Part 23

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Jessie layed on the floor, head on Louis lap and she was talking to Nelia who was sitting in David's lap on a chair by her and Perrie who was sitting cross legged across from them.

Eva was on the patio when Zayn walked out to smoke a cigarette.

"Hey,"  He said quietly to her. 

"Hi," She let out looking out at the porch. 

"Can I ask you something?" He asked lighting the cigarette. 

She nodded. 

"Do you think Nelia still has feelings for me?" He asked. 

Eva looked up at him, "Why do you care? You have a girlfriend." She let out. 

"I know but being around Nelia is just confusing me because I still have feelings for her but last night," He paused then said, "She just walked away after I kissed her." He said. 

"You kissed her!" She whispered loudly. 

"Shh," He said, "I kissed her and she got mad and walked out." 

"I would have too, are you crazy you brought your girlfriend to sleepover your ex's house then you kiss her. What are you smoking, I need some." She let out shaking her head. 

He shook his head, "Eva, I seriously do love Nelia." He let out in a sigh.

"I don't know how to help you, you have put yourself in a situation because Nelia is moving on, I don't know if you thought she was going to wait for you forever but she isn't one to just wait forever. Eva let out walking by. 

"I knew that, but I just didn't think that it would be so soon or that she would hang with him around me and kiss him. It's weird." he let out taking his last drag. 

"I'm sorry, talk to her when you guys have time alone and then see what happens from there because I think she is beginning to like this kid," Eva said standing up and going in. 

Zayn sighed and threw the unlit cigarette end off the patio.

The buzzer went off. 

Claire opened it. 

All the girls were watching the TV, watching Paranormal Activity when Claire walked in and someone followed her. 

"Hey," Niall let out walking in.

Eva looked over and ran over and hugged him.

He kissed her and she was smiling. 

"So what do we have planned this week?" He  said. 

"I leave tomorrow," Eva said.

Niall looked at her, "What?"

"Yeah, high school only has a week of vacation." She said. 

"Are you serious?" he let out. 

"Yeah," She said looking back at the screen irritated now.

She could tell he was mad, well so was she! 

She had came all this way not only to see her friends but to spend time with him and all they had was less than 24 hours.

Nic walked in, "Eva, your mom wants to speak to you." He passed her the phone. 

She grabbed it and walked out. 

Her mother was telling her who was going to pick her up. 

"What time do you leave?" Nelia asked looking at her. 

"Well your dad got the tickets with my mom so I don't know what time, but I know my mom is going to be there to get me." She let out. 

"PA," Nelia let out. 

Nic walked in, "Yes?" He asked.

"What time do you two leave tomorrow?" She asked.

"Noon," he said.

She looked at him and felt tears come to her eyes but she pushed them back.

He met Niall and left. 

Later in the day the guys and Perrie were leaving. 

"We'll have to hang out soon," perrie said to the girls. 

When they left Jessie laughed, "isn't it awkward how she doesn't know Nelia went out with Zayn?" 

Nelia rolled her eyes, " i like her," She said. 

Niall had stayed and they were hanging out on the porch. 

"So whenn do I get to see you again?" Niall asked. 

She shrugged. 

"I wanted to invite you to my graduation though if you want, I'm inviting everyone." She said quietly. 

He smiled, "I'd love to go." He let out.

She smiled at him and he kissed her. 


All the girls were getting ready.

It was around 11 when Eva and Nic started packing the car and they all left and met up with everyone else at the airport. 

Eva hugged the girls and cried with them. 

"Behave in school," Alessandra yelled at her.

Nelia squeezed her, "i'm going to miss you so damn much," Eva said. 

"I'm going to miss you too but I'll be there for spring break and then gradutation," She said smiling.

She smiled and stepped back so they guys could say goodbye. 

"So call me when you get there," Niall said. 

"I  will," She said looking up at him. 

"I'm so mad at your school, I wish I could have spent longer with you," He said kissing her. 

"It's fine, you'll see me on graduation then I'm moving out here," She said smiling. 

"Good," he kissed her. 

Nic walked in with their luggage and Nelia couldn't back her tears anymore. 

"Nelia, what's wrong?" Nic asked grabbing her arms. 

"I'm going to miss you so much!" She said as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead. 

"I love you so much Nelia," He said squeezing her. 

"I love you too Pa," She let out. 

He wiped her tears and said, "I'll call you when I get there," he said bye to everyone else and they left into the terminal.

"Spring break is when again?" Nelia asked the girls turning to leave.

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