Chapter 10

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I was so happy, Niall wanted the babies, I wanted the babies. Everything was going great. Well, almost. If the desks' at school were a bit bigger, I would be fine, but I had to sit at my desk sideways just to fit. It was starting to hurt my back. If it got any worse, I'll have to ask Niall if I can sit at his desk. As if he'll mind, though.

 When I first told my family, which was right after I told Niall, they weren't happy. Okay, well, my parents weren't happy, Phillip and William was excided to be Uncles. They frequently had fights on whom was going to be the best Uncle. William often goes to school with a black eye from fights at home. It was surprising that my parents let Niall stay here, though, even in my room. Ever since I told Niall I was pregnant, he's slept with me in my room. My dad told us that Niall could stay here if we both promised to not have sex until we either break up, get married, or move out of this house. We're working on the last one.

Mentioning that, Niall's house is coming along great. Him and a few friends, along with some construction guys got every moldy wall out of the old garage, put more than half of all the necessary walls they soon-to-be-kitchen, halls, and rooms. We decided on 4 rooms, three for the kids, one extra, along with the master bedroom, and two bathrooms. They had to expand the garage a little though, cutting down the size of the yard. However, there was still enough room for the kids to play. That was my main concern.

In school, I ofthen got stares from the kids at school because I looked 6 months pregnant instead of like 4 and a half. They all thought that I was pregnant last school year, and was only now showing. I wasn't going to correct them.

This one girl, I forget her name, was determine to get in Niall's pants. She always stayed after class to flirt with him, and I could tell he was getting annoyed. So one day, Niall stood in front of the class and said that he was dating someone, and anyone who came up to him to flirt or anything of that nature was going to be wrote up. Everyone was shocked at the tone he used, not me. I was getting used to that voice at the house when he and Phillip play Halo. The guys all looked happier after Niall said that. Probably because there was a school dance coming up and every time they asked a girl, they'd say no.   

Currently, Niall and I was laying in my bed watching Titanic again. Niall was close to falling asleep, but I was wide awake. Well, I wanted to go to sleep also, but the kids didn't think I should. They kept kicking my stomach.

"Niall, my back is starting to hurt at school sitting in my desk. Can I sit at your desk?" I asked.

"Sure. I'd love company." He mumbbled. I was laying on his chest, so I couldn't see his face, but I knew he was smirking.

"Wipe that smirk off your face," I told him sharply in a teasing way.

His response was to stretch out a hand and start rubbing my bouncing stomach while humming. It was soothing to the babies and to me because I fell asleep not long after he got the babies to stop kicking.

The next morning, after the morning sickness, I had a doctors appointment. They said the babies were all doing fine, but due to my size I was going to have to have homebound tutoring untill after the babies were born. I was upset becasue I wouldn't get to talk to Gia that much, but she could always come over to my house to talk. Niall couldn't go to the appointment becasue he had to work, but when he got home, I told him that I wouldn't be needing that spot to sit after all.

"Why's that?" Niall asked with a scared look on his face.

"Homebound," I simply said.

He groaned in disapointment. "Well, I'll talk to Mr. Payne about me tutoring you tomorrow." He answered. He came over to where I was sitting on the couch, or spread out, and kissed me on the lips, then my stomach. They obviously knew Niall's kisses because they went crazy kicking.

We both started to laugh. I loved being pregnant. I don't know why some people didn't like being pregnant.


Niall's POV @ school, Mr. Payne's office.

I knocked on Liam's door. An 'enter' followed. As I went in, I thought about not having Katlyne in my class for maybe the rest of the school year. It was frightening. I tried to focus on the me being able to tutor her after school, but the fright was still there.

"Hey, Liam. I was wondering if you had a chance to think about me tutoring Mrs. Derms for two hours at home because of her being homebound." I figited with my green tie.

Liam was a really good friend of mine. He had dark brown eyes, short brown hair kind of funked up a little. We'd gone to the same college together in England. Yes, I was Irish, but I moved to the UK to become a teacher, then I moved to the US after I got my teaching degree. Liam was one of the only friends who I kept in touch with on a regular basis, and had the same principle of dreams. I wanted to become a teacher, done, he wanted to become a principle of a school, done.

"Yes, I think it'd be good for her, since you live in the same house with her. Oh, by the way, I wanted to warn you about that." My blood ran cold. What if he's figured out that she was pregnant with my kids? Would Liam be able to fire me? Hopefully we didn't have to find that out. "I want to warn you that, the board will be keeping an eye on you two so their suspitions don't get raised for having a relatinship with a student. I know it may seem stupid considering what you wne through with Rachel back in England. I know you've not had a serious girlfriend since then, but just watch your back."

My heart felt heavy. I haven't thought about Rachel since it happened. I couldn't even tell my shrink about it. It was devistating for me. Although I was happy I'd get to tutor Katlyne. It's too bad we couldn't study Anatomy, she'd ace that, in fact we both would.


What happened with Rachel?

Tell me what you think happened.



 Saturday is my birthday. So happy.

I can't upload the map, sorry. Imagine it for yourselves, big yard, four bedroom, master bedroom, kitchen, two baths.

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