Part 5

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Eva's POV...

That bus was a cramped piece of shit. We were all within 2 inches of each other.

I hated it. 

I didn't want to go on this trip in the first place. 

Nelia annoyed me into it.

Maybe if I never came I wouldn't have met Niall but I would have survived...

I was better off without guys anyways.

What is so great about them anyway?

Nothing. They all leave eventually. They sit there and use you then when they need o take responsibilty they leave. The world never fails to prove me right.

I was next to Amelia and Alessandra.Nelia was by Jessie.

I had been texting Niall like the whole night until he fell asleep. At least he could sleep no matter how long I kept my eyes closed for I was just daydreaming and I was wide awake. After 11 Hours, the bus announcer finally annouce we were here. 

We got off and went to our suite, it was gorgeous. 

Amelia's dad must really be loaded. I was laying on the couch when they all decided to grab pizza.

Who wouldn't want to eat pizza in Italy?

I went with them. I took bites of my pizza as everyone talked about the guys and gushed over them. 

I don't understand what about them made us go all goo goo...

Maybe it was that they were our favorite band and we had gotten to know them? 

I mean that was pretty awesome. 

Or was it the fact that we knew them personally and they were just as great of guys we thought they were and they were interested in us. I mean it's not like I'm not interested in Niall. I totally am but it seems too surreal...

My thoughts are going a mile a minute and my phone went off. I looked down it was a message from Niall. 

FROM: Niall Horan <3

What are you up to gorgeous?

I sat there and who couldn't help but feel good when one of the hottest guys to walk earth calls you gorgeous.

I replied 


Nothing, just eating some pizza. How about you? 

I sighed as I sat back and felt my stomach almost burst from eating so much pizza but also the butterflies, I really liked him. I'm not in love. I don't fall in love. i just don't.

I don't fall for guys that I don't know.. There is no exception for Niall Horan even if he is amazing. NO EXCEPTIONS.....

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