Huey Freeman

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You knock on the Freeman door rapidly as you was getting drenched in rain. Luckily, Huey opened the door so you didnt have to deal with Rileys dirty jokes or Mr. Freemans rant on how you should've brought an umbrella.

"Y/N come in before you." He says and you happily agree. You notice his grandad wasn't home.

"Hey w-wheres your grandad at?" You ask confused.

"Hes visiting a family member. Why did you come in the rain?" He asked as you walk upstairs leaving Riley downstairs on his phone.

"It started rain as I was walking." You replied.

Huey grabbed a towel the bathroom before you both entered his room. You began to dry your hair whole Huey sat at his desktop and swiveled his chair to look at you.

Unluckily, you were wearing a white button up shirt and a black bra underneath. The water made your bra color visible. Worse it was sticking to your body.

Your cheeks were red and your eyes were closed so you didnt notice his stares or the thoughts that were running wild in his head. Huey felt like a pervert watching you breathe softly with your face all flustered looking.

You noticed how he quickly turned around when you opened your eyes as you finished drying your hair. You walk behind his chair.

"Huey. Are you okay?" You ask hands on his chair.

"Yea. Im fine Y/N" He lied, hoping you wouldnt turn the chair to reveal something you probably wouldnt wanna see.

'God, Im sick' He thought to himself as you began humming.

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