"I'm just another heart in need of rescue"

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It was the morning after you and Steve had got together. You were still thinking about it, the moments replaying over and over in your mind. God, I just want it to stop. You heard the doorbell ring from downstairs, You rip your headphones from off your head and hop off the bed. You run down the stairs and open the door to see max and Dustin at your door. 
"What brings you two here?" You asked sarcastically. They give you an urgent look.
"Can you just let us in?" Max says un amused. You open the door wider. 
"My room is down the hall, to your right." you guide them as the two run up to your room. You follow shortly after. You plop down on your bed. Dustin was seated on the floor as max paced around the room. 
"So. You know about the murder that happened at Eddie's trailer last night right?" Max blurts out nervously, breaking the tension in the room.
"What?" You stood up in shock. "There was a murder in Eddie's trailer?" You ask confused.
"Yea. Its like all over the news." The boy in the multicolored cap said.
"Yea. Well I think the person in the trailer was Chrissy." Max says as she continued to pace around the room. 
"Chrissy Cunningham? You sure it was Chrissy?" Dustin questions also very confused.
"Yes, In her cheerleader outfit. Same thing she was in when I saw her with Eddie." Max says pretty confident. 
"Did you tell all this to the cops?" You ask the red headed girl. Max goes to the corner and starts to fidget as the stress causes Dustin to get up and pace.
"No." The girl with the low bun replies. "No, but I can't be the only one who saw them together. I mean they stood out."
"Yea right." You said causing max to pace around too. 
"Eddie the freak with Chrissy the cheerleader?" Dustin questions in disbelief.
"Exactly. You know, His name's not in the news yet or anything. but I guarantee you Eddie is suspect one, now.
"Poor Eddie." You say with a frown on your face.
"That's crazy." Dustin says as he starts to pace. You stand up with the two. "Eddie didn't do this. No way."
"Dustin's right. He couldn't have. He's way to sweet for that." You try to excuse the man. A look appears on max's face.
"No way." You and Dustin argue at the same time.
"We can't rule it out." Max says defending her theory.
"Yes we can." Dustin yells back. 
"Dustin!" The red headed girl says defeated one more time.
"You don't know him like we do, max." Dustin argues once again. "okay." The room goes silent. "When we got to high school, Lucas made all his sports friends. Mike and me? I mean, no one was nice to us. No one except Eddie."
"Okay, Well, they said the same shit about Ted Bundy." Max defends.
"Max." You said as your face furrowed. 
"Yeah, He's like a super nice guy but then he's murdering women on the weekend." She says strengthening her theory.
"I've known Eddie since the first day of middle school. He would never be as crazy as to murder somebody." You defend the man.
"Let me get this right. So you're saying Eddie is like Ted Bundy." Dustin questions
"No, I'm not saying. I'm saying that we can't presume anything, okay?" She defends her out of pocket statement. "But. It doesn't look good for Eddie." Dustin plops down onto your bed as you start to pace around. Max sighs.
"Why haven't you told the cops this?" Dustin questions.
"I. I don't know." Max hesitates. 
"You don't know?" Dustin says back,
"If you really think Eddie is as crazy as you say you would have told the cops already." You defend. Max sighs once again before sitting on the bed next to Dustin. You go to sit next to the two. 
"After I saw Eddie and Chrissy go in the Trailer, Something else happened." A long silence takes place. "Nothing that weird or anything. I mean, Eddie always drives like a maniac, and the power goes off at my place all the time. It's a piece of shit. But." Another silence happened before she continued to explain. "This morning, I started to think back, and I don't know. The look on his face. He was scared. Really scared. Maybe he was scared because you know, he. He just killed someone, or maybe, um. maybe be. Because I don't. I don't know, maybe." She struggles to get her words out recalling all of the memories.
"Something else killed her." Dustin theorizes. Max turns her head towards the boy quickly.
"But that's impossible." She says. "Right?"
"I don't know." Dustin says. A long silence goes over.
"It's not Impossible. I mean. I was in a space a month or so ago. My father was their. Biological father. Everything was covered in vines and their was reddish tints everywhere. And and. He threatened us. He threatened me. and. Us. My friends and. I. I don't know if he was bluffing. I mean I hope he was bluffing. What if Chrissy was his first victim." Max frowns at this statement.
"Let's just hope he is." Dustin says in a monotoned voice.
"Yea." Max simply replies before another long silence happens.
"But it should be impossible." Dustin breaks the silence. "But, Only one person knows what actually happened. Both you and max look at dustin.
"Eddie" Max says. You grab a pair of shoes and run down the steps. Dustin and max stand at the top of the staircase looking down on you as you grab your car keys.
"Well what are you waiting for. Come on." You say gesturing the others to go downstairs. 
"Have you talked to anyone else." Dustin says as you open the door causing you three to leave. 
"No." Max simply answers. 
"I can't find Lucas or Nancy and mike's in." max starts to say as you open the car door.
"California. Shit, shit, shit." Dustin finishes her statement. You get in the car, start the engine and get it.
"I guess we're going to family video" You say as you back out of your driveway.
You follow behind Dustin and max who walk into the video store. You weren't very excited to see the man you had left behind last night so soon but here you were.
"Hey steve." Dustin says as he rushes into the store and makes it to the counter. You and max follow shortly. You wave hello to robin.
"You see this." Steve says signaling to the news. 
"How many phones do you have?" Dustin asks the man.
"Someone was murdered." Steve says in shock>
"Yea, we know." You say sarcastically giving a mischievous grin. 
"How many phones do you have?" The man in the cap asks again in a rush. 
"Two why." The man in the family video answers.
"Technically three, if you count Keith's in the back." Robin corrects.
"Yea, Yea. That should work" Max says.
"What are you doing?" Steve asks as Dustin throws his bag over the counter.
"My pile!" Robin shouts out distraught as Dustin jumps the counter.
"No, No, No! My tapes! Dude." Steve says annoyed that the boy kicked them over. The boy sits at the computer and starts to type. "What are you doing, man?" The man continued.
"Setting up base of operations here." Dustin explained.
"Base of operations?" Robin questions. You jump over the counter in a more orderly manor and max goes behind the counter. 
"It's a whole thing." You entertain robin. 
"Get off." Steve tells the boy as he continues to use the Family video database.
"I need it." Dustin complains. You were helping robin reorganize some of the files Dustin had knocked over earlier.
"Steve told me about the little encounter you guys had last night." You snap your head towards robin the instant she said those words. "I mean, The way Steve described it, it made it seem like you two just need to get over your bullshit and get together." You give robin a disapproving look. "Like you two would be great together, Like the entire last part of summer you guys were all cuddly and like the instant you two see each other with someone else all hell breaks lose."
"Robin." You simply say.
"Just saying." She replies as she continues to organize the stacks of papers. All you and robin could hear was Steve and Dustin bickering about the computer stuff. "Seriously, You guys, Maybe on a Monday you can play around, but it's a Saturday." Robin complains. "It's our busiest day."
"Robin, I empathize, but this cannot wait." Dustin argues back. Robin gives you a look.
"I hate to say it but Dustin's right." You reply to the girl's expression.
"Oh my god." The man in the unform mumbles.
"Calling Eddie's friends is an emergency?" Robin questions getting annoyed.
"Correct!" Dustin shouts back.
"Want me to strangle him or you want to?" Steve says sarcastically walking over to you and robin.
"Wow Steve so mature." You say annoyed by his presence.
"We could take turns" Robin says smiling at you. You rolled your eyes and walked towards Dustin and Max. 
"Can you fill them in while I do this?" Dustin asks max aggravated.
"Fill us in on what?" Robin asks turning to yall.
"To sum it up, We think Eddie didn't kill Chrissy and we have to figure out his story. Y/n thinks it is something upside down based because of when she visited the upside down and saw her father a month ago so we need to find Eddie." Max summarizes quickly. Steve looks at you worried.
"Y/n why didn't you tell me?" He asks clearly worried about it.
"It doesn't matter ok." You say blowing the entire matter off. Dustin pulls the numbers up.
"Got it!" Dustin yells. Max, Robin and Dustin start to call around as you pace around the store. Steve was helping out the people in the store. This time the customer was a lady. She was wearing a pink and blue sweater. Steve walked towards the girl and you couldn't help but listen in. You walked to the closest section of the store which happened to be the comedy section.
"All right, Doctor Zhivago. It's a double VHS. It's long. But that's because it's filled with action and romance and a little bit of suspense." He tells the lady. You got a bit angry at the man, you just don't know why. 
"So my boyfriend won't, like totally puke when I bring it home?" The girl says.
"Oh your boyfriend." Steve says shocked. Welp, sucks to suck you thought as you started to look at the movies in the section until you find Sixteen Candles. You pick up the movie and look at it solemnly. All of the memories from the last summer made you a bit sad. You put the movie down and walk back to the counter to see Steve walk the lady out of the store. He stood their awkwardly for a minute before mumbling "Goddamn it" and closing the door. Max slams the phone down onto the counter causing you to look back at the counter.
"I think I found a lead." Max says causing the others to hang up their phones and turn towards you. 
"Seriously?" Dustin asks intrigued.
"Yea." Max simply responds. "apparently, Eddie gets drugs from some guy named Reefer Rick and Eddie sometimes crashes there."
"Sounds promising." Robin replies. "Where does Reefer Rick live?"
"See, that's the thing. No one knows." Max says. "He's more of a. A legend than someone that people actually know."
"What about a last name?" Dustin questions.
"Don't know that either," max replies.
"Bet the cops know the last name." Steve says as he organizes some of the movies.
"What?" Max questions.
"Cops." The working man replies. "I mean listen, if this Reefer Rick is actually a drug dealer I guarantee you he's been busted at some point." He says as he walks towards the counter.
"Yea. But why would we go to the cops for help especially in this situation. It's unreasonable." You reply back to the man.
"Y/n is right." Dustin agrees. "The cops, Really Steve? That's your suggestion?"
"I mean, I think they should be filled In on what we know, what's going on." Steve explains.
"You think Eddie's guilty, don't you?" Dustin questions the man. 
"Whoa." The man replies. "I believe in until proven guilty, all that constitutional shit." You furrow your brows at the man. "I just, You know." He claps his hands together. "I don't think we can rule it out." 
"That's precisely what we're trying to do here, Steve." Max snaps back. 
"And maybe we'd have a little bit more luck if you spent less time trying to replace y/n and more time trying to find Eddie." Dustin tells steve off. You step back in shock.
"Replace me. Wow Steve, I really thought you were better than that." You say a bit ticked off. Steve throws his hands up in the air in defense.
"Somebody has to attend to the customers." Steve argues back.
"Especially if they're babes, right?" You say mad at the man. 
"Hey, not fair. Okay?" Steve says as he points his finger at you. "I attend to all customers equally babes and non babes alike."
"Oh great, Thanks for clarifying." You say back sarcastically.
"We've got a very big selection in here. It can be super overwhelming for people." Steve argues back. You purse your lips at the man. 
"Yea, It can be." Robin smiles before she goes to the computer. 
"What are you doing?" Max questions the girl.
"Maybe we don't need a last name." Robin theorizes. You hop over the counter once more as Steve walks around the back. We all huddle around robin to see the computer. "Twelve ricks have accounts here."
"That's a lot of ricks." Max comments.
"So let's narrow it down." Robin says as she clicks on the first man's name. "Rick Alderman's latest rentals are Annie and Dumbo. Chances our drug dealer has a family?" Robin turns to max
"Not likely." Max responds.
"All right. Rick Conroy." She says as she clicks on the next one down. "Sixteen Candles, Teen wolf, romancing the stone." Steve looks towards you at the sound of Sixteen Candles. You look down on the ground to avoid contact. 
"No." Dustin and max say at the same time.
"Okay. Rick Joiner. Mask, Footloose, and Grease." The girl with the short hair says as she goes down the list. 
"Nah. the group says." 
"Rick Kimbrough. The blue lagoon and splash." She says.
"Definitely not." Max says causing everyone to laugh.
"Okay. Rick Lipton." Robin says clicking on another. "Fast times at Ridgemont High. Cheech and Chong's next movie. Cheech and Chong's Nice dreams. Cheech and Chong's up in smoke."
"Bingo!" Dustin says as he chuckles.
"Lipton?" Max questions.
"Spelled like the tea. 2121 Holland Road." Robin reads.
"That's by lovers lake." Dustin comments.
"Middle of nowhere." Max adds on.
"Its a perfect place to hide." Robin comments once more. Steve and robin take off their work vests and set them down in the back. You all leave the store and get into Steve's car. Robin locks the shop's doors behind her before getting into the passenger seat and you guys start to drive off.

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