Carl Gallagher

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It was June and you were happy to be out of school. Except being out of school meant being at your house more, which was never good. Your parents would be yelling at each other or you 24/7.

Luckily you had your boyfriend Carl to help you escape. You and Carl Gallagher were practically insperpable, you really loved each other. Thankfully not only did he love you but his whole family did and you loved them.

So one day around six o'clock, you were fed up with the bickering and the tension in your house. You threw some clothes into a backpack and walked the three blocks to the Gallagher house.

You walk through the chain-linked gate and up to the front door. You knocked lightly and not even a second later Lip opened the door with a beer in his hand.

"Hey y/n" he said with a smile, gesturing you inside to where everyone else was sitting on and around the couch.

"Is it ok if I stay here tonight?" You asked to everyone but mainly Fiona. "Of course, as long as you need" Fiona replied quickly.

Carl smiled and pulled you over between him and Debbie. You smiled at Debbie and leaned into Carl's chest.

"Hey baby" he whispered in to your head as he kissed you. Carl knows that you don't like the attention so he doesn't say anything about it.

Later that night after endless conversations and many bottles of beer everyone was in bed asleep. Except for you and Carl, you guys were cuddling on the couch when he asked

"What's going on?"

"Nothing, my parents are just fighting again" you shrugged him off.

He sat up and looked you in your eyes. "What is it y/n?"

"They have been arguing nonstop and I'm tired of them taking it out on me." You could feel the tears rushing to your eyes.

"Hey, it's okay. Let's just go to bed." Carl says lightly. He kisses your cheek and you guys get up to go to bed.

As you lay in his bed in the pitch black room you can hear nothing. It was the first time you had heard silence in three months with all the arguing.

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