Chapter 23

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I should be doing work, but I think this is more important. Oh, well.


I stared at Niall in shock. We never even talked about marraige. I guessed that someday we would get married, but i didnt think so soon. I wanted to marry him so bad, but Im only 17, going on 18. I know Im a legal adult now because I've moved out of my parents house and had triplets, but I wanted to think about this logically.

"Niall, I dont know what to say," I stuttered. Niall hadnt' moved from his place at my feet holding out a beautiful silver ring.

"Say yes," He said with a smile.

I laughed. "I love you so so much. You know that, but are we doing the right thing right now?" I asked in a soft voice.

Niall's smile still didnt waver. "Yes, I love you too, and I will give up my job for you and our boys. say yes." He said.

What else could I say, I loved him and wanted to be with him for a long time. "Yes," I answered, with a tear coming out of my eye.

He took the ring out of the box and slid it onto my ring finger. Then we kissed.

I was going to spend my life with the guy of my dreams. I couldnt believe it.


Okay, I'm sorry it is so short. But I just wanted to get the answer in here before anything else. I hope you all like is and read my other story Secret Crush Please.

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