Chapter 2

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Drac knew they'd arrived when he heard the awful band. He wasn't sure what type of music it was but he did know various types of torture and was certain this qualified. When the car stopped and the limo door opened he couldn't get out fast enough. Mal and Evie had already gotten out gracefully but he was pushed from Jay and Carlos who were fighting over something they both had wanted to steal from the limo and ended up going headfirst into the pavement. Luckily growing up on the Isle had given him quick reflexes and he was able to put his hand out and stop his face from hitting the ground. He quickly turned it into a tuck and roll as he somersaulted out of the vehicle and landed on his feet before standing up straight.

"You got everything else! Why do you want whatever this is?" Carlos groaned as Jay dragged him out by the device they both hand their hands on.

"Because you want it!" Jay said back through clenched teeth as they struggled.

"Boys! We have an audience!" Mal snapped getting their attention. Drac fixed his jacket and purple fingerless gloves giving a final glance to his bag which was safe, sound, and uncrushed. Jay smiled and let go of the device leaving Carlos on his own.

"Just. . . cleaning up." The son of Jafar lied.

"Leave it how you found it." A cheerful woman in periwinkle said with a smile, "And by that I do mean leave it."

When Jay had tossed the thing back into the car and the boys were standing upright the woman introduced herself.

"Welcome to Auradon Prep!" she said with a smile, "I'm Fairy Godmother, headmistress." Mal and Drac looked to each other both thinking the same thing, find Fairy Godmother – check. Next phase, get magic wand.

"The Fairy Godmother?" Mal asked clarifying, "As in bibbiti-bobbity-boo?"

"Bibbiti-bobbity, you know it."

Mal gave her best fake smile, "Yeah, I always wondered what it felt like for Cinderella when you just –appeared! Out of nowhere. With that sparkly wand, warm smile. . . and that sparkly wand."

Drac chuckled playing along and leaned in toward his sister's ear and whispered, "Turn it down a notch Captain Obvious." He said with a smile that hurt his face trying not to move his lips as he slyly gave his sister advice. It seemed to work and went unnoticed as Fairy Godmother continued.

"Oh, that was a long time ago, and as I always say 'don't focus on the past or you'll miss the future!'" Drac had to keep himself from scoffing, all the villains did back on the Isle was think of the past, and how they wanted revenge for it.

"It's so good to finally meet you all." The boy next to Fairy Godmother said stepping forward. "I'm Ben."

"Prince! Benjamin. Soon to be king!" the girl next to him said nearly squealing with delight.

"You had me at prince." Evie said walking up to him, "My mom's a queen which, makes me a princess."

"The Evil Queen has no royal status here." The girl said still smiling, "And neither do you."

"This is Audrey." Ben said sounding slightly embarrassed.

"Princess Audrey." she corrected, "His girlfriend." She said taking his hand, "Right Benny-boo?"

He looked a bit uncomfortable at the dorky nickname, fortunately for Ben Fairy Godmother took over the conversation again.

"Ben and Audrey are going to show you all around and I'll see you tomorrow." Fairy Godmother said from between them, "The doors of wisdom are never shut!" she exclaimed pulling apart Ben and Audrey's hands, "But the library hours are from eight to eleven and as you may have heard I have a little thing about curfews." She said before walking away with the gold and blue band following her. Thank God, Drac thought, no more of that awful music.

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