questions. You look at her with a confused look in your face. Do you really want to do this? It's life or death at the end of the day.
"I'm in"

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