"You were always so lost in the dark"

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Running. You were running. It all felt so sudden. You seemed to be in a place you had recognized but you we're still not entirely sure about the location. Your legs kept moving faster and faster under you taking full control. You look around and see no one. 
"Help!" You yelped as you continued to run. It was red. Everything was red except for the blackish tentacles on the floor. It was the same thing for had seemed for miles until you had made it to a house-like structure. Or At least what had been a house. Parts of it were in the air. Especially a clock and what seemed to be a door. You look left and right and start to climb up the stairs. You stumble over a step and slip a little. You pick yourself u and continue to walk up the stairs.  When you made it up the steps there seemed to be a room. The only room that was still intact. Other rooms had seemed to be floating of some sort. You walk into the room to see a mirror wrapped with the same tentacles in which the place was covered. You look into the mirror to see a younger version of yourself. This version of you had red eyes like the vision you had in the mirror the other night. She seemed to be beaten up, scars all over her face.
"Help me!" The reflection or at least what you had thought to be a reflection screamed. A man in an all-white with a black belt walked towards the mirror. The Blonde haired man puts his hand on younger you's shoulder.
"Come on sweetheart let's go work more on your spells, Yea?" The man whispered in your ear. Younger you shook her head. Like she didn't want to. The man looks at you like you had no choice.
"You don't get to choose," The man said as his reflection sort of glitch. It Flickered between this flesh-like monster shaped as a human and back to the man in the white outfit. The flickering between looks stops and shows one form. A flesh being with a larger left hand than right.
"Papa, no." You fight back. The man tries to pick you up and you flick your hand causing a red particle orb to flow under her hand. You fling your hand in a direction and the man follows with it. The man stands up and raises you above the ground. 
"You can not outpower me y/n." The man groaned loudly. The noise from the other side of the mirror, causes it to break. You fall back in fear. After a minute or two, you hesitantly stand up and brush yourself off.  You walk towards the mirror again but instead of seeing a younger you, you see a current you instead. You brush it off and proceed to look around the lone room. It seemed to have been filled with a twin-sized bed and a dresser. The bed had been dressed in a lavender purple, which had been your favorite color when you were younger. They're wasn't much in this space but it seemed familiar so you proceeded to look around. You go toward the dark grey dresser with slimy brownish-black tentacles covering it. On the right side of the dresser, you spot a book. The book title reads "the dark hold" you had figured it was nothing and was just something to scare children. You used to love books that made you scared oddly enough. The book name sounded familiar so you decided to touch the book.
You suddenly wake and take a big gasp for air as you would after coming from underwater. You look left and right. Your surroundings seemed to be a bit different than what you had last remembered. 
"Oh good, you're awake." The ginger said with a semi-worried expression. You look over in the corner to see el with a blindfold over her eyes. The more and more you look around you realize you were in the wheeler's basement. The girl walks towards you and goes to sit down.
"What happened?" Your question is not being in the same space you had been in your most recent memory. You look at max worried. 
"Last night?" She questioned not knowing exactly what you were talking about. 
"Yea." Your voice kind of quakes. 
"So last night we had been in contact with billy. We were trying to get whatever inside, out." Her voice shakes a bit as she recalls some memories. "Billy had managed to escape. He went after el and mike. and when el was down Billy went after mike, and you saved mike." You look towards mike.
"But how. I don't remember saving him." You look back at max begging for answers. You start to play with your fingers. "It doesn't make sense all I remember is being pushed to the side by Billy and then a sharp pain in my head."
"Yea. Do you remember waking up anytime after that?" She questioned leading you on to something.
"I think so. I know I'm missing something." You question knowing your mind is very foggy. You knew something was up considering the coincidental events that happened the last few days.
"You had woken up, And these red orbs started to flow from the palm of your hands and the red particles flowed around Billy's waist too. You lifted him above the ground and flung him." Your mind ponders the red orbs. Is that what the dream was about? Was it a warning perhaps? Were the same red orbs max was talking about? 
"Hey max?" You questioned the girl that was seated beside you. "Hm" the girl responded. You sit up a bit. "How did you guys get back to the house." You asked hoping your car was in a safe condition.
"Don't worry about it..." She responded with a small smirk on her face.
"Ok then..." You said kind of questioning what has going on. It's very obvious max took your car. It's just funny to see her deny it. You look over to see max pondering about something. She kept looking around at the ceiling and scratching her forehead. You swing you legs over off the couch so you are sitting properly. 
"You know the X-Men right?" The girl with the pink hoodie and freckles asked.
"I thought you were more of a DC type of girl." You joke around trying to mess with her. She playfully rolls her eyes. "Yea I know about the X-Men comics they're my brother's favorite. I wanted to get into them I just don't have the time between work and school." It seemed like the last half of the sentence went through one ear and went out the other. 
"Hey wheeler, By any chance do you have X-Men knights of Wundagore?" Max says facing mike.
"Yea left bookshelf middle rack." He says trying to keep his attention on el who is currently focused with a blindfold covering her eyes. She was murmuring something about joyce and hopper. You stand up from the brown leather couch. You started walking towards the corner of the basement to the bookshelf mike had mentioned. You start to look through the piles of books and finally found the book and held it up to show max. Max did a quiet cheering gesture. You walk back to the girl and hand her the comic. You sit down on the floor with your legs crisscrossed. Max opens a page with a girl with red hair and a red outfit. She seemed to be wearing pink tights and redish gloves.
"This is Wanda. She is also known as the scarlet witch. She has these red orbs that glow from her hands to use against people. Kind of like you." You nod your head along as a sign to show you're following along. "Wanda is like the all-powerful person she fights all sorts of people you know. She didn't see her powers right away, she had kind of earned them gradually." "Hmmm" You simply respond.
"Wanda dream walks into her body from another universe. This causes the body she is currently into kind of glitch a little, and it also can cause worrying dreams. Most of the time those dreams are past memories." At that time your mind went rapid. Is that what that "dream" was? It explains a ton. But who was that man by your side, and why did you call him papa? It made no sense to you. As you continued to ponder max got up and walked to the bathroom with el to help clean the underside of her nose. 
"Somethings not right," Mike says. You turn your head to the boy in the teal shirt. You tilt your head confused at his statement. "I can't get Hopper off my back all summer and then all of a sudden he's hiking with will's mom in Illinois." The man continues to pace around. You get up from off the ground and go to sit next to Lucas on the couch. You swing your legs around and lay down. Your legs dangle off the arm of the couch and your head in Lucas's lap. "And Dustin is M.I.A too, I mean this can't be a coincidence." Mike rambles on.
"Maybe Dustin doesn't want to hang out with you guys. I know him and Steve have been getting close." You say trying to come up with a valid reason to solve one of mikes quote on quote problems. The man with black hair looks at you with an annoyed facial expression on his face.
"The bottom line is they aren't here," Lucas says slightly raising his voice to get his point across. "It's up to us." The man continues.
"Up to us to do what exactly?" Questions still in an annoyed manner. The boy still paced around the room. Your eyes followed him. Back and forth and back and forth. 
"To find Billy and stop him." Lucas replied once more.
"Yea right. Like that worked out last time." You said trying to imply that their plan was stupid.
"That's a really nice sense, even if el could find him again. And that's a pretty big if. Then what." Mike argued back and his hands making gestures as he spoke. You sit up pulling your head off of Lucas's lap as Lucas grabs a box coco puffs and starts to eat some. 
"Then we burn the shit out of him and make sure he doesn't escape." The short hair man says between eating some of the puffs.
"Then what?!" Mike argues some more. You bet he probably found the plan stupid as well.
"Then we win." Lucas said as his final arguement.
"It can't be that easy. If it was we'd have done it already." You reply back.
"Exactly, and that's also the thing. We don't win." The man stops pacing to argue with the rest. "We got the mind flayer out of will before and he just came right back. We just don't have to stop Billy we have to stop the mind flayer." 
"How the hell will we do that," Lucas questions as it seemed pretty much impossible. 
"I don't know." Mike says clearly stressed.
"Maybe el knows," The boy with the bowl cut says clearly trying to come up with an answer.
"If el doesn't know, maybe I can help." All the boys turn their heads toward you. "I mean you guys saw what i did the other day. And max explained dream walking and stuff to me. If that has anything to do with what is going on with myself than i maybe can help find Billy and kill him and possibly this mind flayer thing once and for all." 
"Hm. maybe." Mike says kind of blowing you off. The room was silent for a while. This caused you to ponder some more about the plan you had just fleshed out. "What is taking them so long." Mike complained pulling your mind out of your thoughts.
"I don't know. Girls just like hanging out in bathrooms." You roll your eyes at Lucas's statement. You, Lucas and will stand next to each other. Lucas tilts the box of coco puffs towards mike offering him some.
"why?" Mike responds finding it weird.
"I don't know" Lucas responds.
"They're conspiring against us." The man in the blue polo figures. You take a deep sigh.
"That's what you're worried about?!" Will says slightly annoyed. He turned his towards the wheeler boy. You giggled at this, boys can be  so stupid sometimes.
"It's not my main concern it's just a sub concern." Mike says in defence.
"I thought it was over." the boy with the striped polo said.
"It's not over" Mike says with emphasis on the word over. "We're just taking a break."
"She dumped your ass, I don't think that's a break." I hint of jealousy peered out of wills voice.
"It wasn't." You hear max shout from the other room. "You do realize we can hear everything your saying right." El's giggles are heard from the other room.
"I told you. Conspiring." Mike says rubbing it in wills face. That's when you hear a knock on the door. "Not now mom." Mike screams up the stairs
"Mike open the door." You hear an aggravated voice that had seemed to be none other than Nancy wheelers'.
"I got it." You say wanting to get away from the boys for a bit. You run up the creakily wooden steps and open the door to see Nancy wheeler your ex best friend. With Jonathan byers. You scrunch your nose at the sight.

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