"I got the night on my side And I'm wanted dead or alive"

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It was the next day and you and the group were sitting in the Wheeler's basement. Everyone had gotten a copy of an old newspaper reading about victor creel except you. You sat in the corner fidgeting waiting for a response. The man you had wanted to call your Boyfriend paced around the room.
"Okay, be honest. Uh. You guys  understand any of this?" Steve said as he continued to pace around with the paper in hand.
"No." Lucas replied right away.
"Pretty straightforward." Dustin had said with the paper in his lap. 
"Oh, straightforward, really?" Steve said in disbelief.
"Here let me see." You suggested before the man tosses you the paper. You read the page as you heard Dustin and Steve bicker in the back. "Hm. The paper is pretty simple to me," You say as you put the paper down, done reading the quick excerpt. 
"How can Vecna have existed in the '50's? It doesn't make sense." Steve says.
"Far as we know, Eleven didn't create the Upside Down. She opened a gate to it. The upside down has probably been around for thousands of years. Millions." Dustin starts to explain.
"Plus the '50s weren't that long ago if we think of it. I mean 30+ plus years isn't a lot in retrospective." You add on. 
"I wouldn't be surprised if they predated the dinosaurs." Dustin added to your comment.
"Dinosaurs? What are we-" Steve starts to say before getting cut off by Lucas.
"Okay. But if a gate didn't exist in the '50s, how did Vecna get through?" Lucas questioned. 
"Oh, and how's he getting through now?" Steve adds on. 
"Oh easy. If I could get into your mind as we speak right now and my powers are based in the upside down, maybe he is doing the same." You theorize.
"But why now." The man in the blue shirt questioned.
"And why then? Just pops out in the '50s kills one family and he's like, "I'm good." And poof, he disappears. Just gone?" Steve adds to Lucas' question. "Only to return 30 years later and start killing random teens? No, I don't buy it?" The man in the Yellow, Blue and white polo starts to pace around the basement again. "Honestly, Henderson, a little humility now and then, it wouldn't hurt you."
"Sorry." Dustin sarcastically apologizes. Moves towards you and signals you to get up from the last seat in the basement. You roll your eyes as you stand up for the man considering this was his seat from earlier you had just stole it from him. The man sits in the seat for a bit and you look around for another spot. You turn around and make eye contact with Steve, He then gives you a signal to sit on his lap, so you comply. You pull your legs up on the arm of the chair so that you were now laying in the mans lap. The room was quiet for a while, except for a few scratches in the corner where max was writing something.
"Any idea what she's writing?" Dustin asked clearly looking at the girl. Steve turns his head around to look causing your body to shift a bit. "Did she sleep?" Dustin follows up. 
"I mean, would you?" Lucas answered the man as he also looked at the girl. You all now were staring at max and her currently delicate aura. You guys hear the basement door shut. You and Steve turn towards the door to see Robin and Nancy run down the stairs.
"Okay, so." Nancy started to say. Robin confidently sighs. "We have a plan" Nancy composed. Nancy hands Steve a pamphlet of paper and the girls go to sit on the ground. 
"Thanks to Nancy's minions, we are now Rockstar psychology students at the university of Notre Dame." Robin starts to explain.
"I'm now Ruth." Nancy says.
"And I'm rose," Robin states.
"Ruth?" Steve questions. Nancy tilts her head and smiles. You look at the document in Steve's hand and starts to read.
"Is this even legal?" You question.
"Don't worry about it." Robin said. You give her a sarcastic smile. If they get arrested it's not my fault you thought. 
"Nice GPA." Dustin commented.
"Thanks." Nancy said with a smile on her face.  "So we called the Pennhurst Asylum, told them we'd like to speak with Victor Creel for a thesis we're co-writing on  paranoid schizophrenics" 
"To which they said no." Robin finished the girls sentence.
"But we landed a three o'clock with the director." Nancy continues explaining.
"Now all we have to do is charm him and convince him to let us talk to victor." Robin finished speaking the plan.
"And then maybe we can rid max of this curse." The girl in the green vest added.
"Yea, About that. We've been doing our Victor Creel homework, and, uh we've got some questions." Steve says.
"You have some questions." You corrected the man.
"So do we. Hopefully, Victor has the answers." Nancy says. 
"Wait. Wait. Wait a second. Where's Mine?" Steve questions. Nancy smiles sarcastically.
"About that." Robin says and Nancy gets up and leaves the room. Steve signals you to get off his lap and follows the girl up. Robin shortly follows and so do you. You, Steve and Nancy enter the girl's room as you hear Steve complain.
"Nancy, You're outta your mind if you think I'm babysitting again." Steve says. You sit on Nancy's bed listening in on the conversation.
"First, they're not babies anymore. And max is in real danger she needs people around her." Nancy explains.
"I know. But why me? Y/n is clearly very capable." Steve argues.
"Woah, Woah, Woah Don't bring me into this." You argue. Robin enters the room a bit delayed.
"Oh my god, You have a Tom Cruise poster." She shouts as she enters the room amazed. You look at the girl and signal her to stop considering the pre existing energy in the room. She doesn't get the memo. "You have a Tom Cruise poster." 
"That's old." Nancy explains as she searches through her closet for clothes. Robin goes down to touch some of the stuff in the room. "Can you please not touch anything?" The girl asks.
"I just. I can't do anything here Nance." Steve says still very caught up on the fact he has to watch us. "maybe I can be helpful with this asylum director dude." He continues. "I don't know, I could turn on, my, my charm."
"Not the charm we need." Nancy says
"Ouch." Steve sarcastically says as he paced around the room. Before he could say anything you cut in.
"Steve." You say to the boy. "Give it up." You give him a smile. You hear music box noises and turn your head towards the noise. You hop of the bed and join robin who happened to have the box.
"Holy shit. There's a little ballerina in here." Robin says amazed holding the box up. Nancy snaps her head towards the both of us and gives up a disapproving look. You giggle a bit before walking over to Steve.
"Academic scholar? She's giving you an academic scholar vibe? Yeah." Steve questions pointing towards Robin.
"Why don't you want to hang out with us Steve." You say giving him a little pouty look. He rolls his eyes playfully.
"No but." Nancy pulls out a fancy pink shirt. "She will." Your eyes went large and same with robins. You started to laugh. 
"Oh please tell me you're joking." Robin says as she sighs. Nancy just smiles. 
"Try this on." Nancy says handing it to you. "You two, out." She says to you and Steve signaling you guys out. You both walk out the room and head back to the basement. Steve sits on the couch in between Lucas and Will and you settle in the chair you previously sat in. You watched max put multiple cards in envelopes and write on the top of each. Max turns her head a bit.
"I know you guys are staring at me." She says not oblivious.
"What, Sorry?" Steve says acting stupid. "Just hanging out." Steve says as he throws you the ball to act like he wasn't staring. You throw it back and start a game of catch. Dustin grabs a magazine from the table to ack distracted.
"You said you needed something?" Lucas says as he grabs a newspaper from the table. I don't know why you guys were acting stupid about it, it was obvious that you guys had been staring at the girl. 
"How you think eyes boring in the back of my head is protecting me from Vecna, I don't know." The girl says as she grabs the letters and gets from the desk. She starts to walk towards the group. "You can look at me now." She says causing the others to stop ignoring her. 
"Thanks sorry." Lucas says setting off a lot of other sorry's. You get up from your seat and sit down in front of the couch between Steve's legs.
"For you," The girl said giving Dustin one of the letters. "For you." She says bending down to give you a letter. "For you," She repeats once more giving Steve a letter. "and, um, you." she said as she gave Lucas one of the letters. "Oh, and um. Give these to Mike, El and Will." She hands more letters to Lucas. "If you can ever get a hold of them again." The red head girl adds. We all start to open the letters and she caught on. "What are you doing? That's not for now. Don't open it now." Max says in a panic. Everyone slips the page back into the envelopes.
"Don't okay." Dustin says confirming her words. "I'm sorry what is this?" The boy asks as he checks out the letters. 
"Its um. It's a fail safe." Max says causing you to give her a concerned look.
"What do you mean fail-safe. Nothing is going to happen, not if I can help it" You say to the girl trying to reassure her that we are safe.
"For after. If things don't work out." She says with emphases on  Don't fighting your comment.
"wait whoa. Max, things are going to work out." Lucas says adding on to your reassurance. 
"No!" Max argues back. "No, I don't need you guys to reassure me and tell me it's all gonna work out. Because people have been telling me that my entire life and it's almost never true." You look up at the girl with a sadder impression on your face as the girl rants. "It's never true and I mean of course this asshole curses me. Should've seen that one coming," She takes a deep inhale. Max turns around and grabs the walkie talkie off of the table. "If we go to East Hawkins, will this reach Pennhurst?" She asks Dustin.
"Of course. Yeah." Dustin says quietly.
"Wait. What. Why are we talking about east Hawkins?" Steve says confused. Max gives Steve a look. "No. No. No!" He tells the girl. Max grabs her backpack and goes upstairs. You grab your shoes and lace them on.
"If your not taking her, I will." You say as you follow the girl with the blue jacket out of the house. You and max are outside and near the car when Steve finally catches up with the other boys shortly following.
"Max, Y/n. Seriously?" He says to the two of you. "Seriously, you two are not driving anywhere." Steve says.
"If you think I'm going to spend what is likely the sat day of my life in the armpit that is Mike Wheeler's basement then you're out of mind. Either take me where I need to go or tie me down. Which is technically kidnapping of a minor and if I live to see another day Steve, I swear to god, I will prosecute." Max says as she grabs the door handle. "Open the door." 
"Uh no." Steve says. You give him a disapproving. 
"I have a great lawyer" Max says convincing them.
"Henderson, that super walkie of yours better reach Pennhurst. You all got into the car and started to drive.

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