Part 10

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"Jessie," Louis let out standing in front of the bathroom door. 

"Leave me alone Louis," Jessie let out wiping the few tears falling from her eyes.

"Can I just talk to you then if you still don't want to ever look at me again I will totally understand... Please?" he let out. 

"Fine," She said as she opened the door. 

She stood there, "You have about 2 minutes," She let out. 

"Jessie, I'm not using you or leading you on. I don't know how Nelia feels about the situation but she is wrong, we liked you guys from when we met you because you guys seemed different and chill. Not like those super fangirls that want to eat us. I liked you because you seemed awesome. After talking to you I thought you were pretty amazing. And how gorgeous you are was only a plus. No one will ever forget you five. I could never forget you Jessie," He let out in one long run on sentence. 

She looked up at him then out at the girls and guys that were acting damn fools out in the living area. 

"I don't know how this is going to end, but we can try..." She said. She knew she was going to regret this but trying doesn't kill anyone and it will get Louis to leave her alone.

Nelia was in her room trying to take of the dress. "Come help me unzip this Amelia," She let out from the doorway. 

"No," Amelia yelled from the couch where she sat with Liam.

She sighed. Eva wasn't in sight and Alessandra was sucking face. 

"I'll help you," Zayn let out walking towards the door. 

Nelia sighed. She turned and grabbed her hair up. 

He unzipped the dress. She threw on a baggy t-shirt and pulled down the dress. 

"Nelia," he said. She looked at him. She was mad but she didn't understand why. 

Why did she always push people away and fuck things up?

"What?" She let out throwing on a pair of lounge shorts. 

"What happened?" he let out. 

"Nothing," She let out harshly sitting on the bed looking at him. 

"Obviously something, I thought we were into each other." He said. 

Nelia sighed and laid back on the bed. She had just complicated everything to the max.

"Talk to me and help me understand," He let out. 

Her head was spinning, being so wasted didn't help either. 

"I don't know," She slurred quietly.

"Well can we start with where you got all that back there?" He asked. 

"It's true, all celebrities do that..." She let out. 

"Not me, I said I liked you because I do... I'm not going to sit here and kiss you if I know it's going no where," He let out a little angry. 

She looked at him and closed her eyes, the room spinnned as he talked. 

"You okay?" He asked. 

"Can we talk tomorrow, I feel so sick," She let out. 

He sighed, "Definitely," He said as he laid down at the end of the bed.

They both fell asleep.

Niall laid beside Eva, they were talking. 

"Eva," he let out in a sigh.

"Yeah?" She asked hesitantly.

"Marry me," he said.

She laughed and said, "Shut up you're drunk..." She smiled.

He smiled at her, "So? I still think you're perfect. Marry me?" He said.

She smiled and nodded, knowing he was just asking cause he was wasted and wouldn't even remember tomorrow which kind of hurt. 

"I will Niall," She said laughing. 

He pulled her in and they fell asleep.

-End of Chapter-

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