Leave Me Alone

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Liam's POV

It's been almost a year since mom passed, almost everyone was pretty much back to a simi normal, and by almost I mean the men of the house. Kira and Anna have almost seemed to disappear, they only come out to eat and even then they never speak. Carter and I had just gotten the letter saying that we passed the Firefighter exams. We were to start at the end of the week and both report to 62. Dad figured that we could learn the basics from him and Dylan then after a couple months have us transferred out. Dylan still worked out at 51 and seemed pretty happy about where he was. Some of mom's old units would still call or come by to check in on us, they were family just like 62 and 51 are. Mom's partner, Lisa Knight, had stopped by many times mainly to check in on us like everyone else but occasionally she'd bring her daughters over. Lisa worked undercover cases a lot and depending on the length of the cases she'd bring Mia and Ivy over.

I heard a knock at the door so I went and opened it. "Hey Aunt Lisa," I hugged her then crouched down to be eye level with Mia and Ivy, "and hello you two." I stepped back to let them in. "Kira and Anna are upstairs if you want to go see them" I said to the two little girls. I watched as Mia guided Ivy to the stairs and up. "Mia's gotten so big, so has Ivy, where did all that time go?" I said walking over to the kitchen with Lisa close behind. "I know, it seems like just yesterday I was coming home with Mia and now Ivy." I heard Lisa say as she sat down. "Hey um...I was wondering if maybe you could possibly talk to Kira and Anna? We've all tried but nothing is helping. They've become more distant. You can see a difference when Mia and Ivy are around but it's not the same. The little sisters I knew would talk to someone and not ball everything up. I know Kira always talked with mom when things were wrong but now that she's gone she doesn't talk anymore, to make it worse she drug Anna down with her. Anna was doing good till they both went out partying. I never should have let them go, they told me they were leaving and I let them." I spoke softly.

Lisa's POV

"Liam, you can't blame yourself for what they did, whether you knew or not. I honestly believe they are trying to be the best they can be. You guys lost your mother and each of you chose different coping methods, yes some better than others. I can try to talk to them but I can't promise the results your looking for." I said as Liam was cleaning dishes. "I understand that and that is all I'm asking is for someone to try because no one else is getting through." He said setting the last dish in the drying rack.

I had plenty of time to go talk to them before I had to leave for work so I got up and headed for the stairs. As I approached the stairs I heard giggles and laughter, I took in that wonderful sound that I knew was a mixture of both my kids, Kira, and Anna. "Haven't heard them laugh in ages. If you talking to them doesn't work then we might keep Mia and Ivy." I heard Liam say behind me. "Then let's hope me talking to them works." I said as I ascended the stairs.

Anna's POV (two hours earlier)

We had come home about 4am, we went straight to the showers, I could see the bruising along my wrists and stomach. Rick wasn't getting any better but if we left or stopped attending his parties we knew things would get worse. I had managed to get out of going once but it only made things worse for Kira. I stood in the shower just letting the water fall down my body, the water alone felt like a blanket of comfort after last night. I finished my shower, dried off then grabbed my leggings and sweatshirt, and walked to Kira's room. She had just finished as well and was sitting on her bed, her legs folded up to her chest. I walked over to her wrapping my arms around her, she lifted her head to look at me and you could see her black eye. She was struggling between Rick and just a normal life, she was constantly covering up the pain but you could see a breaking point was starting to show. "I know it's not the best idea to leave him but can't we ask for help? We have cops that we trust, moms whole unit would back us." I said carefully squeezing my sister as tears slowly spilled down her face and mine. She looked back at me then at the mirror in front of us, "You heard him, even if we said something he knows where we live we're everyone works."

We sat there in silence till 5am, Dad's, Liam's, and Carter's alarms were going off and soon after the front door opened. We both quickly got up and wiped the tears away, Kira moved over to her makeup stand and started coving her black eye, I hated watching her cover the bruises even though I did the same. We could hear the showers turn on and Dylan walking around downstairs. After about 20 minutes there was a knock at the door, everyday before Dad left he came and knocked on our doors to say good morning and that he was leaving. We heard the front door opened again and dad was gone, this repeated a second time as Carter said bye then closed the door. Liam was always the last to leave, he never really knew if we were home or awake but he stayed behind making us breakfast then leaving. The door opened again and we could hear Liam talking to someone and after a few minutes two little girls could be heard laughing and coming up the stairs.

There was a soft knock at the door as I got up and opened it, behind the door stood Mia and Ivy, Mia quickly ran into the room and up on the bed. I watched her and smiled with a little laugh as I bent down and picked Ivy up closing the door with my foot. Kira was still working on her makeup but by the time the girls came in her eye was covered.

Kira's POV

Anna was playing with Mia while I watched Ivy in the mirror, I was working on my makeup when I heard Ivy's sweet little voice behind me, "Why do you wear makeup sis? Your already pretty." I slowly lowered my hand setting the brush on the table and turned to her, "Well...um...I guess I just like to wear makeup." The little 3 year old just looked up at me, I picked her up carefully, ignoring the sharp pain in my side, and placed her on my lap. She started playing with the different brushes while I finished my makeup. I picked Ivy up again and stood up walking over to the bed where Mia and Anna were sitting playing with some toys. We always loved when Aunt Lisa came by with them, this usually meant we got to keep them all day because Uncle Daniel was on shift and Aunt Lisa had some undercover job or just long day. We really had to watch what we said whenever the girls came over, Mia had turned 8 a couple months ago and Ivy turned 3 soon after. Ivy had started a giggle fest while playing with her toys which had Anna and Mia laughing and joking around, I joined in a little till the pain was too much at that point, even Anna had slowed down some.

After a few minutes the giggle fest had calmed down, there was another knock on the door, "Hey Kira, it's Aunt Lisa, I was wondering if I could talk to you and Anna for a couple minutes." I heard from the other side of the door, I could see Anna watching me from the corner of the door. I got up with Ivy on my hip and opened the door, Lisa greeted me with a smile and a hug, I felt my body freeze for a minute then hugged her back. "Hey Mia, Ivy, why don't we go downstairs and raid the candy bag." I heard Liam say from behind Lisa, Mia quickly got up a ran out the door, Ivy started wiggling in my arms which honestly didn't feel great so I set her down and she followed her sister. Liam smiled at us and followed the girls down, I stepped aside letting Lisa into my room then closed the door. "What do you want to talk about?" I said softly as I sat on the bed beside Anna.

"Look I'm here as a friend not a cop. I just want to check in and see how your both doing? Your family is worried about you guys. You haven't spoken much to any of them and your constantly running off at night and not coming home till morning. This isn't like you." She said softly to us placing her hands on our knees. I pulled my leg away from her resting it against my chest, "We're..." I started as my phone buzzed, I glanced at the caller ID 'Rick'.


I hope you enjoying this story, your support really does help me have that feeling of continuing this story.
These characters are currently at the ages of:
Liam and Carter- 19

The drawing for this chapter is one I did so yeah. It also shows what the Sanchez kids look like.
Again really hope your enjoying this. More to come soon. Will the truth come out or will something terrible happen?

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