Part 36

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3 years later... 

"Morning Nelia," The doctor let out.

I smiled. "Morning," 

"So we ran tests last visit to see how everything is going up there right?" He asked.

"Yeah," I let out in a sigh.

"Well the MRI scans camee back," He paused. 

"And?" Eva asked. 

"We found a tumor." The doctor said. 

I looked at him. 

Something about it seemed like I knew it but the other part scared me. I looked down at the floor. 

"Is it serious, what does that mean?" Zayn asked. 

"Well the first thing we do is check the blood work that we requested so we did and it seems like it's malignent." The doctor let out. 

"What does that mean though use human terms," Eva said. 

"It means I'm going to die," I let out. 

Eva looked at me and I saw the anger in her eyes and the tears flow down her cheeks.

"How long?" i said quietly.

"Well we can try chemo to see if we can shrink it and maybe increase," He started. 

I shook my head, "No, how long?" I asked. 

"A month maybe a little longer." He said. 

I nodded.

He finished up and I grabbed my stuff and we went home. 

I sat on the couch watching TV while Zayn and Eva watched me. 

"What's wrong?" i said to them. 

"What's wrong with you?" Eva said. 

"Nothing," I said. 

"You sure because I'm pretty sure you're dying and you didn't do anything to maybe save yourself," She let out. 

I sighed, "No point if in the end it'll just be the same outcome." I said. 

Zayn looked at me and I said, "I'm sorry. You guys don't understand my thought process. In the long run this will be way easier." I said. 

"You need to tell everyone," Eva said,

"Can we tell them later," I sighed.

She nodded. 

Zayn grabbed my hand. 

2 Weeks went by... 


I sat in the room where she laid in the hospital bed. 

She looked so skinny and pale. 

She looked nothing like the Nelia that used to always smile and joke.

I watched Zayn pace back and forth in the room and sit there. 

I heard him make the calls that shattered our hearts. 

It was happening. 

There was nothing we could do. 

"Nelia," He whispered. 

She looked at him and smiled. 

"I love you," He let out while tears fell from his face and he held her hand. 

I wiped my tears as I went to let everyone in. 

We all sat i the room with Nurses coming in and out for the next few days. 

Nelia finally couldn't speak anymore. 

The last words she uttered were to Zayn, they were "I'll always love you." 

She spoke to all of us before she couldn't speak anymore. 

My uncle sat across the room watching her as we all did. 

The nurses had closed her eyes, they said she had lost vision. 

"She can still hear you," A nurse let out. 

"We love you," Jessie whispered to her. 

One night everyone except Zayn, Claire, my Uncle, and I left to rest and grab some food. 

We were all beside her.

Zayn was holding her hand and playing with her hair.

I was sitting beside him and my Uncle was holding her other hand. 

"Please wake up and talk to me," Zayn was saying which broke my heart. 

Her monitor started going faster. 

That got all of our attention. 

Claire left to get a nurse when it went flat. 

We all began to panic. 

"Nelia, please don't leave yet." I whispered to her. 

My uncle sat in tears watching her lay there lifeless. 

We all watched Zayn as he tried to wake her. 

"Zayn she's gone," Claire let out as the nurses pulled him away. 

"No, we can get her back." He cried. 

"No we can't Zayn," I whispered. 

When reality sunk in we all sat there for a few minutes in silence watching them prepare to be taken out. 

"Let's call them," Claire let out. 

We dialed everyone and told them. 


"Nelia, she was so sweet and caring and would do anything for any of us," Jessie started.

"She wasn't just our best friend," Amelia let out wiping her eyes. 

"She was our sister," Alessandra finished. 

"Rest peacefully," I started as I began to sob. 

"Rest peacefully my sweet angel" Zayn let out as tears fell from his face. 

The guys all place roses on the casket beside her. 

"We'll always love you," nic said. 

"We'll see you soon," Claire cried. 

We all know that we lost our best friend, sister, cousin, daughter, wife, everything but one day we'd be with her again and she's watching over us. 

Our friendships will always still be as close as ever and we will always remain close because of Nelia, we can't let her down. 

We know she'd want us to always remain as close as we all were when she was alive...

A few days later, Zayn was found dead in the bathroom. 

A bottle of sleeping meds beside him. 

We found a note saying, 'I'm with Nelia again,' 

A loss of two of our best friends. 

But we know that one couldn't live without the other. 

We will go on a live for them. 

That's how our story goes. 


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