First night as parents

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Koltor was born around five hours ago. He and both his parents were sound asleep. He was sleeping in between his mother and father since they thought it would be best if he slept with them for the first few months.

Everything was cool until Koltor got hungry at about 12 at night. Elara groaned as she woke up. Zarkon was still asleep so she shook him awake.

"What woman?" He groaned, his eyes halfway open.

"Go get me a burp cloth from the nursery. Do something for once." She yawned as she helped Koltor latch onto her right breast.

Zarkon yawned and did as she said since he knew she was in no condition to be up and about just yet, and because he didn't want to piss her off.

When Koltor finished his meal, Elara fixed her shirt, burped him, and handed him off to Zarkon.

"What do I do with him?" Zarkon asked, holding his tiny son.

"Get him to fall asleep. It shouldn't take too long." She said and slowly drifted to sleep.

"Alright..." Zarkon mumbled as cradled his son who was squirming around a little and rubbing his eyes.

Elara was instantly asleep in mere seconds. Childbirth seriously tired her out. Zarkon was left gently rocking his little doppelganger to sleep, unbelievably... Zarkon was actually smiling for once.

He'd be lying if he said that little Koltor didn't already have Zarkon wrapped around his little finger.

After a while Koltor fell asleep and was placed back in between his parents. Only for them to be woken up an hour and a half later for a diaper change.

Let's just say... Zarkon's nose almost stopped working.

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