Part 35

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*Nelia's POV*

"They're discharging Zayn today," Eva said walking in with a bagel and some juice for me. 

She sat beside me.

She helped me sit up.

"When can I go home," I sighed. 

"Soon love," She let out passing me the food. 

We sat there talking for a while. 

My mom walked in smiling, "Morning Nelia," she let out. 

My father followed behind her. 

"Morning," i let out in a low tone. 

"What's the matter?" my mother let out. 

"She wants to go home," Eva said. 

"Soon," My mom said smiling. 

I rolled my eyes and finished my juice. 

The day drug on and they finally discharged Zayn, he went home and got ready to come back and stay with me. 

"You okay?" He asked. 

"It's not fair you got to leave, why can't I?" I let out. 

"Nelia, soon you'll-" He started.

I got so frustrated that I cut him off, "Soon? Everyone keeps saying soon! When is soon? Tomorrow, next month?" I let out. 

"Nelia, soon could be sooner than you think," My mom let out. 

I sighed and closed my eyes, 

"You okay?" My dad asked. 

"I'm fine," I snapped back. 

"Listen, you need to understand they can't just send you home. They need to make sure you're healthy enough to be home," He let out. 

I closed my eyes. 

 Zayn squeezed my hand. 

About 3 weeks later... 

"Nelia, guess what?" Eva said smiling when she walked in. 

"You stole me another ice cream?" I let out smiling. 

She laughed, "Funny, I think the nurse is onto me." 

Zayn laughed, "I think she is too, you take like 6 at a time."

Eva shrugs, "You guys don't complain when you're eating them." 

"What is it?" I asked. 

"you get to go home today," She said. 

I almost cried, "Don't joke with me," 

"I'm so serious," Eva said. 

"Go get me clothes," I let out. 

"Girls are bringing some clothes over," 

I smiled and sighed, "I can leave this bed," 

Zayn smiled at me, "You can finally see daylight, you're looking like you can use some vitamin D." He said.

"Shut up," I let out.

That night Nelia got to go home and everyone proceeded with their regular lives. 

(Sorry but I'm about to Fast Forward a little) 

The girls have been planning their weddings and the guys have moved in with the girls and have been on tour a few times.

2 Years Later...

Amelia's Wedding.... 

 "Aw Amelia, you look beautiful," Eva let out in her bridesmaid dress. 

"I'm going to repeat for the hundredth time how much I hate these dresses," Jessie let out pulling up the strapless dress. 

The dresses were light pink and were tight.

"I like them," Alessandra let out twirling.

"Why are they so tight," Jessie  asked.

"To make you guys look hot," Amelia smiled. 

"We're already hot," nelia said walking in with the veil. 

The guys walked in with out Liam. 

"She looks very nice," harry said.

"Eva," Nelia said trying to strap her shoe on. 

Eva sighed and went and hooked the strap.

 "Let's go girls," Harry said as he grabbed Alessandra's hand. 

Eva smiled at Amelia as she grabbed Niall's arm and they all began to proceed down the hall to the music and then down the aisle. 

The ceremony was lengthly and the guys cracked jokes and cried.

"Do you Amelia take Liam to be your lawwfully wedded husband?" The man asked.

"I do," She smiled as a tear fell down her cheek.

"Do you Liam take Amelia as your lawfully wedded wife?" The pastor asked again.

"I do," he let out smiling at her and wiping the tear.

"I now would like to introduce Mr. and Mrs. Liam Payne. Kiss the bride Liam," he let out as Liam leaned in and pressed his lips against Amelias. 

At the reception....

Eva's POV...

"Hey beautiful," i heard someone say as they walked up beside me.

"Hello there," i let out rolling my eyes.

Nelia smiled at me, "Doesn't Lia look awesome," She let out smiling at Lia talking Liam's family. 

Jessie stood next to Nelia and Alessandra was next to me. We just watched Lia shine on her day. 

"You're next," Jessie said to Nelia.  

She smiled and looked over to Zayn sitting at the table near Amelia's family. 

I smiled at her and we went our own ways. 

I went to sit back at our tables. 

I sat next to Niall and Nelia. 

"What were you guys doing?" Niall asked. 

"Just talking," I let out.

"About?" Zayn asked.

"How amazing Lia looks," Nelia said smiling. 

"You're going to look amazing too," Zayn said kissing her. 

I smiled. 

I had never seen Nelia as happy as she was now, she was finished with college had a good job and was engaged to one of the biggest pop stars ever and she was stillclose to us all. 

LATER that night...

"Eva," I heard Niall say. 

He now lived with us and Zayn lived here aswell.

I turned over and looked at him, "Yes" I let out sleepily

Niall kissed me, "Marry me, it feels like everyone is stealing my idea, I asked you first," He whispered. 

I looked at him, "You're serious?" I asked. 

He nodded. 

I smiled and nodded and kissed him. 

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