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Anna's POV

...Rick?! He's voice lingered in my head, I had froze I could feel his breath on my shoulder. He pressed himself against my back, his breath reeked of booze. I felt his hand trace down my back. I could hear other girls in the bathroom till the door opened and it was just us.

His hand tightened around my neck as he turn me around to face him, "You stay out of mine and your sisters business because if you don't then we'll have a problem!" Rick hissed in my face. I couldn't speak or move, I felt multiple sharp jolts to my side. When he stopped he let go of my neck and I dropped to the floor holding my side crying. The stall door slammed closed causing me to jump. I stayed kneeled over in the stall for some time when the bathroom door opened again. I froze, afraid he was back, "Anna!? Are you ok it's been 20 minutes?" Kira said while knocking on each stall door till she opened the one I was in. "Anna!" She fell to her knees beside me, her arms wrapped around me.

"Can we just leave now? Please." I mumbled through tears. She let me go, locked the stall door, and grabbed her bag. She pulled out a navy long-sleeved cpd shirt and handed it to me. "Here put this on. I usually stay out till morning and catch a ride to 51 but we're not staying tonight." My side hurt badly and was bleeding slightly. "Why do you like him...Rick? Maybe you can hide it from dad and everyone else but he did this and he does it to you. You haven't been distant because of mom have you?" She looked up at me for a second then turned around and removed her loose knit shirt off. The back of the shirt was a tighter knit unlike the front and as she removed it you could see the bruising along her back and part of her ribs. "You have to tell someone Kira. Nights like these aren't fun there painful." I said as she quickly pulled on a grey long-sleeved cfd shirt.

Kira's POV

I handed Anna a sweatshirt and took mine out as well. Once we put them on I stood up and unlocked the door then turned to help Anna up. As we left the bathroom I wrapped my arm around Anna's waist while her arm wrapped around my neck. We walked through the crowd together and out the door. The cabin wasn't very close to the road so we had a pretty long walk. I took out my phone once we could see the road and called for a taxi. "Fire House 51, please" I said as I closed the car door.

The drive was long and I sat there glancing between my sister and out the window. We sat in silence, not even the driver spoke or played music, my hand rested on Anna's leg for the whole drive. "Where here, that will be $20.25" the driver broke the silence which kind of made me jump. I opened the door and we got out then handed him $30, "keep the change, have a good night" I said as I turned to follow Anna. "Have a good night as well ladies" I heard the driver say as she pulled away.

We walked into 51 together, the rigs where all out so we just sat in the common room together. It wasn't long till everyone came back. Lieutenant Casey and Severide came in and waved at us followed by everyone else till Dylan came in. He looked at us worried but came up and hugged us both. I hugged him slightly but Anna just kept her arms crossed over her stomach. "I know I usually come by in the morning but surprise!" I said letting a smile creep over my face. "Everything ok Sanchez?" We turned to see Chief Boden in the doorway. I felt Anna grab my wrist, I don't think she intended to hurt me but made me wince. "Kira?!" Boden and Dylan said in unison. I shook it off and removed Anna's hand quickly, "I'm fine, honestly" I said not very convincingly, "Just..." I turned to see Dawson and Shay walk in, "Gabby! Can we talk." I think I scared her a little bit but she smiled and nodded. I gently hugged Dylan then followed Gabby out leaving Anna with him.

"What's up?" She said as we walked into the conference room.

"I've been meaning to ask about getting an updated version of the Paramedics book or just advise. I'm not 100% sure on it but I think it's time I picked up my studies again." I said as I sat down.

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