Billy Hargrove

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You couldn't take your eyes off the man that stood before everyone in the crowd. The sweat was glistening over his body in all the right ways. His leather jacket and fitting pants did great in sculpting his body.

Your mouth was watering at the sight of him. Of course, you didn't want to leave this party without getting the chance to know him.

As usual, you decided on being the life of the party, the center of attention. You walked over to the DJ, instructing him to play one of your favorite songs. You took the microphone, directing everyone's attention toward you. Ah, the feeling you were used to.

"Come on, everyone. I need to see bodies on the dance floor" You cheered, watching everyone flood onto the dance floor. You chuckled, giving the microphone back and watching as everyone started dancing.

This was sure to get his attention. Your eyes traveled the room, looking for the man with mullet before being completely cut off. "Looking for me?" A deep, loud voice asked.

You turned, noticing the guy standing next to you. "and why would I be looking for you?" You loudly responded over the music before chuckling.

"Come on, sweetheart. You haven't been able to keep your pretty eyes off me all night." He said, leaning into your ear so you could hear him.

You had to admit that he sent chills down your spine. "Billy is the name. I have a feeling you'll remember that." He laughed before walking out into the sea of people.

Before he could completely leave, you followed him through the crowd. He knew you'd follow, as he looked back for you a couple of times. The smell of alcohol filled the atmosphere. You both were drunk and probably not making the best decisions, but you didn't care.

You followed him into a bedroom, where it was slightly quiet At least this way, you both could talk without having to yell too loud.

"Y/N." You said, "and by the looks of it, you seemed like you wanted me to follow you here." You teased, raising an eyebrow.

"So, Billy, we just gonna talk?" You asked, inching closer to him and playing with the hem of your skirt.

Without any answer, Billy walked closer to you, closing the space between you two. All night the two of you had been eyeing each other. So, why not skip the small talk and get to what you both want?

Billy brought his hand to your exposed thigh, running his fingertips up until he was near your ass. He smirked, "A woman after what she wants. A turn on."

His eyes locked onto yours. It looked like the both of you were going to devour each other. This time, you closed the space between your lips and his. You crashed your soft, fluffy lips against his.

You wrapped your arms around his neck, standing on your tippy toes to meet his face. He kissed you back, the taste of alcohol oozing from the cracks of his lips.

His hand squeezed on your ass hard. You whimpered a bit before melting into his embrace. He ran his fingers up more, feeling the band of your thong from underneath your skirt. "Hot." He grinned.

You ran one of your hands down to his crotch, rubbing your hands against his growing cock. You couldn't believe his tight pants were able to get even tighter. "I want you, Billy." You admitted, biting down on your bottom lip.

You wanted to make this more than a drunken hookup. You wanted him to remember you somehow. You started kissing down his glowing chest, eventually dropping to your knees. "please." You asked, showing him your innocent eyes.

He chuckled, amused at your begging. You just wanted to feel it grow inside of your mouth. You unbuckled his belt and pants and dropped them to the floor, biting your lip at the sight. You dropped his underwear to the floor, looking up at his big cock.

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