Period On Tour {HSLOT} /blurb/

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This story contains: mentions of periods, crying

{ husband!harry - HSLOT Harry era }

word count: 1022

You stay in the dressing room while Harry preforms at his Dallas concert because your period is super painful. Afterwards, Harry takes you to tour bus and helps the pain go away.


Unfortunately you got your period the day of the Dallas show that your husband Harry was performing at. He told you that it was okay if you wanted to stay on the tour bus, but you insisted on staying inside the stadium and be there to support him. Even if you were in tremendous amounts of pain.

Everything was going well up until now, an hour before the show. Your cramps had been mediocre so far but they continuously get worse as the day falls to night and it's almost unbearable. If you were home right now, you know you'd be in bed with a heating pad and fluffy blankets, but you're thousands of miles away and are not able that amount of luxury.

As Harry continued doing some last minute touches to his appearance before he was set to go on stage, you laid in the fetal position on the small sofa in his dressing room, trying not to cry. Your uterus felt like it was being ripped out and you didn't want anyone to see you like this. You didn't want to have the whole of Harry's team knowing you're crying due to your period. It just felt personal and you were only comfortable being that vulnerable with Harry.

Minutes later when Harry was finished getting ready, he walked over to the couch and sat right on the edge. He ran his ringed hand down your arm soothingly and whispered, "You can go lay in our bed on the bus if you'd like. Promise I won't be mad. Just want you to be comfortable is all."

With a low voice, you replied, "I'll be fine in here. I want to be able to at least hear your voice and I can somewhat hear it from in here."

Knowing he can't persuade you to go onto the bus, Harry leant down and kissed your forehead. Then he said quietly, "Okay my love. Let me know if you need anything while I'm out there. You always come first. I love you."

"Love you too Harry and I'll come get you if anything becomes worse. Now go on, go on that stage and sing your heart out." you responded with a fake grin. Half of that was a lie. Of course you loved Harry but you probably wouldn't disrupt him on stage if you needed him. Not unless it was a life or death situation that was. Harry left to head to the stage and you continued to lay on the small sofa in his dressing room, trying to breath through the pain your period has caused.


Throughout Harry's concert, you had the worst time ever. You thought staying inside the stadium was a good idea so you could at least hear his beautiful voice since you didn't feel well enough to be physically in the crowd like you normally were. But what you figured out was that the loud sounds of all the instruments, mixed with their singing voices and the fans screams, they all gave you a throbbing headache. So a headache to go along with your already bad period cramps was not a good combo.


You had hot tears running down your face and you were having a hard time breathing due to the amount of pain you were in. Harry came into his dressing room when his concert was over and immediately rushed over to the couch where he could hear your whimpers. Normally after shows, his bandmates would follow him to his dressing room to hang out. But Harry already told them you weren't feeling too well so they knew not to come in tonight. He didn't share specifies as to why you were unwell, knowing you would have felt uncomfortable with them knowing you're on your period.

"Love, what's wrong? Shh, deep breaths darling. Need you to tell me what's wrong." Harry questioned out of breath from just having left the stage, and kneeled down beside you.

"It hurts so bad. My cramps and now my head hurts from the loud music and fans." you cried out.

Right before Harry stood to get changed out his sweaty outfit, he whispered so not to hurt your head, "It's gonna be alright. I'm gonna help the pain go away when we get into the bus. Just give me five minutes and we'll leave. Won't be long as it usually is."

Harry quickly changed into more casual wear and made sure to grab all his stuff, as well as any of your belongings. Then he took out his Green Bay Packers hoody and went back to the couch where you still laid. He helped you sit up and slid the hoody over your head carefully. Once you had his hoodie on, Harry slung his bags over his left shoulder and helped you up from the sofa and lifted you in his arms.

Harry left the dressing room if the Dallas stadium with you in his arms, on the way out to the tour bus. You had the hood of the hoodie over your face so people didn't see your teary eyes, but your face was already in the crease of Harry's neck so they wouldn't have seen your face anyways. Your arms and legs were wrapped around your husband's body securely. You felt better already, just from being in his hold.

On the bus, Harry plugged in your heating pad and ran to the mini kitchen to fetch you some pain medicine. Then once you were situated, he turned the back rooms lights out and left to take a quick shower because he still stank of sweat. And when he was all cleaned, Harry came to get into bed with you and the bus was off to the next city for the night.

Harry held you throughout the night and your cramps finally went away.

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