"Breaking the chains around you, Nobody else can bind you"

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After a while of paddling the 5 of you were getting tired. You guys were near the center of the lake when nancy signals you and Robin to stop paddling.
"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Slow down." The girl in the striped shirt stops you two. "Slow down." You all turn to look at nancy's hand to see the compass spinning like crazy. You guys stare at the compass confused as you hear dustin's voice speak through the walkie talkie.
"Guys, What's going on." The boy said as robin picks up the walkie from the edge of her seat. "come on guys talk to me." the boy repeats.
"Uh, Dustin, Your compass has gone from wonky with a wonky with a capital "AHH!"" Robin explains to the boy. You look to your right to see Steve start to take off his shoes.
"Steve, What are you doing?" You ask the man. 
"Somebody's gotta go down and check this out. Unless one of you three can top being a Hawkins High swim co-captain and a certified life guard for 3 years."  Steve says as he moves on to his other shoe.
"I actually can. I'm a mermaid." You say sarcastically in return. The man gives you a sarcastic glare in return. Steve then stands up in the center of the boat.
"Hey, I'm not complaining. I do not wanna go down there." Eddie adds on. The man with the good hair pulls off his bright yellow shirt. Your eyes trail all over his body and your face starts to heat up. You get distracted by the sound of a plastic bag rumbling beside you, you turn your head to see eddie wraping a flashlight in a trash bag. 
"Hey. Be safe down there." You say to the man before he goes down and dives into the water. The four of you guys patiently wait for a response as you start to get fidgety. Robin grabs your hand to stop you from hurting yourself and starts to play with your knuckles.
"Where are we at, Wheeler?" Robin asks nancy.
"Closing in on a minute." The girl responds. After a few more minutes the water splashes and Steve comes up.
"Oh christ." Eddie exclaims. 
"I found it!" The soaking man says.
"You found it?" You ask excited.
"I found it. Yeah, I found it." Steve softens his eyes as he responds to you. Robin turns around and grabs the walkie.
"Dustin, You're a goddamn Einstein." The girl with the short hair says through the Walkie Talkie. "Steve found the gate." 
"It's more than a snack size,  than a mother gate." Steve pants as water drips down the front of his face. "But still, its pretty damn big." All of a sudden a force pulls steve down causing the boat to shake. You put your hands to either side of you to keep your balance. Steve comes back above water and grabs the side edge of the boat. Before being pulled down once again. 
"Steve!" You shout. 
"Steve! Steve!" Robin shouts panicked. You all peered over the side of the boat in panic. 
"What the hell was that man!" You black haired best friends yells from his respective side of the boat.
"Nancy, really, what happened." Robin shouted at nancy as you start to take off your shoes. You pull your graphic tee about to jump in the water.
"Y/N! What the hell are you doing?!" Eddie shouts after you as you dive into the water. You weren't the best swimmer but you weren't about to let steve die in the upside down. Your eyes stung as water got into your sockets. After swimming for a bit you see a red glowing gate and you go straight through it. You landed in an area with slimey floors and a reddish sky. While looking out into the atmosphere, You look down to see steve on the floor with a bat like think holding his neck. You step towards it as you form an orb in your hand and throw it at the bat. As you do that it calls the bats towards you and start attacking. One bat knocks you down as you hit another with your orb. You start to stand up as you see robin hit a bat from behind you.
"Robin?" You say as another bat comes charging towards you as you take an orb and move it back. You and robin look back as nancy takes an ore and swats the bat eating at steves stomach. More bats come rushing towards eddie and You as nancy and robin hit the bat around steves neck. 
"Nancy behind you watch out!" Eddie yells at nancy as a bat attacks her back. You take an orb and chuck it off of nancy's back as robin helps nancy up. Steve bits the bats tail pulling it off of his neck and stands up. The 5 of you fight more bats off for a while before no more come towards your way. You look towards steve as he rips a bat beneath his feet and spits out the blood in his mouth. Steve looks towards your way and looks at the pink bra you were standing in before turning away.
"Steve!" Robin says worried as steve walks towards her. You walk between the two and look at steve's marks.
"Are you okay?" You ask the man. 
"Well, they took about a pound of flesh." Steve says as you look around his body. "Other than that yeah never better." The shirtless man looks up towards you and makes eye contact. You turn around to make sure everyone else is okay as you catch Nancy and Eddie staring at you two. 
"Uh, do you guys think these bats have, like, rabies?" The short haired girl says as she looks down at a dead bat. You sigh at robin's comment and walk towards her.
"What?" Steve asks confused.
"It's just that rabies are, like my number one greatest fear and I think we should get you to a doctor really soon. Because once the symptoms set in, its too late. You're already dead." Robin starts to ramble as she stands up. You rub her shoulder to try and calm her down as you hear a squelching noise. 6 bats come from the sky and land towards the gate.
"Thats not too many. We can take them right?" Steve says as he changes his stance. More bats come from the sky and start rushing towards yall.
"You were saying?" Robin says at the humongous swarm coming towards you guys.
"You guys, Run!" You shout towards the group as nancy, eddie and robin turn around in the oppisate direction and start to run. You form two orbs in your hand and push yourself in the air causing you to levitate.
"What are you doing Y/n?" Steve shouts up to you worried causing you to turn to his direction.
"I can take them." You say confidently as the bats get closer. "Just go." You say to steve as he starts to go. You turn back to the direction of the bats and start attacking. Typically around this time you start to feel tired but instead you started to feel powerful. A bat attacks your head from behind causing you to flip forward but you catch yourself and force yourself back up killing the other bats without flaw. Another swarm of bats come you way as you turn in the oppisate direction and fly till you reach the start of a forest. Then you use your force to land on the ground and run until you see the others. You 5 look up above the trees to see the second swarm of bats fly above.
"Oh shit, Shit." You hear steve say as he collapses onto a tree.
"Steve?" You run towards his side. "jesus." You murmur under your breath.
"I'm fine. I'm fine." He says as he props his back against a tree. 
"No,No,No,No You're not. You're losing blood." You tell him. "Come on, Sit, sit." You pull his body down so he sits against the tree. "Anyone have any extra cloth i can use?" You turn back and ask the 3 trying not to look at you and steve.
"Yeah." Nancy replies as she pulls up her shirt and rips the extra white cloth from her shirt and hands it to you. Robin squats down next you and looks at steve's wound. 
"So the good news is I'm pretty sure the wooziness is not a symptom of rabies." Robin says a bit shaken up.
"Robin." You whisper trying to get her to stop.
"But if you start having hallucinations or muscle spasms or you start feeling aggressive, like you wanna  punch me let me know" Robin continues.
"Robin." Steve says.
"I kinda wanna punch you." Steve manages to get out.
"sense of humor's still intact. That's a good sign." Robin replies to steve's comment as you take the cloth and brace wrap it around the man's waist. 
"You ready?" You ask looking up the the man. 
"Yeah, just do it." Steve says as he looks down on you. You take the cloth and wrap it tightly around his waist as he grunts. 
"Too tight?" You ask.
"No its good." He says as he slides down."Thanks"
"yeah." You reply as You guys Longley look into each others eyes before you two start to lean in.
"So , uh" Eddie says causing you two to turn to the man standing on top of a rock. "this place is like hawkins but with monsters and nasty shit?" 
"Pretty much." Nancy answers. You kiss steves head and help him stand up before you walk towards the rock eddie stood apon. The man with the vest starts to climb down the rock before nancy stops him. "Watch out for the vines. Its a hive mind." 
"A what?" Eddie responds. 
"All the creepy crawlies around here, dude. They're like one or something. You step on a vine, you're stepping on a bat, you're stepping on vecna." Steve explains. 
"Shit." Eddie murmurs.
"But everything from our world is still here, right? Except people?" Robin asks.
"As far as I understand it, Yeah." Nancy answers.
"So theoretically, we could go to the police station and steal guns and grenades and shit, whatever we need to blow up those bat things guarding the gate." The girl with the white jacket theorizes.
"I don't think police officers have grenades..." You say to the girl. 
"But guns yeah sure." Steve adds to your statement. 
"Well we don't need to go downtown for guns." Nancy states. "I have guns in my bedroom."
"You, Nancy wheeler, have guns, plural in your bedroom?" Eddie asks as he jumps down from the rock.
"I wouldn't doubt it." You say smiling at nancy.
"Full of surprises isn't she." Robin jokes.
"A russian makarov and a revolver." the girl with the ripped shirt elaborates.
"Yeah, You almost shot me with that one." Steve says causing you to laugh a bit. 
"You almost deserved it." Nancy responds. A vest gets thrown towards steve and he catches it.
"For modesty dude." Eddie says before he throws his leather jacket at you signaling for you to cover up too. You slip the jacket on over your pink bra and shorts before the ground starts to rumble. You start to fall as steve grabs onto you. You all start to pant and get up as the rumbling stops. The group starts to walk towards a direction nancy leads you guys.
You all made it to the wheeler's house and enter.
"Might be time to get a maid wheeler." Robin jokes as she looks at all the vines everywhere.
"Come on. I don't wanna stay here longer than we have to." Nancy says as she walks up the stairs. You all follow shortly behind. You guys turn to your left entering nancy's room. Nancy darts straight towards her closet where she pulls a pink shoe box. She brings the box to her dresser where You, Eddie and robin gather around her. Nancy opens the box to reveal none other than a pair of shoes.
"Those aren't guns." Eddie states the obvious.
"Those heels are a bit pointy but i was hoping for a deadly projectile." Robin jokes as nancy pulls the shoes from out the box.
"Weren't we all." You say sarcastically towards robin. 
"I don't understand." The girl said.
"Maybe you left them somewhere else" You tell nancy looking for a bit of hope.
"there's a 6 year old in the house. i know where i hide my guns." nancy says irritated. "And also I threw these away years ago." The girl with the stripped shirt looks down and picks up a stack of flash cards.
"I get that grades are important, but perhaps studying can wait till we get out." Robin comments.
"These are from sophomore chemistry." Nancy states. "And this, this is wallpaper. This is old wallpaper." She says point to the wall and starts to walk around. "And this mirror. This went to a yard sale. And you. You're not supposed to be here. I gave you to cousin Joanna two years ago." Nancy says as she picks up a teddy bear from off her bed before she continues to walk around, Then all of a sudden she rushes to her bedside table and grabs a diary. 
"What is it?" Eddie asks.
"Nancy you're freaking me out." Robin says to the girl who stood in awe.
"I think the reason that my guns aren't here is because they don't exist yet." Nancy explains.
"What do you mean They don't exist?" You question. 
"This diary should be full of entries. It's not. The last entry is November 6th 1983. The day will went missing. The day the gate opened. We're in the past." The girl elaborated.  
"Dustin! Dustin!" You hear steve yell from downstairs. The 4 of you run downstairs to see what steve was screaming about. "can you hear me? Dustin??"
"Maybe he really does have rabies." Robin whispers in your ear.
"Probably." You whisper back.
"Hello? Hello?" Steve continues to yell. 
"Steve what are you doing?" Nancy asks. causing the man to turn around.
"He's here. Henderson. That little shit, he's here. he's like." Steve frantically explains as you slowly nod your head in disbelief. "Its like he's in the walls or something. Just listen." Then steve turns around and proceeds to shout his friends name. 
"That brings us to the question you first raised." you hear the voice of dustin say. 
"Maybe steve isnt so stupid." You whisper to robin. "dustin!" You shout as you walk away from the group. Everyone splits up around the room shouting dustins name and search for where his voice is coming from.
"All right, either this kid can't hear us or he's being a total douchebag." Steve explains.
"Will found a way." Nancy murmurs.
"what?" You ask.
"will. He found a way to speak to joyce through the lights." Nancy explains.
"Lights?" Steve questions. Nancy walks towards and lap and tried switching it on. You and steve follow behind. 
"Switch, try the switch." You tell the girl. Nancy flicks the switch multiple times but nothing happens.
"It's not working." nancy says agrivated.
"Guys." Steve says causing you two to turn around. "You seeing this." He points towards the chandelier with his flashlight as glittering dust floats around it. You 3 walk towards it as nancy puts her fingers up to the dust causing it to light up.
"Whoa." Eddie says as robin and him walk up. You all put your hands up to the lamps causing the dust around your hands to glow.
"it tickles." Steve comments. 
"It kinda feels good." Robin says.
"Does anyone know morse code?" Nancy asks as she pulls her hand away
"No." Steve and robin say at the same time and eddie pulls his hand away also.
"wait does SOS count?" Eddie asks. "Is that? Is that good?" You steve and robin pull your hands down as Eddie pulls his hands up flashing SOS onto the lights. 
"It's working." Robin says. After a bit dustins voice led you all to go back to nancy's room.
"Okay, You guys seeing this?" You here dustin ask as the glittering dust appears again. Nancy drags her hand through it to test it out. You start to hear the laughs of dustin and erica from the other side. 
"We're not moving it but we're gonna unplug it stand by." dustin warns. the bright dust stop glittering as dustin asks you guys to try it. So you guys did. after a while you guys found out that there is a gate at eddie's trailer you guys could go through so you tested that theory. You guys ran to the front of nancy's house and grabed 5 bikes from their garage and rode them to the trailer. 
"Right here." Eddie said as you guys pulled up to his trailler. You all dropped the bikes and started to walk into the home.
"That's gotta be a guinness world record. Most miles traveled interdimensionally." Robin jokes. You all look up to see a gate on the ceiling.
"god damn." Steve comments.
"this is where chrissy died. Like right where chrissy died." Eddie elaborates. 
"I think there's something in there." Robin says.
"well i guess we'll find out." you says forming an orb in your hand and blowing it throw the ceiling reveling dustin, lucas, max and erica. "sorry about that!" You yell upward 
"Hi there!" Dustin yells. 
"Hi!" You all respond. A little bit later lucas comes in with a mattress and puts it under the hole.
"Those stains are uh. I dont know what those stains are." eddie says suspiciously at the yellow stains on the mattress
"Not quite sure how these physics are gonna work but uh. here goes nothing." dustin says as he throws a rope up through the hole. Causing it to stand.
"Holy shit." You murmur. Robin walks forwards towards the rope.
"Guess im the guinea pig"  she says as she climbs up the rope. and falls through the other side. Eddie goes next, then you.  Then nancy it was nancy's go.  Your nose started to bleed as steve started to yell out to nancy shaking her back and forth. 
"vecna." Max says under her breath as she realizes what is going on.

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