Hospital part 2 | sadie sink

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"Please, please please don't do this to me. Please wake u-up. I-I I love y-you okay ? I love you, there I said it, I love you so so much. P-please just wake up. D-don't leave me."

✽ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ -_-_-_-_-_-_✻

Sadie sat in the waiting room again, her mascara was  smudged. A doctor managed to inform your father what's wrong with you. They were in your hospital room and Sadie wanted nothing more than just to be by your side. She was lost in her thoughts when your dad went out of the room, he was holding onto a chair for support, when Sadie noticed him, she got up with shaky legs and walked towards him. Your dad looked up when he noticed that someone sat beside him, when he realized it was his daughters girlfriend he started to cry again "oh." Was all he said. Sadie understood how he was feeling but she had to know. It wasn't fair, nobody would tell her anything, do they think she wouldn't care about her ? Why did they thought she hadn't a right to know ?  "W-w-what's wrong with her ?" Sadie asked, afraid to hear the answer. "T-they don't exactly know, they're doing s-some tests b-but- I don't know."

"I-I want to s-see her."

Was all Sadie managed to say. She wanted to see you, desperately. She loved you and Sadie wanted to tell you. The both of you haven't said the words yet, of course you both knew that the other one loves you, how wouldn't you know ? The way you're looking at each other is more than enough. Before anything else happens, Sadie had the urge to say 'I love you', just in case, no one knew what could happen.

A little while later, after your dad tried to tell her that it may be better if she wouldn't see you like this. But Sadie didn't hesitated.

Her thoughts were:

'What if you would wake up ? And no one is there ?'
'What if you would ask where she is and she isn't by your side ?'

God, Sadie wanted nothing more than to be by your side.

Your father was going first, he had teary eyes. He doesn't blame Sadie at all, if this turns out to be a shock to whatever it probably would have happen anytime- it was a matter of time, at least that's what the doctors said. You and your dad were close, after your parents divorced he immediately applied for sole custody. The reason of the divorce was unknown to you, but your dad always said he lost your mom and now he's afraid to loose you too. He was more afraid of it than ever.  Your father blocked the view to Sadie, she couldn't see you yet. Her heart was beating fast, her tears were rolling down her cheeks but she didn't cared about it, her focus laid on you. But after your dad sat next to your hospital bed and gave you a kiss on the forehead.

That was the moment. 
It hit Sadie.
As she was looking at you, she immediately broke down.

You were laying there, unconscious, you were on a ekg, your heartbeat was steady, the same goes for your breathing. A nurse placed a venous access. Sadie thought that if the location was your own bed at your home, instead of one at a hospital, it could have looked like you'd just be asleep. Could have.

You were pale, very pale and the longer Sadie looked at you, the more it looked like you were dead and that sent chills down her spine. Sadie broke down not because of the sight, she saw right now. Don't get her wrong, it hurt her, it hurt her so much seeing you like this but she mostly broke down because everything was too much. Her feelings and thoughts were a combination of the previous event, the sight of you laying there, gasping for air didn't left her mind for a second, in her mind this moment always repeated itself. And now this, Sadie wasn't okay at all, she wanted to know. She wanted to know what caused all this, she wanted to know why this happened to you, to her dear y/n.

Sadie blamed herself, she thought about that she never should have taken you out to a picnic, the both of you just should have stayed home.

After she wiped her tears away, which was for nothing at all, because new ones were running down immediately, she sat down next to you. Your dad looked at the ground, he wanted to give you both some privacy but also didn't wanted to leave you now. What kind of dad would he be, if he would just go out of the room now ? In any other situation he would have, giving you two the privacy you both deserved but not now.

Sadie looked at you, her heart was breaking. Her hand was shaking, while she tried to reach yours. She was holding your hand briefly, as if you turned into a porcelain doll, Sadie was too afraid to accidentally break if she was holding onto your hand a little too much.

"I-I don't know if you can actually h-hear me. B-but I-I'm so- so sorry."

Sadie looked at you, she hoped that with a miracle you would suddenly open your eyes. She hoped you would suddenly feel better and that today never happened.

"Please, please please don't do this to me. Please wake u-up. I-I I love y-you okay ? I love you, there I said it, I love you so so much. P-please just wake up. D-don't leave me."

After that Sadie and your dad had to go. Visiting hours were over. Sadie got home and no one could cheer her up. No one and nothing.

You haven't woken up yet and the doctors decided it'll be better if you'd stayed there at least until they finished their tests. Sadie got furious, she even yelled at the nurse that she wanted to know what's wrong with you but the nurse only said she's sorry but she couldn't tell her, they have to do tests to answer her question.

Sadie laid in her bed, looking at photos of you, you two and was crying. She was curled up into a fetus position and she was hurt, she was emotionally hurt and there are no words that could have described the heart pain she was going through. All the worries.

All this pain.

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