Part 28

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Later in the night, they were sitting around and they were talking while the girls' family was dancing and partying.

Eva was sitting on Niall's lap and he had his arm around her. 

"Eva," a voice said. 

She looked over and Damien was standing about a foot away from her. 

"What?" She asked. 

"What? What the hell are you doing?" He asked. 

Nelia was so drunk and said, "She's sitting with the guy she loves, can't you see. Are you, stupid," She slurred out. 

Eva shook her head, "Bring her to my room," Eva said to the girls. 

Zayn put her arm around his neck and picked her up Bridal style. 

"I feel so sick," She let out. 

Zayn chuckled, "You should," 

They went upstairs and Eva was still sitting on Niall's lap.

"So you love him?" Damien asked. 

Eva shrugged, "He doesn't bother me about my weight constantly and make me feel like he's my dad," She let out. 

"Well maybe if you had a dad, you wouldn't be in this exact situation?" He let out angrily as everyone came down the stairs. 

Eva stood up and said, "What is my situation Damien?" She was angry.

"Cheating and whoring," He said.

"Are you kidding me, I have grown up without my dad and I grew up to be a very productive young woman. No one is whoring or cheating. Maybe if you paid attention to anything besides yourself, you would have gotten to know me." She let out. 

Damien said, "Not whoring, what do you call what you were just doing," 

She screamed, "Sitting on someone's lap you douche bag. You're an idiot. How am I going to be whoring if I'm a virgin!" 

He looked at her then at Niall who was hesitating to hold heer back.

"Were you dropped on your head as a child?" She asked getting in his face. 

"Get out of my face bitch," He said loudly. 

"now I'm a bitch," She said she said angrily slapping him upside his head, "I wasn't a bitch when you were trying to get me in bed was I?" She yelled at him pushing him. 

"Eva, that's enough," Alessandra said. 

"No it's not," She yelled hitting him again. 

"Eva stop hitting me," He said restraining himself from hitting her. 

"Eva," Niall said grabbing her arms. 

"Leave get out of my house, you piece of shit!" She shouted. 

Everyone never thought Eva had the strenth to go crazy... but she just did. 

Niall sat her down as she kept yelling stuff to Damien as he left.

"Calm down Ev, he's gone," amelia said. 

Zayn said, "That was crazy. She was kicking his ass," THey all chcukled a little. 

Eva said, "I don't care if it's a boy or a girl, don't mess with me cause I'll kick your ass." She let out angrily. 

Niall smiled, "You're so cute when you're angry," He said grabbing her hand. 

"Shut up," She let out still mad clearly.

The next morning...

Nelia woke up and looked around at everyone knocked out on the floor and in the bed. 

She walked around people and got to the kitchen. 

"I'm so hungry," She whispered. 

She had a little headacche but it wasn't bad. 

Nic was sitting on the chair in the dining room eating the food Eva's mom made. 

"Give me a bite," she let out scooping up a bit and eating it. 

"Go get some," he let out swatting her away. 

"Come on," She said going in for more. 

"Back away from your dad's plate," Amelia let out. 

Nelia turned and rolled her eyes and grabbed one more schoop and ate it. 

She walked into the kitchen and grabbed some of the food from the pot and put it on her plate. 

"I'm hungry too," jessie said. 

Nelia said, "Plates are in there and the food is there" She walked out to the table. 

"Mean," Jessie let out as her and everyone else got food. 

"Food has never tasted this good," She let out. 

"Give me some," Nic said trying to scoop some. 

"No," She said running out to the kitchen with it. 

"you're going to get fat," Nic let out. 

Nelia smiled, "so be it," She yelled back

"will you still love Nelia if she becomes a balloon?" Alessandra asked Zayn. 

He smiled as Nelia stared at him, "Of course," He said. 

She rolled her eyes, "be honest at least," she let out. 

He smiled and walked over to her. 

"I would stay with you, size doesn't matter." He let out kissing her cheek.

"But if I become so big that I can eat you, you'll leave me don't lie," She said. 

"No I won't," he said laughing.

"Really then I'm going to get really big to see if you stay," She said. 

"Don't do that to yourself," He said wrapping his arms around her,

"Told you guys," She let out. 

She yelled a little louder for her dad to hear her, "My dad will always love me," She said.

"Share your food greedy woman," Nic let out.

They all laughed. 

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