Fire on Fire?!

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Kira's POV (this takes place 10 years ago)
*most of the story will be from Kira's POV*

I was sitting at the kitchen table eating a late lunch when the front door opened. I looked up to see my mom walk through. She looked like she always did but something was off, besides the fact that she was home early.

"Mom?" I said as she walked over to the table and placed down her stuff as well as a couple files. She looked at me and smiled. "Mom is everything ok? You're home early."
She walked over and placed her hand on my shoulder, "Everything is ok. It's just this case I'm working." I looked up at her then grabbed the files.

My little sister Anna and I loved to help our mom with cases and she never really minded us looking at them. She always gave me or my siblings credit if we helped. As if on cue, Anna came running down the stairs with our big brother Dylan not far behind,
I opened the file.
Name: Seth Revaras
Age: 18
Height: 5'7
Gender: Male
Wanted for murder, arson, and assault.

We all read the file and looked at each other then back at mom. "If this guy is setting fires and killing people why haven't they arrested him?" Anna asked.

I tried to grab the second file on the table but Mom stopped me. "You don't need to see that one, kiddos, and to answer your question we don't have enough evidence to arrest him." She closed the file I had in front of me then placed them back on the table. "Now where are Liam and Carter?"

I went to answer but Dylan beat me to it, "They are over at a friend's house. They asked Dad before he went to work." Mom looked at Dylan then just went on with it "Ok, has everyone eaten." We nodded our heads and with that I stood up to clean my plate and Anna went back up stairs. I sat back looking through Dylan's old exam book for the Fire Academy along with a Paramedic's exam book, and Dylan headed for the door to grab his coat and keys.

Dylan's POV

As I was grabbing my things I heard a car go speeding by. That wasn't really unusual but as I went to open the door a loud shattering sound was heard. I looked back at my mom and sister then went to see what fell. Our kitchen and living room are conjoined and have fairly large windows. When I walked into the room, one of the windows was shattered and in the middle of the broken glass was a brick.

"Mom, someone threw a brick into the house!" I yelled. Next thing I knew Kira was standing next to me holding a bag as she moved the glass off the brick and picked it up, using the bag as a glove. "Burn Bitch Burn" Kira whispered, showing it to me. Kira looked up at me worried. We looked out our now broken window when we heard a car spending by again.

I saw two boys, maybe 18-19 at best. Then I saw the guns. I went to grab my sister but she had seen them and ran to our mom. I looked out one last time before making my way quickly over to them but before I could they opened fire. Mom had stood waiting for a shot when everything started but when it was over mom was on the floor bleeding.

Kira and I kneeled on either side of her. None of us had really been hidden or even protected very well. I looked to the stairs to see Anna standing at the bottom. She heard everything but I don't know how much she had seen. I don't think she could see mom with Kira hovering over her. I looked Kira in the eyes then over to Anna. She nodded and I stood up, walked over to Anna, and took her back upstairs.

Kira's POV

I heard the stairs creak and when Dylan looked up I knew Anna was there. Mom was still breathing.  She had taken a bullet to the shoulder  when I  heard a car come speeding by again and could not believe it when they opened fire on us for the second time. Mom had managed to stand up slightly and return fire. I don't know if she hit anyone, but one of them hit her again. This time it was straight to the chest. She fell back into me not moving.

"Dylan!!" I yelled. I reached down into my pocket and grabbed my phone. Dylan crouched down beside me and took over applying pressure. I tried to unlock my phone but it didn't work. I tried again and again till my hands started shaking. Dylan turned to see me shaking and grabbed my hands with one of his. "Breathe ok, just breathe. Good? Now get a towel, dry your hands, then give me some towels as well." I got to my knees and pulled myself over to where our towels were. I did as he said. I dried my hands and cleaned some of the blood off my arms, then tossed the towels over to Dylan.

I watched Dylan place the towels against mom's chest and shoulder. I looked at him in shock still but grabbed my phone and called Dad.

Dad: Hello
Kira: Dad!? We need help now please just hurry!?!
Dad: Kira slow down. What happened?!
Kira: It's mom. She's been shot!
Dad: I'm on my way!?

I looked up at Dylan. His face turned from shocked to scared or sad. I crawled back over to him and placed a hand on his back. "Dad's coming." I said at a whisper. He looked up at me then his eyes darted to my arm. "You're bleeding." I looked down to see the blood trailing down my arm. "It's nothing. I'll live." I reassured him. We heard a car and we both froze.

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