"She is dancing away from you now"

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You guys pull into the trailer park where max lives and pull next to her trailer. Steve stops the car.
"This better be fast, Mayfield." He tells max as she hops out of the car.
"Twenty seconds." She replies as she closes the car door behind her and walks into the trailer.
"That thing has batteries in it, right?" Steve asks the boy in the seat next to him. Dustin takes a deep sigh and looks at Steve.
"I'm not even answering that question." He says in return.
"Dustin that damn walkie better have batteries." You tell the man being cautious of everything.
"Yea, yea. It's fine." He says trying to shut you two up. Steve gives Dustin a look. "Yes, it has batteries." He complies.
"Yea got it." Steve says. The car goes quiet for a bit. "Henderson swap seats with y/n." Your eyes go wide.
"You really wanna sit next to me so bad?" You say with a playful smirk on your face. You and Dustin both switch seats leaving Dustin sitting next to Lucas. "So. What do you want to talk about?" You ask the boy
"Us." He says. It catches you off guard you clear your throat.
"What?" You ask the boy hoping he would repeat his out of pocket statement.
"I mean us. Like our friendship us not like us, us. You know." He starts to stutter over his words.
"Yeah." You say quietly. Your face forms into a slight frown at the fact that he possibly saw you as only a friend through all of it. A few minutes of silence past by and You start to fidget with your fingers once again. Like before Steve notices. It was obvious he was staring at you. He grabs your hand and holds it tight.
"Are you okay?" He asks you quietly.
"Yea." You say unsure but still trying to keep confident not to worry him. You get out of the car waiting for max considering she had come out of the room quite yet. Everyone else follows shortly. You look forward and see max speed walking from the back of the house.
"Hey that was longer than 20 seconds." The man next to you tells the girl as she speed walks towards the car ignoring him. "Hey, whoa whoa. You all right." He catches onto the girl.
"I'm fine, just drive." She says as she gets into the car. Everyone else follows shortly getting in along with her.
"Did something happen?" Dustin asked the girl seated next to them.
"Can we please just go?" She says slightly aggravated as Steve backs out of the driveway. You guys sat in the car silent as Steve drove for 15 or so minutes. He had his hand rested on your thigh like he used to do during the summer. "Turn here." Max randomly says as she looks out the window.
"Here?" Dustin questions the girl. Max nods and you signal Steve to turn into the area. He took a sharp turn into a graveyard type place. You guys drove down the narrow rode of the cemetery before coming to a stop. Max gets out of the car and starts to walk up a slightly raised area.
"Max?" You heard Lucas say before he gets out of the car.
"Oh shit." You murmured as you had a slight realization.
"What?" Steve looked at you.
"This is where he is buried." You say as Steve gives you a confused look. "Billy." You say with a small disappointed look on your face. "This doesn't seem safe considering everything. You say as your body starts to shiver."
"Hey. She's gonna be okay." Steve reassures you. You turn your head out of the window to see Lucas walking back to the car. The boy in the red jacket gets in and sighs. It had been a few minutes and you see Max sitting in front of her grave reading some sort of a letter before your nose starts to bleed.
"Shit." You say as you unbuckle your seatbelt. You leave the car and wipe the underside of your nose as you run to max's side. You shake her as she seems to be in a trance. "Max?" You say trying to wake the girl. "Max wake up?" You repeat. You hear footsteps come from behind you. You glance back to see Steve running towards the two of you. You continue to shake the girl. "Max, max. Wake up. Please." you beg the girl.
"Max. Max" Steve starts to say as he shakes her from the other side. "Hey wake up" he screams. Tears start to form in your eyes.
"Max, please wake up. Max" you beg once more as Lucas and Dustin approach you two.
"Y/n do something." Dustin says putting slight pressure on you. You grab onto max's hand and close your eyes and try to focus. It was hard for you to do this considering the amount of pressure in the situation. You proceed to try and enter max's mind and nothing happens. You open your eyes as they sting.
"It's not working." You warn the group around you. You try once again and it doesn't work. You open your eyes once again at the feel of more blood coming from your nose. "Her mind. It's blocked off." You try once more before you feel someone shaking your shoulder.
"Hey. Stop. It's okay. It's beyond your ability." Steve tries to tell you. You ignore the boy and try once more. You open your eyes once again and you look at Steve defeated. "Your eyes." The boy says. You give him a confused look. "Their red." He says worried.
"I'm fine." You say blowing him off before trying once again. Out of nowhere you fall back out of energy after draining it trying to help max. Steve holds onto you tight before yelling at Dustin.
"Call Nancy and Robin! Go get 'em! Call Nancy and Robin!" Steve yells and Dustin runs over to the car.
"Please max!" Lucas continues to beg as your nose continues to bleed out of control. Some of the blood started to come out from your mouth causing you to roll over and spit it out. Steve leans you back and rubs you head as he sees your in pain. Lucas proceeded to yell at max as the stress in the area was high. Steve starts to play in your hair to calm you down. Dustin runs over with a ton of cassette tapes and a cassette player in hand. He drops them all on the ground.
"What? What is this?" Lucas questions the music.
"Song. What's her favorite song?" Dustin yelled over Lucas.
"Why?" Lucas yells back.
"Robin says that if she listens. It's to much to explain now. What's her favorite song?" Dustin screams at Lucas trying to get him to hurry. You lean over to cough out more blood as Steve pats your back.
"Which one is it?" Dustin yells. "Lucas, which one is it?" He asks again as him and Lucas sort through all of the different cassettes. "Which one?"
"It's right here! Got it!" Lucas says as he grabs the Kate bush cassette. He opens it up and puts it into the player. Dustin places the headphones on the girls head and presses play. Both Lucas and Dustin continue to shout at max to get up before max's body starts to float above air. You look up at max in shock. Lucas and Dustin start to stand up and yell. You mange to be able to carry your weight and stand up also. Steve helps you up the rest of the way as you all stand in shock. Tears started to fall from your face. Max randomly falls from the sky as Lucas catches her. The boy sits the two down. Max starts to scream in fear.
"Max!" Lucas says to the girl. You and the rest run to max's side to see if she was alright. Max starts to hyperventilate. "Max, I'm here. It's okay." Lucas reassures. "I thought we lost you." He says as the girl in his hands starts to cry. "I thought we lost you." He said once again.
"I'm still. I'm still here." Max manages to get out. You all sit by the girl and make sure she's ago for a bit before you pass out beside the group.
You woke up in the backseat of Steve's car. You rub your eyes to see what has been going on. You look at all of your surroundings. You see max peacefully sleeping next to you leaning on Lucas' shoulder and Steve driving in the front with Dustin in the passengers seat. You see Steve glance back at you and see his face soften.
"Hey." You say to the man.
"Hi." He says smiling at you before turning his face back on the road and continuing to drive. You start to peer out the window for a bit before you guys arrive at the Wheeler's house. "We're here." Steve says to the people in the backseat causing you Dustin and Steve to unbuckle your seatbelts and Lucas to wake up max. Everyone gets out of the car and starts to walk to the door. You ring the doorbell to see Nancy and robin open it and guide you guys to the living room. Everyone goes down into the basement and you and Steve go to the bathroom. You sit on top of the toilet seat as Steve grabs a paper towel and wet it. The man squads down next to you and starts to white the blood from under your nose.
"Thanks." you say with a smile on your face.
"Anything for you." Steve replies smiling back.
"I mean thanks for today. The last few days. I've treated you like absolute shit." You explain. "You don't deserve that even when you treated me so much better than that." You stare into the man's brown eyes as he continued to use the cloth.
"No. I completely was shitty to you. I mean between completely ignoring you for atleast a month but then getting jealous when you hang out with another guy." Steve apologies.
"I think we both can agree we are shitty people." You add on jokingly.
"Yeah." Steve replies before a silence. The man leans in a bit. You could feel his gentle breath on your face. You connect your lips with his for a bit before you hear the door open. You and Steve pull away fast before turning to the open door to see Robin in the doorway.
"Oh. My. God." You hear Robin squeal. "You guys made up! You guys made up!" Robin teases as she does a little dance. Steve gives Robin a little look. "Oh yea right sorry." She stutters and she starts to close the door. "You two continue to do Steve and Y/n things." She says as the door shut. "Dustin you won't believe what I just saw!" You hear Robin shout from the other side of the door. You and Steve sigh. You lean in one more time and place a peck on his lips before going off to shush Robin.
"They finally got over themselves and kissed." You open the door to hear Robin say. You walk to where you heard the girl yell.
"Rob, it's not that big of a deal." You say flustered trying to get her to stop.
"You kissed Harrington?" Dustin questioned from the side of the room.
"About that." You say as you sit on the floor of the living room.
"Oh my god your so red." Robin teases as she sits on the floor beside you.
"Please." You say in return smiling in your lap.
"If I didn't think you liked him before. I sure do now." She teases you once again. The rest of the night was full of teasing and fun before you all went to bed.

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