Chapter 8

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Niall was now living with me, and as exciting as that is, I have to admit it's a little weird too. I mean I like Niall and all, but he's still my teacher, and so it's odd. Phillip and William are loving it because they get another person to play video games with. My mom doesn't mind him, I think she thinks he's cute, but won't admit it. Niall's been living here for only three days and I haven't get to spend any time alone with him. My brothers always get him. Also, so far no one knows that he's my teacher, they just think he's a teacher at my school not MY teacher, which is good.

My dad did warn Niall about bringing girls here for sex though. He said and I quote "Have fun, but stay quiet." My dad's pretty easy going when it comes to that. Dad has even let me ride to school with Niall these past few days.

"Okay guys. I want you all to read from page 300 to 320 and answer the questions on 321 for tomorrow." Niall said as the bell rang. I groaned and walked over to his desk.

He was there preparing for his second hour. He looked up at me and smiled. "Yes miss." He said in a teasing voice.

"I was thinking that maybe we could have a study date tonight istead of you hanging out with my boring brothers." I suggested. I really hoped that he'd say yes.

"I'd love that. Maybe if we get done early we can have a movie night." He grinned. He looked really excided as I left. In truth, I was super pumped about tonight too.

I couldn't focus on anything, not even the fact that Gia still hasn't called or texted. She's been absent from school for a while, and no one seems to know where she is. I go to Niall's room to eat with him now, and if anyone walks in, we have some textbooks out so they'll think that Niall's tutoring me. It's a good thing too because Mr. Payne came in a couple of times wanting to talk to Niall.

"Why did you assign so much questions?" I pouted, shoving my English book away from me. Niall was sitting beside me on my bed grading our test from the other day. He leaned forward and pulled my book back to me. He looked at me grinning.

I wanted to kiss him, and call him my boyfriend, but we're waiting as long as we can to go out. I know he likes me, and I like him alot, but not even in the first quater yet in the schoo year. He wants to kiss me almost as much as I want to kiss him, but we don't. We hold back. I want my first time to be with him, but I don't tell him yet.

Right now, we're just friends begging to become more than friends, but never daring to take that step because we both have things we want to do first. Even though Niall told me that he didn't care the other day in the car on the way home if we got caught dating, I know he loves to teach. I'm not going to let him do that, after all he spent years getting his teaching degree, and I'm not letting him throw that away.

"Because I wanted to see you pout."

I acted shocked to hear that. Then I turned my back to him, pretending that I hated him. I know he can't stand it if I'm mad at him, so I wait for him to cuddle next to my back, snake his arms around my waist and hug me. When he did that, I felt a kiss on my neck. I gasped in shock, but didn't move away. I closed my eyes as Niall's kisses went to my ear to bit my earlobe. I moaned in pleasure. Then his lips went back to my neck and started kissing and sucking on a spot. I was pretty sure I'd have a hickey by morning.

Then a few minutes later, he left me. I opened my eyes and turned over to look him in the eyes. He was flushed and turned on, but that didn't stop us from continuing our "date": I quickly did the queations he assigned and he finished grading. Then I put in my favorite movie, Titanic. I shoved our school stuff off the bed and settled in the crook of his left arm, and he rested his left arm on my aroundmy shoulder and on my back. I felt him stroke my hips at points durring the movie when it got a little excided or seductive.

By the time it was over, the time was 12:00 am. Niall was asleep, he fell asleep right about the time of the Titanic actually sinking, but I didn't mind. I'd rather watch that part alone myself because it's more fun that way. I was really tired so I just turned the dvd player and the tv off and fell asleep too.

The next morning, I woke up and it was light. I checked my clock. It said 959. I was late for school. Niall was still asleep next to me, holding me down so I couldnt get up. I wanted to find out if mom and dad called in for me or not, but I didn't want to leave Niall. I gently pulled out of Niall's grasp, which took my about 15 minutes, and walked downstairs.

There was a note on the firdge in the kitchen. I knew that there would be because if it's summer and one of the boys or me stay up late and wake up to no parents, they normally put a note up where we can see it.


Dad and I called in for you. I didn't want to wake you up because you were sleeping so soundly. I wnat to talk to you when we get home about sleeping with a teacher though  ; ) School called dad's cell phone and asked if his tenant was there, and he said yes. So you two are good for today. Just hang out and have fun.

Love mom xxx

That was just like mom. Pretending she was serious about something, but really she just wants all the dirty deets. I was happy that Niall and I got the house to ourselves today though. We could do anything we wanted. Well, almost anything.

I went upstairs to change into some comfortable clothes, since I was still wearing my uniform from school. I picked my tanktop and boy shorts pjs. I wasn;t sure if I should change in the room with Niall there, but since he was asleep I didn think it would hurt. As I took off my uniform, I stood there naked in my room as I put my top on.

"Don't cover up, I like you that way."

I turned around to see Niall looking at me with a smirk on his face. I studdered, wanting to tell him to close his eyes, but in shock to say anything. Niall got out of bed and came to me. He kissd me on the lips. I was so happy, but all I could think about was he's going to loose his job now. He kissed me. He spent so long trying to get that degree, and now he's blowing it.

Although, after a few minutes of kissing, I forgot about that. I figured he knew the stakes and didn't care. The kisses got hotter and clothes were shed from him. (you know what happens next)


Well, that was the most fun I've ever had. I wasn't a virgin any longer, and I loved it. We laid in my bed with the covers over our waist. Niall was stroking my head with a hand as he kissed my neck. Durring sex, I might've gotten rough and gave Niall a hickey along with some sratches on his face. He might have a busted lip from me bitting it as he took my virginity. MIGHT, that's all I'm going to say. AS for me, I MIGHT have a hickey on my neck, chest, and stomach. MIGHT. The main thing is though, we had fun.

We MIGHT not've used a condom since they were in his room. I MIGHT mot care if I got pregnant or not. We MIGHT've had sex four times in three hours. Well, I guess really three because after he took my virginity and shot inside me, he just laid there in me making me orgasm again. So four for me, three for him.

It was wierd writing this, but I hope you like it.

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