Mike Wheeler

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"He's in the living room, you know." There's a lilt in your tone when you walk into the kitchen, passing Mike where he stands at the fridge.

You notice his hand freeze mid wrapping around a soda can and your lip curls up at the corner.

"Uh, yeah, i'm just – you know, soda," He grabs it quickly, showing it to you as if you needed proof, "See?"

"Mm, yeah, Mikey, I'm not blind–" You smile, manicured fingers reaching for the soda to snatch it from him and giggling when he frowns, "You staying for dinner tonight?"

The brunette nods quickly, swallowing, "Yeah – the guys are, too –" God forbid you think he was staying so he could look at you more (he was), "We — we want to finish our campaign. You can come, if you want–"

"Maybe next time? M'trying to tan today–" You cut him off, already moving towards the back door; you watch his eyes scan down your body when he thinks you're not looking, fighting the smirk that pulls at your lips. You can sense his nerves, see how his hands shake, and it makes you excited. Hungry, almost.

You sway your hips while you walk out the door, tiny shorts that you'd picked for this exact situation hugging your ass just right, tits bouncing when you put a bit of pep in your walk; it's very obvious what you're doing, even to someone as stupidly oblivious as Mike Wheeler.

The second you disappear behind the screen door Mike's letting out a breath he didn't even know he was holding, gripping the counter with white knuckles and practically collapsing against it.

Why did you keep doing this to him?
He was so sick of it, so fucking sick – every day since summer started you'd go out to tan by your pool in the tiniest bikini (how many of those could you even own, by the way?) and the most sinful shorts, thighs squeezing out around the bottom and tits practically spilling from your top.

And then you do this stupid fucking thing – you're doing it now, actually, he realizes it when he looks through the big window above the sink – where you shimmy out of your shorts only to reveal probably the most revealing piece of cloth he's ever seen in his life.

And you know he's watching, and he knows that you know, because you always bend over to fish the shorts off the ground when they pool around your ankles, always in front of the window. Every. Fucking. Time.

Your brother would fucking kill him if he knew that Mike was eyeing his sister like a goddamn perv, watching her tan by the pool and popping a fucking boner while he's at it.

Can't you see he's trying to be a good friend here?

Of course you can – you're just a fucking minx who thinks it's fun to tease him. He notices, he's not stupid; he sees how you arch your back up from the chair as if you're stretching, how you make sure he's in view of the window while you lather sunscreen on your thighs. He wants to bash his head against the marble countertop.

Mike's only brought out of his own thoughts when he realizes you're looking at him – really looking at him, not coy glances like you usually do when you're out there. This one's bolder. More loaded.

His breath hitches in his throat when he sees you bring a pretty hand up to wiggle your ringed fingers at him in a cute little wave. There's a smirk on your face. He leans forward, feeling his cock brush the counter and almost gasping. It felt good.

You think it's cute how stupid he must think you are. Or maybe he doesn't and he gets off on being known.

Whatever it is, it makes you feel hot all over, like you're doing something bad. You're just glad he's finally caught on to years of pining.

You've often wondered how bold you could get before he finally decided to fucking do something; he was driving you crazy, always trying to act so self righteous as if your brother wouldn't fuck Nancy giving the chance. You were a spoiled brat, Mike knew that, he indulged you in it in every other way – so why not this one?

Your eyes survey the area around you, flicking around behind dark pink shades to make sure no one else but your intended audience is seeing.

Once you're satisfied you let out a little sigh, wiggling your painted toes and stretching out your arms, making a show of it all as your hands snake up to tug at your bikini top. It falls into your lap and you smile, not at him but for him.

Mike can't believe what he's seeing, and he thinks he should definitely feel embarrassed about how shamelessly he's grinding into his own hand right now. He does, but the bliss he feels while looking at your tits outweighs it. He wants to bite them.

His mind is swirling and he feels dizzy but he's chasing something, all to fantasies about those tits spilling between his fingers while he fucks into you.

And then you stretch again, arms up to the sky, before you turn around and lay yourself down on your tummy – right at the time Mike feels his boxers get sticky. He groans inwardly, collapsing against the counter again with a heaving chest. He just came in his pants to the sight of his best friend's little sister's tits. That was fucking humiliating.

He doesn't even have time to consider what the fuck just happened because your brother's hand is coming up to clap against his back, making him jump and let out a yell.

"Dude, you good? Look like you just ran a marathon or some shit – hurry up, will you? We're starting a new game."

"U-uh yeah, I'll be right there, I just gotta–"

"I'm making him help me with my homework. He said he took my bio class before and can help me with it – right, Mikey?" His blood runs cold and his face gets hot when he hears your voice, devastatingly sweet. How the hell did you get in here so fast? He tries not to frown when he notices you're clothed again.

He only nods, unable to get anything out other than a stammering confirmation. How cute.

Your brother only groans and tells you guys to hurry up but doesn't think anything of it – why would he? Mike had known you since you guys were in diapers – he was harmless.

Supposedly. He turns to walk back to the living room and Mike sighs, all the tension visibly leaving his body.

Only to come back again when you saunter next to him, leaning over him to grab something from the sink and letting your tits squish into his back in the process. He feels light headed.

"I'll be waiting for you – don't clean up, by the way. Kay?"

He gasps and you can only giggle, suddenly pulling off of him and turning so you can skip off to your room. You knew.

"Thanks, Mikey!" You call behind you, and he watches your hips sway while you go. He realizes you had only been out there for five minutes max, not a shade darker. You'd planned this.

Little shit.

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