Tea Time Exposition

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Narrator's POV

"You breathe fire!"

"Mother, please."


"Right, pardon me. Father, please."

Wales held his son's face in his hands, squishing his cheeks together and forcing him to face different directions. Britain's teeth had grown slightly sharper and his irises had an almost unsettling faint glow to them. He had also grown claw-like nails, which he had covered with gloves until he could show Wales.

"I knew when I joined the Kingdom you would gain some of my features," Wales said as he took off Britain's hat, tossing it onto his sofa. He hummed as he pulled on Britain's dragon ears just to move them and prod at them further. "I assumed this was it, I mean, maybe claws or something else."

"Ow, father, is this–" Britain was let go and Wales walked around him, looking him up and down  "–is this really necessary?"

"I don't understand what happened. Fire? Really? That's-thats awesome of course," Wales stood in place, biting on their thumb and trying to think. He had gotten the call from Britain last night, so he knew something happened but he assumed it had something to do with America, not a sudden development of easy access to arson.


"Hmm? Oh right. But, why now?"

Britain picked up his hat, brushing it off slightly and placing it back on his head. In his call last night he didn't go into too much detail, and he wanted to keep most of what happened close to his chest. He wasn't sure if he could even trust Russia or Kaz to keep quiet. Of course, this was one of the countries that helped raise him, so inherently he should trust them.

"I believe I know, " Britain sat down on the couch, prompting Wales to do the same. There was a gap along the backside of the sofa, allowing for Wales to stretch out their red scaled wings and rest them comfortably behind it.

Explaining how his sons had gotten themselves into danger wasn't what Britain wanted to talk about, but for the sake of finding out what was wrong with him, he had to deal. Wales was familiar with the situation but also knew Britain wasn't telling them the full truth. He just said he was told by UN to keep it close to his chest so he didn't question.

"I don't know how to explain it, I felt this rage boil inside of me and my throat burned and all I thought was to yell. When I did and I opened my eyes, that's when I saw all those flames. I hadn't felt that, that—" Britain paused, struggling to find the correct word "—well, scared in a very long time."

Wales nodded, thinking to themself.

"It was all just blind rage, almost. I heard America scream and saw those tribes, and I just- well I don't know, I suppose I acted-"

"Out of instinct?"

Britain nodded, setting his hands down once he realized he was waving them around as he spoke.

"Hmm, I think this has something to do with me, obviously, and you being a unification." Wales stood up, walking over to their bookshelf and scanning the rows of books. The small shelf in the sitting room was mostly for light reading and the bigger more in-depth books were in the study. He would have to reread and touch up on those books along with what he had written down.

"Yes, Haudenosaunee did say I didn't understand the power inside of me, is that what she's referring to?"

"It could be," Wales said as they took a book from a shelf and began to scan through the pages. "I assumed with the two wars, we would've seen these signs earlier."

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