In the back of my mind | max mayfield {warning death}

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'And since Dustin was always still there for you, he noticed that max killed you. She killed a part of you and he couldn't be angrier.'

✽ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ -_-_-_-_-_-_✻

"In the back of my mind"
"In the back of my mind"

Max mayfield was, how you called it, your girlfriend, and you thought she'd saw it the same way, apparently she didn't.

You two got close at circa the time she kind of joined the party, even tho you tried to be her friend, before the other ones in the party even wanted anything to do with her. They despised her and you were the only one who put an effort getting to know her. At the time she'd appreciated it and was happy about it, at least that's how it felt to you.

"You died."
"I killed you."

The two of you shared some moments; secretly holding hands, making plans for the future, laughing until your stomach hurts, forehead kisses before the other fell asleep, soft and innocent kisses when you were alone, her trying to teach you how to skateboard- you hurt yourself every time and she fixed you up with bandages, going to the cinema, watching scary movies because she loved how you got scared so easily so you held her hand tight and many more. To you it meant something. You two started fighting a lot, like a lot, about silly things, things that aren't even worth fighting for. Max made you a secret, which you could understand at first, with a family like hers, okay, you didn't judge her. But she also made you a secret around your friends, around your closest ones. While you had to endure Mike and El all the time basically making out, you couldn't even hold your girlfriends hand, and it made you jealous. It affected your mood really fast.

Dustin just came back from summer camp and you because he was so excited showing you his new invention, you were the first one to happily agree. The others didn't really wanted to go, which you couldn't understand in the slightest, you thought they acted selfish and stupid. Dustin was your best friend and of course he knew about you and max dating but still not even a little kiss on the cheek.

You were busy going up a mountain, carrying heavy stuff on a hot summer day, of course except Mike and el. "What if she gets hurt huh ?" Was all he said, you just rolled your eyes, you thought it was stupid. "She has superpowers goddamnit." You muttered to yourself, so that Mike couldn't hear, but Max did. She looked at you with a smile before continuing going up the mountain. You felt your cheeks heat up, even managed to smile, but your smile faded away real quick when you noticed that was the only affection you got ever since you two left your house.

After Mike and el went home, because she 'had to', and not because they wanted to make out, of course not, you and Dustin tried to build whatever that exactly was. You didn't know, you had no idea what this whole stuff was or why he'd needed that but you knew it made him happy and after not seeing him for so long, you didn't cared if you liked it or not.

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