wei wuxian, lan wangji, nie huaisang ;; all must burn

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pairing. wei wuxian x male reader x lan wangji x nie huaisang
prompt. after the death and unjust punishment of his lovers, the world shall burn with your rage

order for <3 @Laolalata

the ancestral hall of the qishan wen clan had gone dark, what was once a land named the nightless city, had fallen to the eternal night. it had remained empty for years after its fall during the sunshot campaign, but nowadays, increased activity has been seen within its walls.

torches had lit up inside the ancestral hall, the gates had been reinforced with iron, and shadows dancing in the dark had been spotted by a wandering cultivator or two.

the gates to the nightless city opened with a loud creak, a wandering cultivator passing by hid on instinct, but his hand went on his sword, resting on its handle. he could vaguely see a young man donned in gray, the golden outlines on his clothing as clear as day. the gates opened for him, and he entered as if he were the city's master.

the cultivator decided to investigate further. he hopped over the wall, keeping his eyes on the gray-dressed young man. he follows him; shadows him. he slips through open windows, dodging cultivators dressed in black. he could see the hallways that were once burned down, painted anew and rebuilt, with paintings depicting other historical images, completely replacing the history of the qishan wen clan.

torches lit the hallway, dousing each room, each walkway, in a crimson hue. the cultivator maneuvers through each hallway, keeping a safe distance from the gray cultivator.

after tailing him for a while, they arrived before a gigantic, wooden door. it was polished, carved with lotus and crow motifs. the doors opened as if for the cultivator in gray. the wandering cultivator managed to slip through before the doors would close right away.

the room was red, decorated in gold. chandeliers hung on the wall, bathing the whole room in a golden glow. a red carpet ran through the middle of the room, running until the very edge where a platform could be found. a golden throne sat in the center, behind it, a roaring, crimson flame.

sat upon the throne that once belonged to wen ruohan was a young man. he wore black, with intricate, gold designs. he sat lazily in the throne, listening to the crackling of the flames with closed eyes. whispers surrounded the room, shadows dancing in the corner of his eye. the wandering cultivator felt it — he could feel death.

"nie huaisang." the man on the throne spoke coldly.

the cultivator in gray kneeled, bowing his head towards the man on the throne. the man stands, walking down the platform, his long, black robes trailing behind him. he removed his right arm from his right sleeve, revealing a well-toned arm, burned horribly. his whole skin was dark, charred, covered with yellow talismans that seemingly acted like bandages.

he offers his arm towards the cultivator in gray. "stand." nie huaisang stands.

nie huaisang was the last person the wandering cultivator expected to see. the head-shaker. the clueless little clan leader of the qinghe nie clan. he barely contributed anything to the sunshot campaign. what was he doing in the nightless city? a city drowning in bloodshed, with ghosts of the pasts seeping through its cracks.

"how are the preparations?" the cultivator in black asked. he was someone the wandering cultivator couldn't identify until he revealed his burnt arm.

he was l/n y/n, head disciple of a small clan under the yunmeng jiang clan. during his youth, he accompanied jiang cheng and wei wuxian to the cloud recesses. he was an excellent student, with an admirable personality and the highest grades in their class. during the sunshot campaign, he became renowned for his swordsmanship and his contributions to the battlefield, where he had rid wen ruohan's eldest son of his head.

but during the climax of the battle, he was burned horribly by wen ruohan when he blocked an attack that was meant for lan wangji.

but what was happening now? why was he here, in the heart of the monster's den? all the torches were lit in the nightless city, as if he who sat upon the throne, planned on reviving the beast. what happened to the great cultivator who had ended the wen bloodline?

"preparations are almost complete. tomorrow, a banquet will be held at the fragrance hall in lanling. all the clan leaders and their eldest sons will be there." nie huaisang answers.

"and what of the gusu lan clan?" y/n asked.

"lan wangji will not be in attendance." nie huaisang replied. "but lan xichen and lan qiren will be attending."

y/n exhaled sharply. "good." he walks forward; with each step he took, the walls surrounding the throne room collapsed, more like burning, then collapsing into ashes. the nightless city outside of its windows burned brightly, each house illuminated with a red torch. nie huaisang tucks each hand into his sleeves as he follows after y/n.

"this world is unjust. this world took the most important people from me — my mother, my father..." y/n paused. "wei wuxian. i fear that if i do not do anything, this world will also take lan wangji from me."

nie huaisang placed a hand on y/n's shoulder. "then we will burn this whole world down. take what we are owed."

in the blink of an eye, the wandering cultivator was ensnared with a red aura that seemingly came out of nowhere. he was lifted up into the air before he slammed against the pillar. the red aura tightened around him, slowly taking the air out of his lungs. the wandering cultivator looks at y/n's black figure. he simply stares at him, eyes burning with an angry desire for vengeance.

"all must burn." y/n speaks, turning around as he walks back to his throne.

"all must burn." a group of cultivators, all dressed in black, came forth from the shadows.

"all must burn." they chanted as more and more cultivators came forth. they all surrounded the pillar where the cultivator was being held. they raised their hands towards the wandering cultivator.

"all must burn." they yelled, and suddenly, the pillar lit up on fire, burning the cultivator in the pillar.

y/n props. up an arm on the armrest before leaning his head on his hand. he watches the sacrificed cultivator burn, being melted into the pillar. he closed his eyes, listening to the choked screams of the wandering cultivator.

"all must burn." y/n whispered. "I will avenge you, a-xian, wangji."



all must burn!!!

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