Chapter 3

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One of the reasons I volunteered my help was because I wasn't going to sit at alone at lunch on the first day of school. The second reason being, I had a crush on mr. Horan. It wasn't like a I-want-to-sleep-with-him crush, but it was just a teenage girl crush. There was only 15 minutes until lunch, which ment me going to Mr. Horan's room to help him with the books.

Mrs. Malks, my Biology teacher, was very boring. We had to tell a little about ourselves, she told us some about herself, she told us what would be happening throughout the year, and asked if we had any questions. The room was a very dull color that didn't help the boringness of class. The walls were brown, and the floors were a dull gray.

"Hi, you're Katlyne right?" A fairly cute red headed boy asked.

I nodded and smiled. "Yes, and you're Nigel Slonam?"

He nodded. "Can you believe how boring the first day of school is?" He asked, sighing deeply.

"I know. I'm ready to go home, and it's not even noon yet." I told him.

"You have lunch after this?" Nigel asked almost regretfully.

"Yeah, but I have toi go to Mr. Horan's room. I'm helping him clear stuff in Mrs. Patt's old room." I answered sorrily.

Nigel nodded and said, "Maybe tomorrow."

Another minute later, the bell rang. Nigel waved good-bye and headed to the outdoor cafe. Not many people sit in the outdoor cafe, especially when it's too hot or cold out. I stopped by the snack machine and got bag of chips and a candy bar. Then i made a detour to the soda machine and got a Diet Dr. Pepper.

I knocked on Mr. Horan's door. A voice told me to come on in. I put the candy bar in my mouth with the unopened bag of chips and opened the door with one hand. Mr. Horan was at his desk eating  a subway sandwich. I set my stuff on the corner of his desk and sat in the chair next to it. I opened my bag of chips and ate some.

"Thank you for doing this. It saves me the enormous headache of a prissy type girl that wants a good grade through manipulation." Mr. Horan said taking a sip of soda.

"You mean all the girls that have a crush on you?"

He nodded. "I appreciate the attention from them, but it's not right for a student and a teacher to have a relationship. Also, it's not like I'm going to date one of them."

I chuckled a little. "True, but some can't help who they have a crush on. It just happens."

"Yeah, so, you play guitar?" Mr. Horan asked.

I finished my chips and threw them away. "Yep, since I was ten. I write songs too."

"That's really cool. You should play a song sometime." He told me.

"Love too."

We looked in each others eyes and I felt something. I didn't know what though. Chemistry? A chill? Or is that pretty much the same thing? His hazel eyes looked so inviting, I almost fell forward on my face to look deeper into his eyes. I sat back and finished my candy bar, as he finished his footlong.

Mr. Horan cleared his throat as he went past me to get a stack of books. Okay, I may not be an expert on love or anything, but I know when there is something happening between two people. Whether Mr. Horan notices it or not is something entirely different.

Through the next 45 minutes, I found Mr. Horan sneeking glances at me ever so  often. Then, I'd sneek a look at him. I think we both knew that something was happening, but we both didn't want it too because one: He'd be fired and possilby go to jail, and two: I'm still a minor.

"Well, thank you for helping. It's surprising how many books are marked with answers or torn. I'll get these to the library to get fixed up." Mr.Horan told me as the bell rang.

I nodded and packed my stuff to go to Art. We got through half of the books today." Do you want me to come back tomorrow so we can finish?" I asked.

He hesitated, but eventually said yes. I left the room with a great big smile. I was itching for tomorrow to get here so I could spend some time with Mr. Horan. Maybe somethnig will happen tomorrow while we work. You never know what might happen. I'm going to sleep tonight with my fingers crossed.


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