Part 30

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Should I link pictures of their apartments?

Hehe, sorry. Anyways back to the story ♥

With Alessandra-

"Hurry Mom, he is going to be in at 5," I let out running to finish getting ready.

It was 4 and the airport was about an hour away. 

We were going to be late, I knew it.

"Just take the car," My mother sighed throwing me the keys. 

I sighed and grabbed them and ran out to the car throwing the softball gear in the back, my mom was a coach. 

I pulled out and drove off. 

I got there at 5:03pm.... 

I went over to American Airways and parked in the pick up area. 

I got out and looked around. 

No sign of him yet, but there were the paparazzi ready to annoy him. 

I sighed and kept my sunglasses on. 

I had my hair in waves and I was wearing a black and white muscle tee and a white bandeau and high waisted shorts with my white old navy flip flops. 

I heard the men start shouting and pushing each other. 

I knew he was coming. 

I felt butterflies, I hadn't seen him since spring break when he was here. 

He came out and I waved, He smiled at me and started to walk to me and I ran and hugged him. 

He kissed me and the guards helped escort us to my car. 

"Your mom's car?" He asked.

"Yeah, my brakes went," I sighed. 

He smiled, "Always driving," He let out. 

"That's not even true," I laughed. 

I caught him smiling at me. 

"So about your dad's house," He said.

"What about it?" I asked driving. 

We were at a red light when I grabbed my hair and threw it back into a messy ponytail. 

"I heard that it's like wicked strict there,' He said. 

I smiled, "Eva and Nelia?" I asked as the light turned green. 

He nodded, "They said we go to church everyday." 

She smiled, "My dad won't force you into it," She let out.

He sighed with relief, "But I will, if I have to go through that torture, then you have to." I said. 

He leaned against the chair staring at me. 

"I'm serious Harry," I let out turning into a rotary. 

"Fine," he said. 

When I pulled up to my house, we walked up to the door and I unlocked it. 

My mom walked out, "Hello there Harry, nice to see you again," She said smiling

"Hey Lacey," he said smiling. 

"i'm thinking pizza?" She asked me. 

"Sounds fine," i let out putting the keys on the island and turning to go upstairs with Harry. 

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