Part 16

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The next night, Jessie and Alessandra were getting ready to leave. 

"Where the hell did summer go?" Amelia let out. 

"I know, we barely get to see each other. I'm going to miss you all." Jessie said.

Nelia said, "Christmas will come faster than we know."

Alessandra nodded, it still bothered her that all the fun had to end. 

"Let's go girls," Claire let out from the kitchen. 

They all walked down and packed into Nelia's car. 

Nelia drove to the airport. 

They met the guys there. 

First to go was Alessandra. 

"Behave," Claire let out hugging her. 

"I always do," She said smiling,

Nelia rolled her eyes, "Yeah we know," She let out laughing. 

Alessandra smiled and hugged her. 

"Ale," Amelia let out squeezing her. 

"I'm going to miss you guys." Alessandra let out squeezing hard. 

Jessie pryed Amelia off her, "My turn," She let out squeezing her. 

"Text me when you get there," She let out. 

"I will, and you too Missy." She let out smiling. 

The girls all stood watching her say goodbye to the boys. 

"It was nice meeting you all," She let out hugging each of them. 

She stood in front of Harry and smiled at him. 

He grabbed her hand and pulled her in, "Call me?" He asked.

She nodded and smiled at him. 

"Thank you," He whispered to her. 

She smiled and said, "You're very welcome, don't forget me." 

He laughed, "Impossible." 

she smirked and he kissed her. 

"Text me when you're home," He let out. 

She nodded. 

She turned and walked towards the terminal. 

"Bye Alessandra," the girls let out. 

She turned and waved.

"Another hour left for you," Claire said to Jessie. 

"Let's go find this terminal then," Jessie said.

Louis was holding her hand as they walked around looking for the terminal. 

They bought some starbucks as they waited for a few minutes. 

"Alright, I should get going," Jessie let out in a sigh.

"Let me know how classes are," Amelia said holding her tight. 

"I will," She said hugging her back. 

Claire hugged her next, "Tell your parents I said hello," She let out smiling at her. 

"Okay," She said smiling back.

Nelia covered her face.

"Nelia," She let out. 

Nelia wiped the tears from her eyes and grabbed onto her. "I'm going to miss you so freaking much!" Nelia let out. 

"I'm going to miss you too," She let out wiping the tears rolling down her cheeks as well. 

"You better call me as soon as you get home, forget anyone else. You call me." Nelia said. 

Jessie laughed, "Of course." She said. 

Jessie turned and hugged the guys. 

Louis lifted her up and kissed her, "Don't forget to call me after you call Nelia," He said laughing looking at Nelia. 

"After, is correct." Nelia let out and everyone laughed. 

Jessie smiled, "I will," She said kissing him one more time. 

She turned to leave. 

"Jessie," He said. 

She turned, "I love you." He said smiling. 

She blushed, "I love you too." She said.

She didn't know if she was in love with him but she knew she loved him as a person.

"And then there were two," Amelia said as Jessie walked through security.

Nelia turned slowly, "It feels like I'm not going to see you guys for forever." She let out.

"You have what, 5 months?" Claire let out counting on her fingers. 

"Shut up," nelia let out.

They laughed as they left. 

The next morning...

Nelia got ready with Amelia. 

It was the last day of vacation for them both.

Nelia threw her hair up in a messy bun. It was early. She threw on her a hoodie and jeans and a pair of TOMS. 

Amelia threw on an V-Neck shirt and had a sweater in her hand for the ferry She had on a pair of jeans and a pair of Uggs.

Nelia's mom was driving. Nelia was in the front seat as they went to get the guys. 

On the way to the Ferry station, Claire let out, "Nelia and I'm driving why again?" 

"Cause it's too early to deal with people," Nelia let out still half asleep. 

"Your ridiculous," Claire let out. 

"I love you too Mother," She let out smiling. 

Amelia said, "Want me to drive?" 

"No, you're a guest Lia. My daughter should be driving you around." Claire said glaring at Nelia who had her eyes closed. 

"Stop staring," nelia let out. 

"Then open your eyes like the rest of us." Claire said prompting Nelia to sit up straight.

They pulled up to the station and got out. 

"You behave missy," Claire let out. 

She nodded and smiled. 

"Amelia darling," Nelia let out dramatically as she clung onto her. 

"You behave," Amelia let out. 

"Don't I always?" Nelia asked. 

Amelia smiled and rolled her eyes. 

She said bye to the boys. 

"Come back fast," Liam said smiling. 

"I'll try," She let out. 

"Good. Like Claire said, behave," He said laughing. 

"I'm an angel," She said smiling. 

He kissed her, "Yes, you are." He let out. 

She kissed him again. 

"Bye guys," She let out walking onto the ferry...

"Boo, I'm going to be alone." Nelia let out.

"You'll have me," Claire said. 

"That's so comforting," She let out sarcastically.

"Well then be alone," Claire said laughing. 

"You have us," Harry said. 

"Temporarily, we leave again in a week," Liam said. 

"Exciting," Nelia said as they got in the car.

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