luo binghe :: medic

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pairing. luo binghe x big tiddies, male reader
prompt. clingy lou binghe and a medic y/n. luo binghe purposefully hurts himself so he can meet y/n.

order for <3 SayonaraAuthor

qian cao peak was as serene as it always was. the skies were clear and blue, birds flying by, singing happy little tunes, as the trees danced and swayed along to their song. y/n smiled as he watched the performance mother nature put together.

he stood in place, warm smile on his lips as he held a basket of bloodied towels in his hands. "a-y/n! is that you?" y/n snapped out of his reverie. he turned over his shoulder and saw his master, mu qingfang, walking towards him, waving one hand. y/n bowed curtly, "shizun." he greets.

"ah, there's my top disciple." the medicine master smiles, pausing in front of y/n. "those towels, my goodness- who on earth did all of this?" he gasps, cringing visibly at the sight of the white towels stained a deep shade of crimson, even the basket was stained with it.

y/n chuckled sheepishly. "it was luo binghe, that kid from qing jing peak." he answers. mu qingfang scoffed. "shen-shixiong's kid? what happened to him this time? it seems that he's becoming a daily patient for us here in qian cao peak." he sneered, crossing his arms over his head.

"come on, shizun. didn't you say it was our duty as the medicinal peak to attend to any and all injured persons that come knocking into our door?" y/n asked. mu qingfang looked at him, one brow arched. "come on, a-y/n... don't tell me you don't get it..." the master grumbles.

"what?" y/n curiously asks, tossing his head to the side in confusion. mu qingfang sighed, rubbing his temple with one hand. "tsk, tsk." he clicked his tongue in disappointment. "my precious a-y/n, you poor, innocent soul." now y/n was more confused than ever. "shizun, what are you talking about."

"oh! don't talk to me, my heart is full of woe!" the medicine master dramatically sighs before waltzing away, his golden robes flowing behind him. y/n was left in the hallway, completely confused. "what was that all about?" y/n asked to no one in particular.

sighing, he decided to simply ignore his master's dramatic antics and instead, focus on his current task, which was to wash the bloody towels. as soon as y/n turned around, he bumped into a rather short figure. "oof!" he heard before a thud followed.

"oh my goodness, are you all right?" y/n immediately dropped the basket he was carrying so he could help up whoever it was he bumped into. but to his surprise, it was none other than luo binghe, the subject of his conversation earlier with his master.

the poor disciple had bandages wrapped around his hand. "binghe?" y/n uttered in pure disbelief. "what in the heavens are you doing here? didn't i specifically tell you to take things easy?" he scolds the young disciple as he easily lifts him up to his feet.

the much shorter luo binghe blinked his eyes in surprise as y/n dusts off his robes. "b-but y/n-shixiong, my hand was burned, not my feet. you weren't in the room earlier when my hand suddenly began to hurt." y/n sighed, placing one hand on his hip as he easily carries the basket he had dropped earlier.

"then ring the bell we placed on your nightstand." y/n answers. "i can't do that!" luo binghe bursts out, making y/n widen his eyes in surprise. luo binghe's face turns into a bright shade of red as soon as he realized he had just yelled at the person taking care of him.

"i-i mean.. i can't ring the bell because- because my hand was uhh..." the boy fumbled around with his words as he tried to find a good and believable excuse to give to the medic. y/n sighed. "all right, that's enough. does it hurt that bad?" he decided to ask.

𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬. mo xiang tong xiu books x reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now