"It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you"

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You wake up in the back of a moving car. You look around at your surroundings and where you were. You look down to see yourself in a black graphic tee and blue denim shorts. You look to your left a bit to see Steve. He was talking to Dustin, you 3 had all managed to fit in the trunk.
"Oh good your up!" Dustin says with glee. Steve turns his head towards you with a relieved look on his face. He plants a kiss on your forehead out of joy. A confused expression paints your face.
"What?" You raise an eyebrow. "How long was I out?" You ask the boy to your right.
"Over 10 hours." Steve said with a worried expression on his face.
"He genuinely thought you were a goner." Dustin says as he laughs as his on joke. "I think he even shed a tear at one point." You giggle at this statement. You look down at your outfit confused. This wasn't what you were wearing yesterday.
"Wait. Who changed me." You say slightly embarrassed.
"Don't worry. I got Robin to do that." Steve explained.
"Whew." You say slightly relieved. You hear Robin ramble on from the front seat about something. It's always something.
"Maybe we don't put it like that." you hear Lucas reply to Robin's ramble.
"We're one step closer to finding Vecna." Nancy plans to say to the man. "That's what we say. That's what's important."
"See, Robin? Positive spin can make all the difference." Steve adds on as he chews on some pringles.
"Uh.Huh." Robin says sarcastically.
"Oh shit." Nancy says as she pulls up towards something. We all turn our heads to the front of the car and see a ton of citizens pilled up by the lake where Eddie was hiding. You, Dustin and Steve get out of the trunk while the others get from all the doors.
"Come on this way." Nancy says leading you guys towards a corner behind one of the many news vans. 
"Homicide out here by the lake. Officer Callahan here and myself arrived first on the scene. We made our way to the shore of Lover's Lake about ten yards from that house you see behind me. It was there that we found the victim, an 18 year old senior from Hawkins high, Patrick McKinney." The officer being interviewed read out from his notepad. "His limbs, His body it was disfigured. There was an eyewitness on the scene. We have also identified the person of interest. Eddie Munson." The guy flicked a picture up of your childhood best friend. You felt a lump in your throat. "We encourage anyone with information to please come forward."
"Oh man." Dustin murmurs.
"This is not good. Really not good." Steve says in reply. 
"You've got a lot of questions, and I'm going to answer as many as I can. Two o'clock at town hall. Where anyone from the Hawkins community is welcome. But right now, I've got some work to do, and I appreciate your understanding." The sheriff finishes saying as the crowd continues to ask questions. 
"Dustin, can your hear me? Wheeler?" You hear Eddie's voice from the radio. You guys all walk away from the crime scene
"Eddie holy shit." Dustin says into the walkie. "Are you okay?"
"Nah, man. Pretty. Pretty goddamn far from okay." He replies back.
"Where is he?" Robin asks Dustin.
"Where are you?" Dustin asks the man on the other side. 
"Skull rock. Do you know it?" Eddie says from the other line. Steve looks at you and gives you a little smirk. You giggle silently.
"Uh yeah. That's near Cornwallis and" Dustin replies before getting interrupted.
"Garrett yeah. Yeah. I know where that is." Steve finishes his sentence. As he starts to go towards the car. You follow shortly behind.
"Hold tight. We're coming. We're coming." Dustin says from behind. Steve gets into the front seat and you get into the passanger.
"Seat belts." You remind the others in the back seat as they buckle up before Steve drives off.
You, Steve and Dustin had split from the others to go and  look for Eddie.
"Dude, I'm telling you, You're taking us the wrong way." Steve argues with Dustin. 
"It's north. I'm positive. I checked the map." Dustin explained. 
"Oh my god. Could you two just stop the bickering." You say rolling your eyes. The two keep walking towards one direction before Steve speaks again.
"You do realize Skull Rock, It's a super popular make-out spot?" Steve says starting up another arguement. 
"Yeah. So?" Dustin says.
"Yeah, well, it wasn't popular until I made it popular. All right? I practically invented it." Steve explains.
"Oh yeah. I bet you took all the babes here. Not just me and Nancy." You say sarcastically. Steve gives you a look.
"Well maybe you two inspired other people to come." Steve said.
"Yeah okay." You reply back to his statement as we continue walking in the direction Steve is leading you guys. 
"We're heading in the wrong direction." Dustin says as you and Steve kept walking. "Steve. Where are you going? Y/n?" 
"Stop whining. Let's go. Trust me." Steve turns around and tells the boy before grabbing your hand. You two run into the direction Steve had told you guys before. After a while of walking you guys made it to the area. 
"Oh boom! Bada Bing. Bada Boom. There she is Henderson." Steve says pulling back some leaves. "Skull rock!" He climbs through the leaves and holds some back for you. "In your face, man. In your stupid, cocky little face." 
"Yeah. So mature, Steve." You say with a slight grin on your face.
"Doesn't make sense." Dustin says.
"Yeah, yeah. Even with it staring you right in the face, you can't admit it. You just can't admit you're wrong, you butthead." Steve continues bragging. Eddie jumps down from an rock. You three turn around to see Eddie. You sigh of relief.
"I concur. You Dustin Henderson, are a total butthead." Eddie says. You run towards him and give him a hug. Eddie stood their shocked a little. He then wraps his head around your body. You pull away from the hug before standing right next to Steve. 
"Jesus we thought you were a goner." Dustin says as he also gives Eddie a hug. 
"Yeah, me too, man." Eddie says. Everyone else makes it to the rock. You guys gave Eddie his food and of course his 6 pack of beer and talked for a while. 
"When I got to the shore, I tried calling you guys, but, uh my walkie was busted, man. Drenched. So, uh, I did the thing that I do now, apparently. I ran!" Eddie says as he chuckles. You giggle the slightest bit before walking under the rock next to Eddie and squat down.
"Do you know what time this was? The attack?" Nancy asked trying to be the slightest bit serious. Dustin starts to pace around looking at his compass.
"Yeah, no, I, I know exactly what time it was." Eddie replies as he starts to take off his watch. "My walkie wasn't the only thing that got soaked." The man in the vest tossed Nancy the watch.
"9:27." Nancy reads out loud.
"Same time our flashlights went kablooey." Robin stated.
"Same time I felt light headed and supposedly passed out." you added on
"Which means what exactly?" Steve asks.
"That that surge of energy was Vecna attacking Patrick." Nancy explains for the man in the yellow.
"Well, we're one step closer. We know how he attacks" Robin complies. 
"And where he attacks from." Lucas adds to robin's statement.
"So now we just need to sneak into his lair in the Upside down and drive a stake through his heart." Max says creating some sort of a plan.
"If he has a heart." Robin adds jokingly. 
"A stake? Is he like a vamp? Is he a vampire?" Steve asks.
"Not quite. He's way worse. trust me." You answer steve's question. 
"It was a metaphor." Max answers steve's question also.
"A bullet should work on him, right?" Eddie asks. 
"I say we chop his head off." Lucas adds.
"Yeah, id say all of the above but we can't do any of that until we find a way into the Upside Down." Nancy plans
"We need El to get her powers back." Max says. You put your hand over your chest sarcastically.
"I can help too." You say.
"Absolutely not." Steve says. You look towards the man confused. "I don't need you getting more hurt than you already are, between the nosebleeds and constant passing out, I don't want you to over do it and hurt yourself severely." Steve rambles a bit. Your eyes soften a bit before you walk over to him and give him a kiss on the forehead. You latch onto the mans arm. 
"Hey, uh, Henderson's not cursed is he?" Eddie says bring the attention to the boy pacing back and forth. 
"Cursed, no,no,no he's fine." Steve answers as the man stops the pacing movement. "mental, Absolutely." You hit Steve shoulder signaling him to stop.
"Boom!" Dustin shouts causing everyone to look towards him. "Bada, bada, boom." Dustin says as he points at steve. "I was right. Skull rock was north."
"Seriously? You're serious?" Steve rolls his eyes as he says.
"Mhm" Dustin says with a bright smile.
"This is skull rock okay?" Steve says slightly aggravated. "You're totally, absolutely 100% wrong. right now." 
"yes. And no." The boy in the thinking cap says.
"Oh my god." Steve sighs
"This worked correctly when we left the Wheelers' it was correct when we got in the car on curly. But it started to slip the further east we went. Now its way off. When I was leading us here, I wasn't wrong. The compass was." Dustin explained as you looked at him confused. 
"So you're using faulty equipment. You're still wrong." Steve argued.
"Except it isn't faulty. Lucas, do you remember what can affect a compass?" Dustin asked the boy in the gray blue and red shirt.
"A electromagnetic field." Lucas answered.
"yup." Dustin simply responded.
"Sorry. I must've skipped that class." Robin responds.
"In the presence of a stronger electromagnetic field the needle will deflect towards that power. So either there's some super big magnet around here, or." Dustin says before getting cut off.
"There's a gate." Lucas finished Dustin's sentence.
"But we're nowhere near the lab." Nancy states.
"But what id, somehow, there's another gate? A gate that we don't know about. It'd have to be smaller way less powerful."
"Like a fun sized candy bar." You add.
"Snack sized gate." Robin joked back.
"How? Why?" Steve questions.
"No idea, all I know is that something is causing this disturbance, and the last time we've seen anything like it, it was a gate. And I hope it is because then we'd have a way to Vecna. And a shot at freeing max from this curse." Dustin theorizes before walking towards where the compass leads him. You shrug your shoulders and follow along. What's the worse that could happen.
"Where are you two going?" Steve questioned as you two kept walking away. "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey." You and Dustin turn around. "Eddie's still a wanted man. We can't just go for a  hike in the woods."
"The compass may be the key or maybe just a clue on how to save max and Eddie, Steve." You say.
"What say you, Eddie the banished?" Dustin asks the man under the rock.
"I say you're asking me to follow you into Mordor which, if I'm totally straight with you, I think it's a really bad idea, but, uh the shire. The shire is burning." Eddie says. Dustin starts to hop up and down over and over again. Eddie stands up and stretches. "So Mordor it is." The man complies as he walks with you and Dustin causing the others to follow. You guys hiked as it got dark until you got to the lake.
"Somethings happening." You hear Dustin say from the front.
"Dustin? Can you slow down? Dustin?" Eddie replied back.
"I think we're getting close." The boy says back as he almost falls into the lake luckily Eddie catches him.
"Watch your step big guy." Eddie says back to Dustin.
"Oh man." Steve sighs. "You gotta be shitting me."
"I thought the woods were familiar." Eddie states.
"Lover's lake." Robin adds.
"This is confounding." Dustin says.
"There's a gate in lovers lake?" Max questions. 
"Whenever the Demogorgon attacked, it always left an opening maybe Vecna's the same way." Nancy theorizes.
"Yeah, Only one way to find out." Steve says. You guys find a boat not to far away from where you guys had been standing and uncover it. Steve and Eddie put it into the water. "Easy. I. I said easy, man."
"Sorry, dude." Eddie says in return. Robin walks towards them getting into the boat.
"Yeah, I'm just gonna do that." She says and she supports herself with Eddie and Steve's heads. 
"Yeah that works too." Steve says in response to robin. Eddie gets in the boat before, Nancy gets on and you soon after. Dustin tries to get on the boat before Steve puts his hand out to stop him.
"Hey, hey, Hey, You trying to sink us." Eddie says.
"This thing hold four people tops okay?" Steve says to dustin. 
"It's better this way, okay? You stay here with max. Keep an eye out for trouble." Nancy says.
"You keep an eye out. It's my goddamn theory." Dustin argues back.
"You heard nance." Robin says. 
"Who put her in change." Dusting argues again.
"I Did." Robin argues back.
"Compass." Nancy says holding out her hand. Dustin gives up and places the compass in Nancy's hand. 
"Hey." Steve says before throwing a bag. "There you go." He says before pushing the boat and getting in. 
"You said 4." Dustin shouts. 
"Bedtimes at nine kiddos!" Robin says as she waves away. "Miss you already!"

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