"Watch out, You might get what you're after"

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﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏You guys were sitting around the living space waiting for el

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You guys were sitting around the living space waiting for el. She had gone to go get some water after trying to find Billy.
"And that's not normal. Right?" Nancy asked.
"Billy staying in his room on the fourth of July? No, that's not normal." Max speculates.
"He wants us to find him." Will theorizes
"Yeah, That's what I'm afraid of." Nancy said. "If we go to billy, then the rest of the flayed know where we are."
"It's a trap, I agree. We'll be ambushed" Mike adds on.
"We won't be surprised. We'll know that they're coming and we'll kick their flayed butts." Lucas planned.
"You mean El and y/n would kick their butts." Max said turning towards lucas.
"Yea plus like that'll work. I mean going head to head with them. It won't be that easy." You explained.
"If the flayed sourced in the upside down we don't know how powerful they could be." Nancy added.
"It's risky." Mike also added.
"Yeah, and unnecessary." The girl with the red and black shirt said. "Killing the flayed won't stop the mind flayer. We have to find out where it's spreading from. We have to find the source."
"Billy knows it." El said causing everyone in the room to turn their attention to her. "Billy's been there." She starts walking back into the space we're in. "To the source."
"Yea but" Mike starts to say before getting cut off.
"It's a trap. I know. We can't go to Billy, but I think there's another way. A way for me to see where he's been." She explains as she walks back over to the spot she was seated before and turns back on the tv static.
"El, I know you think you have to do this but you don't. It's just, you've only done this before once. And your mom, she loved you and wanted you to know what happened and Billy's mind is, is sick, diseased, the mind flayer is in him." El turns her head towards mike.
"He can't hurt me. He's not in there." She tries convincing mike.
"We don't know that." Mike says unsure still trying to talk her out of it. El grabs mikes hand and holds it tight.
"I need you to trust me." El says. The two glance back at me and max before looking back at each other.
"Ok. Just be careful." Mike finally gives in. El nods before focusing back in. Mike sits back with me and max before the others huddle back around us. El ties the blind fold back around her eyes and tried to find Billy once again. After 15 minutes or so El's nose starts to bleed and she starts to pant.
"I think I found it." She mutters out. "The source."
"Where, el? Where are you?" Max questions trying to get more details. It takes a while for el to respond back but she finally says.
"Brimborn steelworks." This caused Jonathan to rush to the phone books to try and find the number. He brings the book back to us as he flips through pages.
"Here. Okay, uh, steelworks, steelworks." He mumbles trying to find the correct page. Nancy gets up and stands next to him trying to see if she can help.
"Found it!" Jonathan says enthusiastically. "6522 Cherry oak Drive" He reads.
"That's close." Nancy says.
"El, El, we found it. Get out of there." He says before anything bad can happen to her. "Get out." But nothing happens. He nose starts to bleed more. The girl starts to shake. "El!" Mike shouts going to her side. "Come on, get out."
"Hold on" You say going to el's side. "I can try to help her." You place your hands onto el's and focus really hard on your surrounding. You close your eyes.
You find yourself to be in a room, It kind of looked like a bathroom. You watched your surroundings closely before leaving. There you found yourself in the living room with el.
"El!" You say trying to get her attention. She had seemed to be crying.
"Y/n?" She questioned. You went towards her in a fastened pace, giving her a hug.
"Hey, It's ok. I'm here." You comforted her.
"Well look who we have here." You heard the shallow voice of your ex say. You pull away from the hug and stand in front of el. Billy walks out of the same room you had come from in a very slow manor. "You shouldn't have looked for me." Billy said as he inched closer towards you two.
"Billy stay back." You threatened. The man had seemed to ignore you and kept inching closer and closer.
"Because now I see you." The man said as he continued walking towards you and El. He reaches down and puts out his cigarette in the ash tray. "Now we can all see you." He pointed towards you. "You. Let us in." You twitched at the statement. "And now, you are going to have to let us stay." He proceeded to walk. You and El started to step way from the man. More tears started to fall down El's face as your eyes started to water. "Don't you see. All this time, we've been building it." Tears started to fall from your eyes as you backed away afraid. "We've been building it" Billy stops walking and points at the both of us. "For you." Billy starts walking towards you two again causing y'all to continue walking back. "all of it. For you. And now it's time. Time to end it. And we're going to end you and when you two are gone we are going to end your friends." More and more tears drip down your face. You thought of the horror of Robin, Max, Eddie and even Steve being killed by this monster.
"No!" El shouted but you couldn't seem to get anything out of your mouth.
"And then we are going to end everyone." Billy finished.
"Get away!" You finally spoke as you formed an orb in your hand and flung it at the man sending him back.
You woke up. Blood dripped down your face. You we panicked. You breathing was off and all you could think of is what you just went through. You look over and see el being comforted by mike.
"Hey y/n. Breath. Just breath." Max told you trying to calm you down. "What happened." She says as she wipes off some of your tears.
"H-he said he was going to kill us. all of us." You stuttered still in a panicked matter. "I don't want to die max. I dont want to." You stay to her with a breathy voice.
"Hey. Your not going to die. I promise. We won't let that happen." You proceed to sob. After 15 minutes or so you had calmed down.
"What happened?" Nancy asked very worried after the sight that had just happened.
"Billy. He was here. He was after us." You stuttered out while fidgeting with your fingers.
"What did he say?" Nancy asked looking for more information.
"He said he was building something," El responded. "and that it was all for us."
"Building something?" Max questioned. "Is he talking about the flayed?"
"He must be." Nancy answered.
"So, he's building an army just like we thought." Lucas added.
"Yeah, But he's not building this army to spread" Mike started to theorize.
"He's starting it to stop Eleven and possibly y/n." Will added.
"Last year, El closed the gate on him. I have a feeling that really pissed him off." Mike continued.
"Like royally." Lucas added.
"And the mind flayer now knows that they are the only people that can stop him." Mike proceeded to ponder. "But if they are out of the way"
"Game over." Lucas continued mike's sentence.
"He also said, he's gonna kill all of you." You say. Recalling those words caused you to shake a bit.
"Yea, well, that's nice." Max says sarcastically. A growling noise came from the ceiling area. Nancy started to walk towards the area.
"Do you guys hear that?" She said as she proceeded to walk closer to the sound. You sit up closer and stop fidgeting. Your nose starts to bleed. You wipe if off with the back of your hand.
"It's just the fireworks." Jonathan said from the other room.
"I don't think it's just the fireworks. I heard something more." You say back. "and my nose is bleeding." The room was quiet for a bit.
"Billy." Nancy simply said. "When he told you this, it was here, in this room?" El just nods her head. A thudding noise was heard overhead.
"He know we're here." Will says with his hand on his neck. You guys all stand up and start walking outside. Amongst the trees and fireworks was a huge flesh monster. It screeched as it came closer to you guys knocking over trees as it goes. You, Jonathan and Nancy run to hopper's shed to try and find weapons for the group. The others went inside to board up the windows to prevent the monster from getting in. You three find what you need and get into the house. You help block the door behind you.
"Hey, get away from the windows" Nancy shouted warning the others. Everybody moved towards the centered and moved around looking for it. We all pant in worry of what is about to happen. The house started to shake a lot causing everyone's breaths to deepen.
"It's close." Will says and various objects in the house move and squeak. The branches outside move and the rumbling got closer and then came to a complete stop.
"Where'd it go?" Max asked. The room went complete silent except for the various breathing in the room. A flesh like arm goes through the side of the house. Everyone gasps and runs to separate corners of the room. One of the arm comes towards el. It gets close to her face about to grab her until Jonathan took an axe and struck it. He pulls the axe out and keeps striking it over and over until the arm attacks and pushes him into the wall causing him to drop the axe. The monster targets him instead until Nancy shoots arm with her gun. 2 shots got the life like arm to turn its attention to Nancy. She goes to shoot it again before she realizes she has no more ammunition. The Arm goes towards her face to attack. But before it can do anything you form an orb in your hand and launch it towards the arm. You pull the arm back before ripping it apart with your mind. A piece of the arm flopped on the floor while the other went out the hole it came from.
"Holy shit." Max says before another arm goes for eleven. El stops it from getting to her by putting her hand out and stopping it with her mind. Another arm comes from the other side and el does the same thing. Now with 2 hands one holding each monster arm up. El pulls her arms down causing the mouth parts of the monster fall to the ground. El takes a break and pants before a larger monster breaks through the roof with another arm like tentacle. The mouth of this arm-ish tentacle grabs El's leg and attempts to pull her through the roof. El screams as she is pulled upwards but before she is able to be pulled through the roof mike grabs a hold on her arms able to hold her from being taken. Her screams expressed tons of pain. Jonathan and max join mike and help hold her down. You and will join in as Nancy louds her gun.
"Nancy, Shoot it!" Jonathan shouts trying to get Nancy to harm it. Nancy shoots the monster repeatingly but it doesn't do much.
"Lucas come on!" Max shouts for Lucas's help. Lucas grabs an axe and strikes the monster over and over. Nancy continues to shoot the being. The man with the red sleeves hit the monster a few more times before the arm was cut. One half attached to el's leg and the other back into the monster's mouth. Everyone holding el falls onto the ground. Mike pulls the rest of the monster off of her leg causing el to yell in pain. The monster runs through a hole cause a trail of blood to follow behind. The monster peeked in the hole of the celling. El had stood up and limped closer to the hole. She lifted her hands towards the monster and pull her hands apart causing the monsters face to rip. El falls back onto max.
"Go, go, go!" Nancy shouted.
"Come on, Come on, Go!" Jonathan also shouted. Mike and max carry max towards the door as Jonathan pulls the sofa covering the door down and open the door. You guys run out the cabin and all fit into Nancy's car. The monster continued to roar and squelch.
"Drive, Drive!" Mike yells as Nancy turns on the engine and starts to drive off.

Just like heaven | Steve Harrington x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin