Moody wife

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At three months pregnant Elara was surprisingly clingy all of a sudden. She wanted to cuddle all the time. Zarkon had no problem cuddling her when she wanted to.

Every time he came back to their room for some much needed sleep he made sure to cuddle her like right now but at the moment she wasn't feeling it. She was pissed off for some reason.

"Ugh! Yll nand!" She growled in Galran menacingly, that translated to 'fuvk off.'

She then shoved him away in a fit of anger. Her anger was always scary but when she was yelling in their native language it nearly makes him shit himself. Her accent is ridiculously attractive but terrifying nonetheless.

"What did I do?!" He yelled in confusion.

"If you don't know then that's your problem!" She snapped and turned the other way with her back facing him.

"Elara, my love, just tell me what I apparently did wrong!" He pleaded with her.

"Myn za!" She snarled, this one translated to 'go to hell.'

"Why don't you?!" He roared at her, losing his temper, getting out of bed and about to walk through the doors that led to his study.

He stopped in his tracks when he heard sniffling. He turned around to see Elara's eyes watering and her ears pinned down sadly.

'This cannot be happening to me.' He thought to himself.

"If you want to leave me just say that!" She sniffled, wiping her tears away even though more kept coming.

"I'm not going to leave you woman! I just don't understand your emotions right now!" He whined.

"At least stay with me damn it!" She sobbed.

"Fine!" He huffed and got into with her and cuddled with as she sobbed into his neck.

It was going to be a long few months for him.

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