Part 29

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A month after Eva moved to London...


"EVA," Nelia yelled running down the stairs to the kitchen. 

"what? Eva let out while she cooked for Niall who was sitting there with the guys. 

"Did you take my blow dryer?" She asked with her hair all soaking wet and wavy.

Eva shook her head, "Use mine," 

Nelia sighed, "Where the hell is it then?" she mumbled walking away. 

"I'm going to regret moving in, I can feel it." She let out. 

"When was the last time she used it?" harry asked watching her cook. 

"Like last summer?" She said. 

The guys laughed, "Wow," Louis let out. 

"Wait I think Amelia has it!" She let out running upstairs to grab her phone. 

"She just left the food on the stove and it's on..." Liam let out. 

Zayn laughed and walked over to the stove turning it off.

Eva came down on the phone looking for a phone card in the kitchen drawer. 

She found one and used it to call Amelia, "Hey Lia," She let out and then said, "Do you have Nelia's blow dryer still?" She asked. 

Eva smiled, "This crazy bitch is going psycho looking for it." She laughed.

She paused and then they talked for a few more minutes and hung up. 

"I knew Lia had it," She let out. 

"You going to tell her?" Niall asked. 

She shook her head, "Not right now, let her go crazy," She said turning the stove back on.

They all ate and Nelia came down with her hair all wavy. 

She looked pissed, "What's wrong Nelia?" Liam asked. 

"I know Eva stole my blow dryer," She said. 

Eva smiled and said,"Why don't you give Lia a call," 

Nelia gave her a weird look, "What does Lia have to do with you being a stealer!" She let out. 

Eva sighed, "I don't have it Amelia does!" 

She said, "Amelia hasn't been here." 

"I know but you let her borrow it last summer," She let out frustrated. 

"oh," She staring at her. 

"I'm waiting," Eva said. 

"Sorry," She let out. 

"For?" Eva asked. 

Nelia rolled her eyes, "For calling you a stealer." She let out in a sigh

"And?" Eva continued.

"And accusing you of taking it," She let out. 

"Aw, you didn't have to apologize," She let out dramatically. 

Nelia gave her the dirtiest look. 

Eva smiled at her while Nelia walked out to the kitchen and grabbed the bag of grapes. 

"So next week, I'm going to see Lia for our one year," Liam let out. 

Nelia smiled, "Fun, be safe." She let out. 

He laughed, "It's not always about that." He let out. 

"Mhm," She let out. 

Eva laughed, "We don't Amelia having kids yet," 

Liam turned red with embarrassment.

Harry said, "I'm going to Alessandra's dads for the weekend..." 

Eva said, "God bless you," She let it out quietly in almost a mumble. 

"What do you mean?" Harry asked. 

"You definitely won't get anything, you can't even hold hands..." Nelia said. 

"We weren't even allowed to hug her," Eva said. 

Harry said, "Her dad is protective?" 

Nelia shook her head, "Her dad is a pastor and super religious. You'll be at church everyday. That's why she only goes there on saturdays and sundays," 

"I wouldn't even go visit him if I was her," Eva let out.

Harry sighed, "Oye vey..." 

"You going to see Jess?" Nelia let out. 

"I'm flying her here so we can go to my parents house." He let out. 

"Sounds exciting," Nelia said popping a grape in her mouth.

Eva said, "It's serious she's meeting his family." 

Louis laughed, "Well she's met my mom before," 

Nelia nodded, "Have you met her parents they're nice," She let out. 

He shook his head

"Not that serious then," She spit back to Eva.

"What are you four going to do," Harry asked. 

"Have an orgy," Eva let out. 

"Ew, speak for yourself," Nelia let out throwing a grape at her. 

Eva smiled. 

"I'm going to lay around and Eva is going to make platanos and salami all weekend," Niall said.

"SWERVE," Nelia let out. 

"What?" Niall asked. 

"Swerve means like NOT," Eva said.

"Why not?" Niall said, 

"Your fatass will leave indentations in my couch," She let out. 

Zayn said, "Well I have a surprise for Nelia," 

Nelia looked at him, "I don't like surprises,"

He shrugged, "I don't care," 

"Why don't you care?" Nelia let out. 

"Cause I want to surprise you," He said. 

Nelia sighed and said, "That orgy sounds more fun..." 

Eva laughed and said, "Offer is still on the table," 

Nelia made a grossed out face. 

"You two are weird," Niall elt out staring at how they interact. 

"Not weird Ah-MAZING," Eva let out laughing. 

"Eva dearest," Nelia let out. 

"Hmm?" She let out. 

"Make me something to eat," She asked from the chair. 

"What's wrong with the legs and arms god gifted you with?" She asked. 

"They don't want to talk out there and cook," Nelia let out. 

"Only because I love you," Eva said. 

"More than Niall right?" Nelia let out. 

"Yes way more," Eva let out sitting on Nelia's lap. 

"Jealous?" Nelia asked Niall. 

"So Jealous," Niall let out.

Zayn laughed and sat on Niall's lap, "Jealous?" Niall let out. 

"Nah, I have Eva," Nelia let out. 

They all laughed.

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