Breastfeeding at a Restaurant /blurb/

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AN: i've had this in my drafts for months and because this won the poll i did yesterday, i decided to give most of you what you wanted and finish it. hope you enjoy.

This story contains: breastfeeding, poopy diaper, fluff

{ husband!harry - dad!harry - softrry - current harry era }

word count: 1,089

At a restaurant having dinner with Harry's band mates and work partners, your baby girl starts whining due to being hungry and Harry takes you to the family restroom so you can breastfeed her in private.


You and Harry have a beautiful baby girl who just turned six months old. She has Harry's dimples and your eyes. A very quite baby as well, except for when she gets hungry for some of her mummy's milk and in that case, she can get pretty whiny. So as a mum, you gotta do what you gotta do when it comes to breastfeeding her in random places. And Harry is a big help when it comes to helping you get situated to breastfeed or to speak up when glaring eyes have an issue with you doing a natural thing such as feeding your daughter with a boob.


Harry invited you and your baby girl to come with him to a work dinner at a restaurant in downtown London. You were skeptical to bring a six month old baby to such a fancy restaurant but Harry told you that it would be fine. That she would most likely sleep the entire time in her little carrier. Plus, he secretly wanted to show you off because he's proud of his little family.

It was all going well until your daughter started waking up and whimpering as if she was hungry. You peeked into her baby carrier that sat on a chair beside you and then nervously turned to looked at Harry who's sat on the other side of where you're sitting. You tap your husbands shoulder and whisper quietly, "I think she's hungry babe, and I don't know what to do."

Harry stops mid conversation with one of his band members that sat across the table from him and turns to his right to look at you. "Huh, love?" he mutters, not fully having heard what you'd said to him.

"I said I think she's hungry." you repeat nervously. You hate that you interrupted Harry's conversation but this is quite urgent.

Harry's face falls to one of understanding then coos back an, "Oh, well come on. We'll take her to the family bathroom and you can feed her there." This is what you loved most about Harry. He didn't once hesitate to give you a solution to your problem and he also didn't hesitate to say he'd be joining you.

You unbuckle the straps that held your daughter in her seat and grabbed her diaper bag while Harry quietly announces to the table, "If you don't mind us, m'just gonna take these two to the bathroom and let our baby girl feed for a minute or two."

"Yeah man, no problem. Take your time." said Mitch who was sipping on his wine at the table. All of Harry's band mates and work partners understood his wife still breastfeed and that you needed to leave and feed her sometimes in public situations.

Harry stood up from his chair and led you towards the back of the restaurant where the family restroom is located. When you get there, you're thankful it's empty so you don't have to wait any amount of time. You all three step inside and Harry shuts and locks the door behind himself.

"Thank you, baby." you tell Harry as you hand him your whining baby so you can slip one of the straps off your dress and pull down one side of your nursing bra, exposing your enlarged breast.

Rocking your daughter back and forth to sooth her temporarily, Harry questions, "For what? I'm just doing m'job as a husband and a dad. Do anythin' to make sure you feel as comfortable as possible when feeding her. Would have let you feed her at the table if it was just us, but I know you'd have felt too uncomfortable with my work mates there watching."

You giggle knowing how right he is and take your baby back from him. Harry helps her find your exposed nipple and she latches on very quickly, beings her tiny tummy was so hungry. Now you just have to wait and let her eat as you hold her small body in a cradling position to your chest.

"Well, I'm glad you care so much. You make the best husband and baby daddy anyone could ever ask for." you reply and pucker your lips, leaning forward. Harry steps closer and tilts his head down to except your kissing offer. The kiss is no more then tiny pecks but they still send chills across your body. Then he backs away slightly but stays by your side, just watching your baby feed from her mother.

Your daughter continues to suck your nipple for a few minutes until she's milk drunk and dozing off to sleep on your tit. "Think she's finished." you inform your husband. Harry reaches down in her diaper bag and grabs her pink burping cloth. He folds it properly and places it on his right shoulder.

"Alright, m'love. I'll burp her while you get your top fixed properly." Harry says and carefully scoops up your half asleep baby from your arms. He situates her over his shoulder where the burping cloth is placed and begins to gently pat her small back. You wipe away some milk that dripped down your breast and cover yourself back up with your bra and the top of your dress.

Then out of the no where, an extra loud burp echos in the small restaurant bathroom and it has Harry and yourself busting out in laughter. "Woah there my little love, bet that felt so good to let out." Harry speaks to your baby in a playful voice.

By now you have yourself situated and ask Harry, "Does she need a changing before we head out?"

He takes the brave step of his fatherly duties and pushes his nose down towards your daughters bum, trying to get a whiff of a stinky stench. You don't even have to wait for him to respond before you know the answer because Harry quickly pulls his face away and makes fake gagging sounds with facial expressions of pure disgust.

You lift her from his shoulder and lay her on the changing table they supply at the restaurant before muttering, "I'm assuming that's a yes."

"Definitely a yes." Harry responds with no hesitation in his voice. He helps grab a clean diaper and wipes from her bag while you unbutton her onesie and undo her poopy diaper.


After you've changed your baby into a clean diaper and have breastfed her in the family bathroom of the restaurant, you all three walk out and head back over to your table where Harry's band mates and work partners await.

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