Part 9

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"Can I borrow those heels?" Eva asked Nelia walking in.

"If you want, just don't get anything on them," Nelia said passing her the heels.

"You look cute," Jessie said walking in.

"Thanks," Eva let out slipping her feet into the open toed heels. 

"The taxi should be here any minute so finish up Nelia," Alessandra let out walking in. 

Nelia finished curling her hair and they waited outside for the taxi.

At the club...

"Get me a drink," Eva said to Amelia.

"what do you want?" she asked.

"Anything with alcohol," She let out.

They were drinking and dancing and having so much fun. 

"Alessandra slow down," Jessie let out watching her down her 3rd shot. 

"C'mon Jess, it's vacation," She said smiling. Jessie smiled and downed another shot with her. 

They were doing shot after shot. 

"A group of guys out there sent you these," A bartender let out while placing the plate of shots down. He pointed to the group of five guys sitting at the bar. 

Nelia looked at the drinks and said, "Thank them for us," as she downed one.

"woooo," she let out. Amelia was laughing at her, "Lightweight are you?" 

"Shhh," She let out putting her finger to her lips and grabbing her hand and draggin her to dance. 

Jessie said, "I think it's the guys..." She was staring hard at them and she grabbed one of the shot glasses. 

Eva looked, "Maybe but I can barely see you straight right now so we'll never know," She let out trying to squint. 

"It is," Alessandra smiled. 

The guys walked over. 

"You okay?" Harry let out laughing, Alessandra nodded. 

Eva downed another shot while Niall laughed, "Aren't you a little young Miss?" He said wrapping his arm around her waist. 

She laughed, "Shh, Amelia bought me the drinks."

He laughed. 

"Where's Amelia and Nelia?" Liam let out looking around. 

"Out there," Jessie pointed out to the dance floor while in Louis arm's.

They walked out to find them.

"Amelia," Liam said grabbing her arm. She turned and hugged him tight. 

"Come dance with us," Nelia let out grabbing Zayn.

"Are you drunk already?" Zayn said laughing.

Nelia shook her head and Amelia said, "Definitely, she is too shy to be dancing in front of everyone. This is her liquid courage," Amelia laughed. 

The rest of the night contained of drinking more and dancing with the guys. 

When they were leaving they were going to walk back to the hotel.

Jessie was walking beside Louis and was attempting not to fall over. At one point she leaned against the wall. "Can I ask you a question?" She let out. 

He nodded, "Of course, shoot." 

"What happens when the summer ends?" She let out in a bit of a slur.

Before Louis could finish she said, "Nelia thinks you guys are going to forget about us. That you guys are leading us on. I don't want to be lead on. I don't trust guys and I refuse to finally maybe try to trust someone not that I am but I won't be betrayed," She let out angrily. 

He looked at her, "Why would we forget you?" He asked. 

"You're famous, we're nothings. DUH...." She let ou closing her eyes. 

"I don't know," he let out. "What do you want to happen when the summer ends?" He asked. 

She looked at him and stood up, "Nothing," She walked away. Louis stood up, "Jessie!" He yelled after her. 

"What happened to her eh?" Harry asked laughing, "Shut up Harry." He let out. 

Alessandra was walking behind him with their hand still entwined. 

Nelia was walking arm in arm with Zayn. "Nelia," He said. 

She looked at him,"Yeah?" She asked smiling at him. 

"You're not who I thought you were. I like it," He said.

"What do you mean?" She asked. 

"I like this side of you, not being shy. Fearless," He said. 

She laughed and pushed him. He grabbed her arm and pulled her into a kiss. 

"Stop," She said. 

"What?" He asked. 

"Don't kiss me, I know that it's not going to last and I don't want to be lead on. Don't act like you actually like me and this isn't just to make you feel better for making 5 fans happy." Nelia let out as she tried to storm away. 

He stood there confused. 

Amelia saw what had just happened and face palmed herself. 

Liam laughed, "What just happened?" 

Amelia shook her head, "Nelia was being Nelia, she can be such a bitch sometimes." She let out.

He laughed and hugged her tighter. 

"I feel sick," She let out and ran to the aley close by and was throwing up. 

Liam handed her some gum, "No more alcohol for you for a while," He let out laughing.

Eva was holding hands with Niall.

"I really like you," niall let out. 

"I like you too," Eva said smiling. 

"I think you are one of the most beautiful people to walk earth did you know that?" He said.

"I didn't but now I do," She said laughing. 

He kissed her and said, "Are you mine?" He asked. 

"You're drunk," She let out, trying to rationalize why one of the hottest boy band stars just asked her if SHE was HIS.

"I'm not that drunk," He let out smiling.

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