Chapter 11

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"Ms. Derms, I'd like to introduce to you, your new tutour," Niall exageratted coming in the living room after he got back from school. I was spread out on the couch, watching the Andy Griffith Show marathon on TV Land. I laughed at him.

"Principle say it's okay for you to tutor me then?" I confurmed. Niall walked over to me and nodded.

"Oh, Hey, a Franklin Newian called wondering if you've seen a Rachel Newian," I told Niall looking at him straight.

He swallowed hard and shook his head. I knew he was hiding something from me, so instead of waiting for him to come clean this time, I pressed the subject.

"Whose Rachel?" I asked.

Niall stopped drinking his soda that he got from the fridge. He shrugged innocent like. I knew he was lying. He came over to sit by me, but I was getting angry at him. Maybe it was my hormones doing it. I usually don't get mad that easily.

"Niall are you cheating on me?" I asked coldly. He did a spit take.

"WHAT!?" He yelled after he got finished coughing. "How the hell could you think that!!!????"

I got up off the couch, which took some help from Niall, and faced him with a deathly glare.

It was most definatly my hormnes. "Then who is she?"

"No one. Just an on flame. I haven't seen her in two years. Okay, can we move on?" He defended himself. He wasn't giong to be let off the hook that easily. I was tired of being lied to, laughed at, talked about behind my back. That plus my hormones made me dangerous.

"Why would they call asking you if you've seen her then?" I spat. My fists were clenched so tightly, I thought they would stay that way forever.

Niall took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I'm not telling you," he said more calmly than I would've thought.

I tried to stay calm too, but it didn't work. "Then you can sleep in your own room until you tell me what's going on with you," I told him.  I wanted him to tell me, but I was angry at him for thinkning he couldn't trust me with somwthing. I mean, I told him everything that was bothering me.

Maybe after a good nights sleep everything would be back to the way it's suppose to be. I doubt it, but let's hope.



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