luo binghe :: eat

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pairing. pidw! luo binghe x sha hualing's brother! male reader 

prompt. after defeating the previous demon lord in a duel, luo binghe takes sha hualing's hand in marriage as his prize. but things change when luo binghe suddenly meets the high priest of the demon realm

order for <3 lbhsheavenlypillar

luo binghe walks into a black palace, past blood red pillars and arches of fire. he passed by some lowly demons and fiends, and they all hissed in his direction before scurrying away into the darkness. luo binghe walked with a stride of confidence, he knew what he came for, and he was going to get it no matter what.

a few servants came to greet him before he made it into the main throne room. they all bowed submissively to him before announcing his arrival to whomever it was behind the large double doors made out of the bones of other demons and immortals that the demon lord had killed.

the doors opened, and luo binghe saw a long, carpet rolled out in front of him, guiding him towards the very end of the room where crimson flames roared from behind a throne of bones. beside the grand throne, there were two seats, probably reserved for the king's daughter and whoever his mistress was today.

but right now, luo binghe didn't know. the demon priestess he was supposed to take as his wife wasn't present in the room, and neither was the demon lord. the ancestral beast was probably too weak to stand after what luo binghe had done to him. he smirked.

he strutted down the carpet, the cloth was blood red, lined in black and slightly tattered. when luo binghe looked around the room, he saw various black pillars holding up the throne room roof, with torches that bore crimson flames attached to them. upon closer inspection, luo binghe noticed that the pillars were actually made out of bones — skulls to be exact. each skull was shaped and sized differently, so luo binghe assumed that each pillar was fashioned with the skulls of every enemy the demon king had overpowered in his lifetime.

once luo binghe had reached the thrones, he noticed how the seats were placed on an elevated, pyramid-like platform, where the demon lord's throne of bones sat at the very top, while the other two seats were placed a step beneath it.

"huh..." luo binghe hummed as he looked up at the seats. all of a sudden, he heard the doors burst open from behind him. luo binghe turned around, expecting to see the demon lord hobble towards him, but instead, he hears jingles.

bells that sounded as clear as day, followed by a series of rhythmic bells ringing, as if he were in a funeral procession. he turned around, expecting to see his future bride, sha hualing, but instead, he sees another person.

a demon, a head taller than sha hualing, donned in red garb that wrapped around legs and waist, while his neck was decorated with a gold choker. a red strip of cloth was attached to it, overlapping his chest as a gold piece of accessory held it all in place. his head was covered with a see-through red veil, vaguely concealing his pretty face underneath. the tips of his veil had golden bells attached to them, so they would ring along with the bells on his feet.

he walked with a confident stride as two lines of red-dressed demons flanked him, all of them carrying golden bells that rung every other second. they all wore veils that covered their faces, as if they didn't dare to outshine their master. once they had reached luo binghe, the lines of demons began to walk away in two opposite directions, terrifyingly in sync. all except for the demon on the right of the important-looking figure. unlike the other veiled demons, the one on the gold and red dressed demon's right seemed to wear more accessories than the others, making it seem more important. it also seemed to posses the only veil with the golden one eye pattern sewn onto it.

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