Bullying | max mayfield

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"Oh my god."

✽ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ -_-_-_-_-_-_✻

"We need you to do something for us." Dustin said, with a very interesting face, at least that's how max would have described it. She was busy getting her stuff from her locker, when Lucas and Dustin decided to annoy her. Well, she was sure both of them had good intentions but max couldn't stop worrying about you. She hasn't seen you since the hours between all the different classes you had and thought she'd see you now, max though when they're around, you couldn't be far away. But you weren't nearby, you weren't with Lucas and Dustin and neither with Mike or Will.

She was worried that this one girl said mean things to you again, she didn't knew who this one girl was but she was sure if she knew, it wouldn't end good for her. You decided not too long ago to tell her what's been going on, why you're so deep in your thoughts sometimes but you didn't told her who she was, you didn't wanted Max to get in trouble. But of course Max noticed that you were in your thoughts and absolutely not present, when you both were holding hands, that you didn't cared for the sunset, which was pretty unusual for you. When the both of you shared those little moments, giggling, hugging, holding hands and even giving each other a little kiss or two, Max could not noticed that you got quieter and she didn't liked that. When you told her that someone was bullying you she was furious, after all she wanted to protect you.

"What do you want, creeps ?" She asked, not really paying attention to them but to her locker, concentrating that nothing falls out and that she got the right books. "We've noticed that you and y/n got close friends." Dustin started. "Which is a pretty good thing !" Lucas added, both seemed kind of nervous, Max didn't know the reason of their behavior. Why didn't they just said what they wanted to say ? While still taking care of not putting the wrong book into her locker, Max said "Uh uh." "So, I- we were wondering-" "if you could check on her ?" Dustin's comment stopped max in her tracks, she was now facing them, raising her eyebrows. "What happened ?" She said while making the last word of her sentences last for ages, at least that's how it felt to Lucas. "Stacy Albright, she-s-she was bullying y/n again a-a-" "and now she's crying in the bathroom." "A-and since we're boys w-we-" "we can't go in there." Max looked from the one to the other, while Dustin finished Lucas sentences. She didn't know why Lucas started to stutter, probably because of her expression ? She has raised her eyebrows slightly, careful not to give them a death stare. It didn't belonged to them, it belonged to Stacey. Now she knows the name. It's Stacey Albright, Max wanted to punch her dearly and of course she'd do it but not now. The only thing she had to do at first was going after you.

"Oh my god." She said, while rolling her eyes and slamming her locker shut.

"Why didn't you tell me that right away ?"

She said, not looking at any of them, turning around and walking to the girls bathroom. The only thing she wanted to do at first, was to hold and comfort you.

She also made a mental note of punching this Stacey girl in the face afterwards.

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