jiang cheng :: bartender

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pairing. jiang cheng x bartender, male reader
prompt. while dealing with a pretty bad break up, jiang cheng's friends try to get him to let loose at a bar. jiang cheng soon meets a young bartender whose caught his interest.


jiang cheng opened his eyes as he awoke to the morning sun and a rhythmic vibrating sound. the smell of cigars and alcohol wafted around his room, his laundry tossed all over the place. his phone vibrated continuously on the nightstand as it was on vibrate mode.

he squeezed his eyes shut, choosing to ignore whoever it was that decided to call him at such an ungodly hour. but then the buzzing noise got so annoying, that even when he buried his head underneath his pillow as an attempt to silence the sound.

his phone fell of the nightstand with a loud clatter, still vibrating. grumbling, jiang cheng tossed the covers off him as he reached an arm down to pick up his phone. the caller id showed a goofy picture of his brother, wei wuxian. he pressed the green, answer button before placing the phone beside his ear.

"what?" he groaned, his morning voice coming out husky. "jiang cheng you dumbass!! get down here!! kitchen- there was an accident and something happened to jasmine- she just- she just-"

jiang cheng tossed his phone aside the moment he heard his dog's name being mentioned in the same sentence as the word accident. he dashed out of the room in nothing but the jeans he wore the previous night, while his long hair was a complete mess.

he nearly tripped running down the stairs, but he managed to arrive in the kitchen of his house. wei wuxian was standing there with that same, shit-eating grin he always wore, as he carried his phone in his hand. nie huaisang was also present, and he seemed nervous as he tried hiding his face behind his paper fan.

then, jiang cheng finally took in the sobering reality. wei wuxian was scared of dogs! he wouldn't go anywhere within a thirty-meter radius of his dogs. he scratched his head, growling in frustration. he resorted to tugging a little on his locks as he tried holding himself back from punching his brother square in the face.

"jiang cheng! you're finally awake!!" wei wuxian smiled, walking over to him. "i should've known-" jiang cheng muttered, turning away from wei wuxian. "ugh, you smell, brother." wei wuxian cringed as he stood close to jiang cheng.

he was in a bad mood, that was for sure. wei wuxian assumed it was because of his prank, so he brushed off jiang cheng's moodiness for the hundredth time in his entire life, and swung his arm over at jiang cheng's shoulders, pulling him in close.

"come on, jiang cheng, stop being so moody! it's a wonderful morning~" wei wuxian sighed, motioning towards the open windows. "ah, what a wonderful morning, birds singing, clouds high, and no dogs to be seen." he inhaled deeply before exhaling, a smile on his lips.

"speaking of which, i mustered up the courage to come here and drag you out of your house, even knowing the risk of your dogs being here... but when i got here, there wasn't a single dog to be found!"

nie huaisang perks up from his seat and immediately, he pulls wei wuxian away from jiang cheng. "don't say that, you dumbass!" he whisper-yelled. "jiang cheng loved those dogs as much his girlfriend did. but when they broke up, the girl took the dogs with her, leaving jiang cheng all by himself."

hearing this, wei wuxian slapped a hand over his mouth as he realized. he had terribly offended his brother, and if it weren't for nie huaisang pulling him away, he would've definitely said something even more offensive.

jiang cheng was in such a bad mood, he was practically oozing it. wei wuxian chuckled nervously, trying fruitlessly to lighten up his mood. "come on, jiang cheng... i'm sorry, i didn't know." he apologizes, taking a cautious step towards the irritated, ticking timebomb that was jiang cheng.

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