"When you say it's gonna happen nowWhen exactly do you mean?"

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"Dustin." You heard as you opened your eyes. You groan and try to fall back asleep thinking it's too early. "Dustin." You hear Once again. Luckily Nancy got up and answered the walkie. You lay back down and go back to cuddling Steve in the couch. "Earth to Dustin." You hear Eddie on the other side of the line say. You groan as you are not able to fall back asleep.
"Hey, it's Nancy." You hear the girl that was asleep on the floor answer.
"Wheeler, hey. Um, I'm gonna need a food delivery, like really soon unless you want me going out in the world." Eddie slightly threatens.
"No,no,no,no. Don't do that." Nancy answers. "Just stay where you are and we'll be there as soon as we can."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Listen um... can you pick me up a 6 pack? I know, it's stupid as shit, drinking right now." Eddie starts to say before you cut him off.
"Nobody cares. I'll get you the six pack just stop talking because some people are trying to sleep here." You say slightly aggravated. You grab the walkie from Nancy before lowering the antenna to shut the boy up. You roll back over before continuing to spoon Steve.
"Dustin. Wake up!" You hear Nancy shout trying to wake up the boy. "Aren't you supposed to be on max watch?" She says as she shakes the sleepy boy.
"Yep, yep,yep." Dustin answers rubbing his eyes.
"Jeez can one person get the tiniest amount of sleep in this house." You groan at the noise.
"Where is she?" The girl ignores you and questions Dustin
"She's right there." He says point towards the couch. "A second ago. I swear I just dozed off for" Dustin looks down at his watch. "An hour." Nancy storms out of the living room and towards the kitchen. You get up off the couch and put the rest of the blanket on Steve. You kiss his cheek before stretching and walking into the bathroom. You check your face and clothes before you hear a knock on the door.
"Hmmm. Yea." You say answering it. "Come in." The door opens to reveal Steve.
"Morning y/n." He greets with a smile on his face. You turn around to see the boy.
"Hey." You slightly smile. The room is silent for a bit before you hear your stomach rumble from the scent of pancakes comes from the other room. "I smell pancakes. Well. Harrington I'll see you later, yeah?" You turn around and start to leave the room giving him a kiss on the cheek before leaving the bathroom. You make your way to the kitchen to see Mrs wheeler making pancakes. "Good morning Mrs. wheeler." You say with a bright smile on your face.
"Morning y/n! Take what you'd like." She says gesturing towards the pancakes. You grab a plate and take 2 of the cakes in front. You walk over to the table and sit in between Nancy and her younger sister holly. You look over to see max drawing something with crayons. This place seems to be familiar. It was your home. Where you were raised, well no. You were more trained there.
"Hey." Max says as she turns her head towards you and Nancy.
"Hey." You and Nancy manage to say at the same time.
"You okay?" Nancy asks the girl in the seat beside her.
"Just couldn't sleep." Max simply says in return. "People kept blasting music in my ears for some reason." Max explains. Nancy chuckles at the statement.
"I Doubt they mean harm." You say excusing max's statement.
"Luckily Holly let me borrow some of her crayons. We've been having fun, right, holly?" Max asks the girl with a slight smile on her face. It made you grin a little to see that max still has a bit of her left after all that has happened. Holly mumbles a small "Mhm" as she continues to play with her light bright. Nancy looks down at all of the paintings as you pay attention to more of the details on all of them.
"Is this what you saw last night?' Nancy asked the girl. 
"I mean, it's supposed to be." Max responded to Nancy's question. "I thought it'd be easier to draw it out than explain it, but not so much."
"The place seems familiar." You say causing the two girls to look at you. "I feel I have seen it before the structure looks the same." Nancy raises an eyebrow at your statement finding it odd before the room goes a bit silent.
"Is that?" Nancy asked grabbing a piece of paper which seemed to have 2 people in a tree like figure holding them in place.
"It was like they were on display or something." Max elaborates "And then there was this red fog, everywhere."
"Like the upside down. That similar headspace your put into when he's in your mind." You explain more.
"Exactly" max complies.
"I've definitely been here before. This is where he contacted me a few months ago."
"And when I made it to that space. Something was off." Max adds on. "He seemed surprised almost. Like he didn't want me there."
"Maybe you infiltrated his mind." You hear  a voice say. You turn your head to see Dustin seated next to max. "He invaded your mind right? Is it that big of a leap to suggest you somehow wound up in his? Like Freddie Kruger's boiler room." 
"Freddie Krueger?" The young girl seated next to Dustin asked.
"He's a super burned up dude with razors for fingers and he kills you in your dreams." Dustin explains to holly.
"Dustin. Seriously?" Nancy asks the boy. Dustin looks around the room trying to find the problem
"Sorry. It's a movie. It's not real." Dustin says to holly to stop her from getting scared. "Just think about it. What if you somehow unlocked a backdoor to Vecna's world? Like maybe the answer we're looking for is somewhere in this incredibly vague drawing. God we need will."
"No shit." Max replies to Dustin's final statement. "I tried them again but it's just another busy signal."
"Hold on you say. I may remember it." You say grabbing the paper from Dustin's hand. You start arranging the different pieces of paper together from memory kinda like a puzzle. In the end it seemed to had shape a house. Nancy grabs a marker and starts to trace out the shape of the house you had formed together. 
"It's Pieces of a house." Max says stating the obvious.
"not just any house." You reply back to the girl. 
"It's Victor creel's house." The girl adds on. Nancy gets up from her seat you follow short after.
"Where are you going?" Dustin asks with his mouth full of pancake.
"Getting the others." You and Nancy manage to say at the same time.
You guys arrive at the house and unbuckle your seatbelts. You all walk from the car to the front door of the abandoned home of the creel house. Your old home.
"Yeah, That's not creepy." Steve says sarcastically. Steve and Nancy go up to the door and undo the nails of the boarding on the door. "What exactly are we supposed to be looking for in this shithole?" Steve questions.
"We're not sure." Nancy simply answers. "We just know this house is important to Vecna." 
"Because max saw it in Vecna's red soup mind world?" Steve questioned.
"And because Y/n remembers this place from when she was younger." Nancy says emphasizing the word and.
"Maybe it holds a clue to where Vecna is. Why he's back. Why he killed the Creels. And how to stop him before he comes back for max and possibly anybody else." Dustin says to the group. 
"We don't think he's in here, do we?" Lucas says.
"He shouldn't be. I would be able to sense him if he was." You answer lucas' question. 
"Ready." Steve says to Nancy as they brace to pull the boarding down. They pull down the boarding as it causes the leaves to flow everywhere. The door is revealed to see the door with the rose on it, just like your memory and the picture max had drawn. Steve goes to open the door but it doesn't budge.
"Its locked." He says under his breath.
"Hold on," You say forming an orb in your hand.  You throw the orb at the window causing it to shatter. Steve reaches through the window and unlocks the door from the inside. He opens the door and pulls his arm out from the broken glass. You all enter the empty house behind steve. The man closes the door behind you all as everyone else looks around the space.
"Looks like someone forgot to pay their electric bill." Lucas comments causing  you to from an orb in your hand to give everyone a bit of lighting. This sets off Robin and Dustin to turn on their flashlights.
"Were'd everyone get those." Steve asked.
"Do you need to be told everything?" Dustin questioned Steve's question. "You're not a child."
"Thank you." Steve says sarcastically.
"Back pocket." Dustin says as he hands Steve his bag and starts to walk away
"Don't worry. They left me out also." You say to Steve.  Steve drops the bag and you two walk away. You walk towards Nancy and Robin as they look into a room.
"They just left everything." Nancy says looking at all the left furniture. 
"I guess a triple homicide isn't good for resale value." Robin replies back to Nancy's comment.
"Or maybe this house is just haunted." You say with a creepy voice teasing the two. Nancy gives you a disappointed look and robin chuckles for a bit. 
"Hey guys?" You hear max say from the other room. You 3 turn around and walk towards the girl. "You all see that right?" She says looking at a grandfather clock next to the stairs. 
"Yep." You say causing multiple sets of "Yeah" following behind. 
"Is this what you saw?" Nancy questioned. "In your visions?" Max simply nods as an answer. 
"I mean it's just a clock." Robin commented.
"Not just any clock. It's his clock." You say referring to your father. Robin steps closer to the clock and wipes a bit of dust off of the top. 
"Kind of like a normal old clock." Robin still continues.
"Why is this wizard obsessed with clocks?" Steve asks. "Maybe he's like a clock maker or something." 
"I think you cracked the case Steve." Dustin says sarcastically causing you to giggle in your arm a bit.
"All I know is the answers are here." Nancy theorizes. "Somewhere." A long silence overturns before Nancy comes up with a plan. "Okay, Everyone stay in groups of Two. Robin, y/n, upstairs. You two follow Nancy up the steps. You three were looking around many rooms upstairs until you found the one. The one that had been in your dreams, The one you had when you were younger. You continue to search around the room as you feel something grab your shoulders. You jump a bit at the feel. 
"Jesus." You say in fear turning around to the site. "Steve." You say unamused as you see Steve scared you. You take a deep breath as the boy chuckles. After a while he continues to look around the room. You look around the room also as you hear Nancy walk in. 
"Oh. Oh." She says as you see her reach into Steve's hair. Steve starts to move forward to continue to look around. You grabbed the book from the dresser that you had seen in your dreams. You sit on your bed and start flipping through the book. "Wait stop moving." You hear Nancy say from the other corner of the room. "Stop. I just. I got it. I got it." She says as she pulled something out of the hair. You couldn't help but look at the two and sigh out of pure jealousy. 
"If there's a spider in there, you're never gonna find it till it lays eggs and the babies spill out." Robin says creepily as she walks past the two and sits next to you. "What's that?" She questioned.
"It's this book." You answer. "It was in a dream I had a few months ago. It just stuck out you know. I don't even know if it was a dream. But this book. It was in there. It was glowing. The words "Dark hold" just stood out I guess." You explain to the girl seated next to you. You hear Nancy and Steve talk from afar. 
"Maybe after we find Vecna, Kill him, save the world and stuff maybe we can all go out. You know? Me, you, Y/n, and Jonathan. When he's back. Maybe like a double date." You managed to hear Steve say from across the room causing you to slightly smile. "I mean, It's not like Y/n and I are dating or anything, I mean I like her alot I just" You hear Steve ramble to Nancy flustered. 
"Yea, Yea." Nancy says looking you and winking. You hear a bit more talking  before you all gathered and walked towards the rest of the group. There was a chandelier hanging above that kept flashing on and off in weird patterns.
"It's like the Christmas lights" Nancy whispers looking up at the flashing chandelier. 
"The Christmas lights?" Robin questions Nancy.
"Yeah, When will was in the Upside down" The girl in the grey sweater explained. "The lights came to life." 
"Vecna's here" Lucas theorizes. "In this house. Just on the other side." You anxiously latch your hand onto Steves and hold onto it tight. The light randomly shut off.
"I think he just left the room." Robin says as your nose starts to bleed. You use your other hand to wipe it up not to scare anybody.
"Did he hear us?" Max questioned the silence and the sudden darkness. 
"Can he see us?" Steve questioned looking towards you. You shrug your shoulders in an i don't know motion. 
"Headphones." Lucas told max as she lifted the earphones over her ears and press the play button. 
"Wait wait. Everyone turn off your flashlights. Spread out." Nancy told the rest. Everyone turns off their flashlights and start to leave other than Steve.
"We're not gonna be able to see if we turn off our flash lights." Steve states the obvious.
"No shit." You reply signaling him to go ahead and shut it off. You and Steve walk off hand in hand trying to find a lead just like the others. You and the man slowly walk towards the dark hallway. Steve let go of your hand and walked slightly in front of you to protect you. 
"I got him! Got him!" You hear robin say. Both you and Steve sped walk to the girl. By time you get there her light shuts off. "I had him." Steve's light then turns on.
"Whoa." the man mutters as your nose starts to bleed. 
"Y/n your nose." Robin points out.
"Its fine." You say whipping the blood off. Steve turns your head towards you worried before looking back at the light as he starts to move around.
"Oh, I think he's moving. He's moving. He's moving." Steve says chasing the light. The group followed the man. You all follow up the stairs as Steve's light shuts off. "Shit." He mutters. "I lost him."
"No you didn't." Max says as her flashlight flickers on. The light leads her to the door to the attic. You guys climb the attic stairs.
"An attic. Of course its an attic." Nancy mutters out. You guys make it up the stairs and stand in the middle of the attic as everyone's flashlights start to flicker. You and Steve lock hands once again subconsciously.
"Flashlights." Dustin says causing everyone to look down. You all stared at the ceiling in silence as your nose starts to bleed more and more.
"He's here." You mutter out under your breath. Everyone's flashlights start to break. You feel your nose bleed more rabidly as you start to get dizzy before passing out.

Just like heaven | Steve Harrington x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang