Jonathan Byers

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Jonathan was a tad annoyed. He wasn't going to lie. He'd put a lot of thought into this date. And for you to cancel so suddenly, and with little to no explanation? He figured he had the right to be pissed. More so, he figured he had the right to let her know just how much.

"(Y/n)! I'm coming in!"

"I wanted to talk about..." He trailed off, suddenly realizing why you sounded so weird on the phone, and feeling immensely guilty for the outlandish conclusions he'd jumped to.

"Jonathan?" You mumbled sleepily from under dozens of blankets, your nightstand covered in tissues and various medicine bottles. In short, you looked awful.

The boy crossed the room quickly, worry overtaking his face, as he dropped to his knees at your bedside, a hand coming up to carefully flick some hair from your face.

"Hey, baby... how you feeling?" He asked, flipping his hand over to feel your forehead for a fever, his frown deepening at the realization that your skin was, in fact, considerably hot.

Your eyebrows were scrunched up in confusion when he removed his hand.
"Did I forget to call you?" You asked, clearly extremely out of it. Jonathan frowned at the thought.

"No. No, you did. I was just worried." He assured, sitting down next to you on the bed, cautious to avoid jostling the sick girl too much. He was a little more than worried, but figured it would be better to bother you with his irrational fear of her leaving him when she was half asleep and burning up.

Jonathan's fingers grazed your cheek lovingly, as he spoke up again. "Do you know what it is?" He asked, hoping it wasn't something too bad. You just shrugged your shoulders, as best you could from under the mountain of blankets.

"Some 24-hour bug. Steve was sick at work yesterday. I think I got it from him." You explained tiredly, before reaching towards your nightstand for the tissue box. Jonathan grabbed it for you and placed it lightly on your lap.

"What a douche." He said with a playfully angry expression, that earned a soft giggle from you, before you sneezed loudly into a Kleenex. Jonathan frowned a little, rubbing your shoulder comfortingly.

"You should go. I don't wanna get you sick." You began, but he just waved off your worries.

"I'll be fine. Besides, you need someone to stay here and take care of you." He ruffled your hair, as he got to his feet. But your frown deepened.

"Jonathan-" You tried to argue, but the boy wasn't having it. He'd spent the whole morning thinking up terrible reasons as to why you cancelled their plans, when, in reality, you was here, feeling sick and miserable.

The least he could do to make up for being a crappy boyfriend for the first half of the day, was by being a great one for the last.

Besides, technically speaking, his plans for the day were to spend it with you, which is exactly what he would be doing... more or less.

"Shh, don't even worry about it. You eaten anything yet today?" He asked, as he took off his jacket and tossed it on my desk chair, a clear indication that he wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon.

"No..." You mumbled through another tissue. Jonathan kneeled next to her once again, running his thumb across your blanket-covered knee in a soothing back and forth motion.

"How about I go make you some chicken noodle soup and then, after we've got some food in you, we can cuddle and take a nap, what do you say?" He asked, my little smile not going unnoticed by the boy, as I finally nodded my head slowly.

"That sounds nice..." I said, causing Jonathan to grin down at me, before giving my knee a final squeeze and getting to his feet.

"Okay. I'll be right back." He promised, making it all the way out my bedroom before turning back around to poke his head around the door frame.

"Hey, Baby... I love you." He watched my grin widen at his words and felt his heart flutter when I responded.

"I love you too."

True to my word, when the 24-hours was up, you was good as new, your bug having been exactly what you thought it was, and, while miserable, short living.

Jonathan Byers, however, spent the 24-hours after her recovery sneezing and with a massive headache of his own...

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