Chapter 7

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Mr. Horan lead me inside the old garage. It had a terrible moldy smell to it. I rinckeled my nose in disgust.

I heard Mr. Horan chuckle in front of me. " I know it smells here, but it's the only way in, and I'm going to tear down these walls and put up new ones." He said.

The room was small, but not too small. I guess this was the front desk for the garage. There was an island in the middle of the room, which must've been for the cash register. I guess Mr. Horan could expand this room a little and it could be the kitchen/dining area. He took me through a door that was literally falling off its hinges. The paint was terribly chipped and rotting.

Now this room was where they worked on cars. There were four big garage doors on one side, then four on the other side parralell. This room was big enough for maybe four master bedrooms and a bathroom. I looked in the far corner of the room. An air bed, small dresser, and three half-filled suitcases were there. I swallowed hard. Here he was, super nice to his classes, not even worried about this. This place was a dump though.

"I know it's not much right now, but I'm going to fix it up." He said as if he could read my mind.

"Why not just buy an appartment?" I ask following him to the air bed.

"This was my grandpa's old garage. I never knew him, so by buying this garage from the city, it kinda let's me hae a piece of him. I love fixing things, too." He explained laying down on his bed. I laid down next to him.

"You know, Mr. Horan, I-"

"Call me Niall." Mr.-Niall said. I was happy that he told me that.  That means we're moving forward in this "relationship".

"Well. Niall. I have an extra room at my house. I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind you staying until you got this place fixed up a little bit. " I offered. My dad was talking about having a tenant for the guest room to make extra money, so why not Niall.

Niall looked at me with his hazel eyes. They were so beautiful, I could get lost in them. I gave him my dad's number, and he went outside to call and ask. I went to one of his suitcases and found a package of condoms. It was half full. I got a little jealous. Other people has seen NiallnakedI haven't. We've only known each other for a few days though. A voice told me in my head.

He came back smiling big. "Only 50 bucks every month." He announced proudly.The smile faded to embarrasment when he realized what I had been looking at.

He cleared his throat and cathered his things that were in the drawer. He dumped them in hos suitcases, then went to deflate the air bed. I  took all of his things out and folded each one nicely. After foldiong and putting away all of his clothes, There was only one thing to put in there; the condoms. I tried for about ten minutes while Niall loaded his dresser into the back of the convertible. Finally, I gave up and zipped each bag without the condoms in it. I carried one bag along with the condoms while Nial carried the others.

I couldn't believe it, Niall was going to live with us. I was so happy, but I wondered if we could hide our relationship from my family. Although that's in the future because we haven't even gone out on a date yet, but I know we will have to be carefull.


They are now going to live together, what happens next?

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the more you do these ^^^^^^ the more often I will try to update.

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