Part 19

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The next morning they woke up early to go pick Nelia's dad up from the airport. 

They got to the terminal and Eva and Nelia got out excited to see him. 

"There he is," Eva let out point to the chubby man walking out of the doors.

Nelia ran to him and jumped on him. 

"I missed you so much," Nelia said squeezing him tightly. 

"You've got so big and beautiful," he let out smiling. 

"Let's go the girls are excited to see you," She let out helping him by taking his bag.

They got in the car and the girls said hello and they were all catching up while Nelia drove home.

When they got to the house, Claire welcomed Nelia's dad. 

"Getting a little bigger there Nic," Claire let out.

He smiled, "It's cause I eat now," Claire cut her eyes at him.

"Not today, we're going to decorate and be civil!" Nelia said smiling and leading her dad to the living room. 

"Can the guys come help?" Alessandra pleaded. 

Nelia shrugged, just because her and Zayn didn't work doesn't mean punish the girls.

"Guys?" Nic let out laughing. 

"They have boyfriends," Nelia let out. 

"And you?" He asked. 

"Single as a pringle Dad," She said laughing. 

He smiled and nodded, "That's what I like to hear," he let out. 

Nelia smiled and the girls called the guys while they got the decorations out to start decorating. 

When the guys got there, Nic stared them down. They all looked a bit nervous. 

"Pa, stop you're freaking them out." Nelia let out pushing him a little as she walked by with a box of decorations.

Nic laughed and said, "Sorry." He stood and he towered over most of the people there.

He was a scary looking guy.

"So I think the guys should put up the tree," Alessandra let out looking at the huge tree waiting to be assembled. 

"Let's get to it," harry said. 

The guy put up the tree as the girls started putting out the decorations waiting to do the tree.

"Nelia, pass me that part right there to the bottom," Zayn let out. 

Nelia passed him it and ignored his thank you. 

"Nelia," Nic let out and said, "Don't be rude, say you're welcome."

"You're welcome," She said sarcastically and went to grab the box of garland. 

Zayn laughed a little. 

Nelia rolled her eyes while she passed garland to each of the girls. 

"Let's wrap your dad up," eva let out laughing. 

"Please, can we Nic?" Amelia let out laughing. 

"No," He said laughing. 

"He said yes," Eva said as she began wrapping him. 

Nelia and Jessie were laughing hysterically while the guys watched and were nervous of whether he was going to kill the girls. 

"I told you NO," Nic said taking the garland off and throwing it at Eva smiling. 

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