Part 27

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"Eva, We're over here," Alessandra yelled over to her. 

Eva walked over smiling and hugged her mother and Nic. 

"I'm so proud of you," Nic said smiling at her. 

"Let me make sure it's real," nelia smiled grabbing the diploma and smiling. 

She hugged her tight. 

"Where are we going to eat, I'm starving," She let out. 

"Wherever-" Her mom started but was cut off when three of Eva's friends from school ran up and hugged her tightly. 

"Where's Damien?" one girl asked. 

Eva shrugged and looked around. 

"If you see him tell him, We're going to McDonalds," Eva let out. 

Amelia looked lost, "Wait you want to go to McDonalds, out of all places?" 

She smiled, "I wan't a 20 piece," She said smiling. 

"Who's Damien?" Harry asked. 

"My boyfriend," She said. 

Niall looked at her and she looked away and said, "Shall we go?" She asked. 

Her mother smiled and everyone went to their cars. 

They pulled up to the McDonalds and got out. 

Eva was walking towards the door behind everyone when Niall walked over, "Your boyfriend?" He asked. 

She looked at him, "you never text me or call me, you had no time for me Niall. We never spent time together," She said defending herself. 

He sighed, "I'm sorry Eva," he let out. 

She smiled, "It's fine but can we just enjoy the day and deal with the drama later?" She asked. 

He smiled and nodded placing his hand on her back as they walked in. 

"Aw look at them," nelia whispered to Alessandra. 

"So cute," Alessandra sighed. 

Eva sat as everyone gave Nic and Eva's mom their orders and the money. 

They sat around eating and making fun of Harry and Eva for getting the whole menu. 

The door open and a boy walked in looking around, "there you are," he let out kissing eva's forehead.

Niall glared for a few seconds and he said, "i'm Damien," he let out. 

"Hi," everyone let out quietly. 

It became quiet and no one talked besides Damien to Eva. 

"How come you didn't wait for me?" He asked. 

Nelia rolled her eyes and bit into a frie. 

Zayn kicked her under the table lightly. 

She threw a frie at him. 

"I was hungry," She joked. 

"Okay so eating is more important?" He asked. 

She rolled her eyes and chuckled, "Obviously." 

He looked pissed and just sat down. 

He saw what she was eating and said, "what happened to your diet?" he asked. 

She rolled her eyes, "Prom is over right?" She let out. 

"I don't think eating that is going to make you any healthier," he said. 

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