Wet Panties in Italy /blurb/

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AN: i started this right after these photos came out but have just now finished it. it's not really smut but talks about smutty topics. hope you enjoy.

This story contains: mentions of sex, wet panties, talks of leaking periods

{ husband!harry - softrry - no kids }

word count: 922

When Harry meets you in a coffee shop after his morning jog around Italy, the sight of him gets you turned on and your panties become wet in public.


You and Harry made the last minute decision to take a trip to Italy before the extremely busy week you're gonna have next week. Harry already has a house in Italy so there wasn't any hotel reservations needed and you knew it would be the perfect spot to spend some quality time together before all the chaos that'll start soon.


Today Harry decided to go for a jog on the streets of Italy. He wore a gray t-shirt with a pair of green and blue shorts that had accents of peach and gray colored squares. On his jog he met a few fans and graciously agreed to take photos with them. Then of course paparazzi just had to spot him and take his picture without his permission, though he technically doesn't have to give his permission.

At the end of his morning jog, Harry decided to walk the quarter of a mile to the coffee shop where he was meeting you for breakfast. You were already there waiting on his arrival. Luckily the coffee shop was in a discreet place so paparazzi would have trouble finding it.

Minutes go by as you wait for your husband in a little booth in the back corner of the coffee shop. Then the minute you get distracted with something on your phone, you get startled by a deep voice. You quickly look up from your phone to see Harry had made it. He steps up to you and bends down, asking for a kiss.

Without hesitation, you lean up and peck his rosy lips, tasting a bit of sweat that had accumulated on his cupids bow but don't mind the salty taste. Harry goes to sit in the booth seat in front of you after the quick kiss and that allows you a clear view of your husband in front of you for the first time today.

Fuck, Harry just looked so good in his workout outfit. The Italy sun has really made his skin golden in color and the clip and bandana in his hair was the cherry on top. "You're staring," Harry chuckles, "do I have dirt on my face or somethin'?"

Shaking your head, you reply, "Um, no. No you don't. Just, you look really sexy is all."

Harry gasps and states, "Sexy like this? All sweaty from my jog? I'm all smelly and gross."

"No you do not, babe. Anyways, I ordered you a smoothie. I would have got you a coffee but I know you just jogged for an hour so I didn't think a coffee would be good for your tummy." you tell and then change the subject, trying to get yourself under control.

Harry sits there in 'awe'. His wonderful wife is just so thoughtful he thinks to himself. He swears he falls in love with you more and more as each day passes. He grabs the smoothie on the table and takes a sip of it. "Woah, that's delicious, m'love. Thank you." Harry coos to you.

Your little morning coffee shop date continues as you sip your drinks and chat about things every married couple chats about. But in the back of your mind, you couldn't stop thinking about how fine your husband was sitting in front of you. He quite literally has your pussy throbbing.

Not just throbbing though. You suddenly feel yourself getting wet. And you know for a fact it's not your period because you've just had your period last week. You don't mind getting wet for Harry but you're in a public place and as soon as you leave the coffee shop, you're sure paparazzi will be following you and you'd rather not have them get a photo of a wet patch on your backside.

"Um Harry, do you think we could hurry this up and leave?" you question Harry.

He looks at you with a confused face before asking, "Why, not feeling well all the sudden?" You were just talking and laughing together so Harry is very confused as to why you're wanting to leave all the sudden.

Leaning over the table so no one else hears, you whisper, "No, I'm leaking in my panties." Harry's eyes bug out but not for the reason you think. He thinks you started your period and need to rush home to take care of it. Even though he knows you had it last week, he's not thinking logically right now.

Leaning in just as you were, Harry mutters lowly, "You got your period?" When you look at his face, you see nothing but concern and then feel bad for making him worry. You may not want to be leaking arousal in your underwear right now because you're in public, but you'd take that any day over leaking blood.

With a slight laugh, you reply, "No silly, I'm getting wet. You look so fucking hot that I'm getting turned on and I'm dripping in my panties."

Realization clicks in Harry's head before a cheeky smile appears on his face, showing off his dimples. Times like this he gets really cocky and his ego skyrockets. "Well, we better leave now then. Gotta get you home to take care of your problem don't we?" You nod aggressively and pick up your coffee before standing on shaky legs. Then side be side you walk out the small coffee shop.


After the uncomfortable walk back to Harry's home in Italy due to your soaked panties, your husband sets you up on the kitchen countertop and wastes no time in taking care of your aching, wet pussy.

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